Undefined reference to `ParMETIS_V3_PartMeshKway'
#include <iostream>
#include "parmetis.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
int np = 3; int ne = 36;
idx_t *elmdist = new idx_t[np+1]; for (int i=0; i<np+1; i++) {elmdist[i] = (i-1)*ne/np;} elmdist[np] = ne;
idx_t *eptr = new idx_t[ne+1]; for (int i=0; i<ne+1; i++) {eptr[i] = (i-1)*3;}
idx_t eind_[] = {13, 14, 15,
13, 16, 17,
2, 17, 6,
4, 15, 10,
13, 15, 19,
13, 17, 18,
13, 19, 16,
13, 18, 14,
1, 5, 16,
3, 9, 14,
7, 8, 18,
11, 12, 19,
1, 20, 12,
3, 21, 8,
7, 18, 23,
11, 19, 22,
2, 23, 17,
4, 22, 15,
14, 25, 15,
16, 24, 17,
15, 22, 19,
17, 23, 18,
1, 16, 20,
3, 14, 21,
5, 24, 16,
9, 25, 14,
16, 19, 20,
14, 18, 21,
6, 17, 24,
10, 15, 25,
5, 6, 24,
9, 10, 25,
8, 21, 18,
12, 20, 19,
2, 7, 23,
4, 11, 22};
idx_t *eind = eind_;
idx_t *elmwgt = NULL;
idx_t wgtflag_[] = {0};
idx_t *wgtflag = wgtflag_;
idx_t numflag_[] = {0};
idx_t *numflag = numflag_;
idx_t ncon_[] = {1};
idx_t *ncon = ncon_;
idx_t ncommonnodes_[] = {2};
idx_t *ncommonnodes = ncommonnodes_;
idx_t nparts_[] = {np};
idx_t *nparts = nparts_;
real_t *tpwgts = new real_t[np*ncon[0]]; for(int i=0; i<np*ncon[0]; i++) {tpwgts[i] = 1.0/np;}
real_t ubvec_[] = {1.05};
real_t *ubvec = ubvec_;
idx_t options_[] ={0, 0, 0};
idx_t *options =options_;
idx_t *edgecut=NULL;
idx_t *part=NULL;
MPI_Comm *comm=NULL;
ParMETIS_V3_PartMeshKway(elmdist, eptr, eind, elmwgt, wgtflag, numflag, ncon, ncommonnodes, nparts, tpwgts, ubvec, options, edgecut, part, comm);
return 0;
在 allmet 中,我插入了 metis 和 parmetis 中的所有文件。
尝试使用带有 g++ 编译器的 OpenMPI 进行编译:
mpicxx -I path/allmet/include -L path/allmet/lib par.cpp
undefined reference to `ParMETIS_V3_PartMeshKway'
使用 cmake:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.9)
project (MetisTest)
include_directories(SYSTEM ${MPI_INCLUDE_PATH})
add_executable(metisTest par.cpp)
target_link_libraries(metisTest ${MPI_C_LIBRARIES})
undefined reference to `ParMETIS_V3_PartMeshKway'
in function `MPI::Intracomm::Intracomm()':
undefined reference to `MPI::Comm::Comm()'
那我能做什么? Metis 工作完美,但使用 parmetis 我无能为力。
Ubuntu 18.10,海湾合作委员会 8.2.0。
您还需要link对抗 Parmetis 本身:
target_link_libraries(metisTest ${MPI_C_LIBRARIES} ${MPI_CXX_LIBRARIES} ${PARMETIS_LIBS})
mpicxx -Ipath/allmet/include -Lpath/allmet/lib -lparmetis -lmetis par.cpp
#include <iostream>
#include "parmetis.h"
int main(int argc, char **argv)
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
int np = 3; int ne = 36;
idx_t *elmdist = new idx_t[np+1]; for (int i=0; i<np+1; i++) {elmdist[i] = (i-1)*ne/np;} elmdist[np] = ne;
idx_t *eptr = new idx_t[ne+1]; for (int i=0; i<ne+1; i++) {eptr[i] = (i-1)*3;}
idx_t eind_[] = {13, 14, 15,
13, 16, 17,
2, 17, 6,
4, 15, 10,
13, 15, 19,
13, 17, 18,
13, 19, 16,
13, 18, 14,
1, 5, 16,
3, 9, 14,
7, 8, 18,
11, 12, 19,
1, 20, 12,
3, 21, 8,
7, 18, 23,
11, 19, 22,
2, 23, 17,
4, 22, 15,
14, 25, 15,
16, 24, 17,
15, 22, 19,
17, 23, 18,
1, 16, 20,
3, 14, 21,
5, 24, 16,
9, 25, 14,
16, 19, 20,
14, 18, 21,
6, 17, 24,
10, 15, 25,
5, 6, 24,
9, 10, 25,
8, 21, 18,
12, 20, 19,
2, 7, 23,
4, 11, 22};
idx_t *eind = eind_;
idx_t *elmwgt = NULL;
idx_t wgtflag_[] = {0};
idx_t *wgtflag = wgtflag_;
idx_t numflag_[] = {0};
idx_t *numflag = numflag_;
idx_t ncon_[] = {1};
idx_t *ncon = ncon_;
idx_t ncommonnodes_[] = {2};
idx_t *ncommonnodes = ncommonnodes_;
idx_t nparts_[] = {np};
idx_t *nparts = nparts_;
real_t *tpwgts = new real_t[np*ncon[0]]; for(int i=0; i<np*ncon[0]; i++) {tpwgts[i] = 1.0/np;}
real_t ubvec_[] = {1.05};
real_t *ubvec = ubvec_;
idx_t options_[] ={0, 0, 0};
idx_t *options =options_;
idx_t *edgecut=NULL;
idx_t *part=NULL;
MPI_Comm *comm=NULL;
ParMETIS_V3_PartMeshKway(elmdist, eptr, eind, elmwgt, wgtflag, numflag, ncon, ncommonnodes, nparts, tpwgts, ubvec, options, edgecut, part, comm);
return 0;
在 allmet 中,我插入了 metis 和 parmetis 中的所有文件。 尝试使用带有 g++ 编译器的 OpenMPI 进行编译:
mpicxx -I path/allmet/include -L path/allmet/lib par.cpp
undefined reference to `ParMETIS_V3_PartMeshKway'
使用 cmake:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8.9)
project (MetisTest)
include_directories(SYSTEM ${MPI_INCLUDE_PATH})
add_executable(metisTest par.cpp)
target_link_libraries(metisTest ${MPI_C_LIBRARIES})
undefined reference to `ParMETIS_V3_PartMeshKway'
in function `MPI::Intracomm::Intracomm()':
undefined reference to `MPI::Comm::Comm()'
和许多其他人 那我能做什么? Metis 工作完美,但使用 parmetis 我无能为力。 Ubuntu 18.10,海湾合作委员会 8.2.0。
您还需要link对抗 Parmetis 本身:
target_link_libraries(metisTest ${MPI_C_LIBRARIES} ${MPI_CXX_LIBRARIES} ${PARMETIS_LIBS})
mpicxx -Ipath/allmet/include -Lpath/allmet/lib -lparmetis -lmetis par.cpp