我如何用 Alamofire 解码这个 json?

How can I decode this json with Alamofire?

我只想打印键 "User_number"

     "User_fullname": null,
     "User_sheba": null,
     "User_modifiedAT": "2019-01-31T18:37:02.716Z",
     "_id": "5c53404e91fc822c80e75d23",
     "User_number": "9385969339",
     "User_code": "45VPMND"

我想这是一些 JSON Data 格式

let data = Data("""
[ { "User_fullname": null, "User_sheba": null, "User_modifiedAT": "2019-01-31T18:37:02.716Z", "_id": "5c53404e91fc822c80e75d23", "User_number": "9385969339", "User_code": "45VPMND" } ]

一种方法是使用 SwiftyJSON 库,但是,我不建议这样做,因为您可以使用 Codable.

所以,首先你需要符合 Decodable 的自定义结构(注意这些 CodingKeys 在这里是为了将 json 中对象的键更改为 属性 的名称你的结构)

struct User: Decodable {

    let fullname, sheba: String? // these properties can be `nil`
    let modifiedAt, id, number, code: String // note that all your properties are actually `String` or `String?`

    enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
        case fullname = "User_fullname"
        case sheba = "User_sheba"
        case modifiedAt = "User_modifiedAT"
        case id = "_id"
        case number = "User_number"
        case code = "User_code"

然后使用 JSONDecoder

解码您的 json
do {
    let users = try JSONDecoder().decode([User].self, from: data)
} catch { print(error) }

所以,现在您已经 Data 解码为自定义模型的数组。所以如果你想,你可以得到某些 User 和它的 number 属性

let user = users[0]
let number = user.number

以下代码接受 Data 并将 "User_number" 保存为 Int

if let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: Data!, options: []) as! NSDictionary {
    let User_number= json["User_number"] as! Int