如何在 SymPy 中无限制地集成?

How to integrate without limits in SymPy?

我被要求 p(x) = 2ax^2 - b 并要求集成它两次,但我没有限制。但是,当我只使用integrate时,我没有给出积分常数,这对下一步至关重要。

因为我没有限制,所以使用 scipy.integrate.dblquad 没有用。相反,我从 SymPy 导入 integrate 并进行两个单独的积分。这是我的:

from sympy import integrate

x = Symbol('x')
a = 240
b = 160

f = 2*a*x**2 - b

g = integrate(f) 

h = integrate(g)


g = 160*x**3 - 80*x**2 + C
h = 40*x**4 - 80*x**2 + Cx + c

其中 Cc 是积分常数。我的代码目前生成没有常量的方程式。


Note that SymPy does not include the constant of integration. If you want it, you can add one yourself, or rephrase your problem as a differential equation and use dsolve to solve it, which does add the constant (see Solving Differential Equations).
