ocaml 教学语言,从静态范围切换到动态范围

ocaml didactic language, switching from static to dynamic scoping

我有一段 ocaml 代码,其中用静态范围定义了一种小型语言,我需要更改该语言以便将范围评估为动态范围,但我真的不知道该怎么做它。 我是否必须实现一些堆栈之王来跟踪每个函数环境?


 type ide = string;;
type exp = Eint of int | Ebool of bool | Den of ide | Prod of exp * exp | Sum of exp * exp | Diff of exp * exp |
    Eq of exp * exp | Minus of exp | IsZero of exp | Or of exp * exp | And of exp * exp | Not of exp |
    Ifthenelse of exp * exp * exp | Let of ide * exp * exp | Fun of ide * exp | FunCall of exp * exp |
    Letrec of ide * exp * exp| Estring of string |Dict of (ide * exp) list | Read of ide * exp |Rm of exp * ide 
    |Add of ide * exp * exp | Clear of exp | Applyover of exp * exp | RemPos of exp * int;;

type 't env = ide -> 't;;
let emptyenv (v : 't) = function x -> v;;
let applyenv (r : 't env) (i : ide) = r i;;
let bind (r : 't env) (i : ide) (v : 't) = function x -> if x = i then v else applyenv r x;;

type evT = Int of int | Bool of bool | String of string | Unbound | FunVal of evFun | Valdict of (ide * evT) list | 

RecFunVal of ide * evFun
and evFun = ide * exp * evT env 

(*type checking*)
let typecheck (s : string) (v : evT) : bool = match s with
    "int" -> (match v with
        Int(_) -> true |
        _ -> false) |
    "bool" -> (match v with
        Bool(_) -> true |
        _ -> false) |
    _ -> failwith("not a valid type");;

(*primitive functions*)
let prod x y = if (typecheck "int" x) && (typecheck "int" y)
    then (match (x,y) with
        (Int(n),Int(u)) -> Int(n*u))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let sum x y = if (typecheck "int" x) && (typecheck "int" y)
    then (match (x,y) with
        (Int(n),Int(u)) -> Int(n+u))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let diff x y = if (typecheck "int" x) && (typecheck "int" y)
    then (match (x,y) with
        (Int(n),Int(u)) -> Int(n-u))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let eq x y = if (typecheck "int" x) && (typecheck "int" y)
    then (match (x,y) with
        (Int(n),Int(u)) -> Bool(n=u))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let minus x = if (typecheck "int" x) 
    then (match x with
        Int(n) -> Int(-n))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let iszero x = if (typecheck "int" x)
    then (match x with
        Int(n) -> Bool(n=0))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let vel x y = if (typecheck "bool" x) && (typecheck "bool" y)
    then (match (x,y) with
        (Bool(b),Bool(e)) -> (Bool(b||e)))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let et x y = if (typecheck "bool" x) && (typecheck "bool" y)
    then (match (x,y) with
        (Bool(b),Bool(e)) -> Bool(b&&e))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let non x = if (typecheck "bool" x)
    then (match x with
        Bool(true) -> Bool(false) |
        Bool(false) -> Bool(true))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let rec eval (e : exp) (r : evT env) : evT = match e with
    Eint n -> Int n |
    Ebool b -> Bool b |
    Estring s-> String s| 
    IsZero a -> iszero (eval a r) |
    Den i -> applyenv r i |
    Eq(a, b) -> eq (eval a r) (eval b r) |
    Prod(a, b) -> prod (eval a r) (eval b r) |
    Sum(a, b) -> sum (eval a r) (eval b r) |
    Diff(a, b) -> diff (eval a r) (eval b r) |
    Minus a -> minus (eval a r) |
    And(a, b) -> et (eval a r) (eval b r) |
    Or(a, b) -> vel (eval a r) (eval b r) |
    Not a -> non (eval a r) |
    Ifthenelse(a, b, c) -> 
        let g = (eval a r) in
            if (typecheck "bool" g) 
                then (if g = Bool(true) then (eval b r) else (eval c r))
                else failwith ("nonboolean guard") |
    Let(i, e1, e2) -> eval e2 (bind r i (eval e1 r)) |

  Dict (list) -> let rec evalist (l : (ide * exp) list) : (ide * evT)list = 
          match l with
          |(key,value)::xs -> (key, (eval value r)):: evalist xs in
            Valdict (evalist list)|
  Read (key,dict)-> 
    let evaldict= eval dict r in
    (match evaldict with 
      Valdict v -> let rec isIn (k: ide) (d : (ide * evT) list): evT= 
        match d with
          []-> Unbound
        | (k1,v1)::xs-> if (k=k1) then v1  else isIn k xs 
        in isIn key v
            |_-> failwith ("Not a Dictionary")) |

  Add (key,value, dict)-> 
    (match eval dict r with 
    Valdict v -> Valdict ((key,(eval value r))::v)  
        |_-> failwith ("Not a Dictionary")) |

     ( match eval dict r with 
      Valdict v -> let rec rem (k: ide) (d : (ide * evT) list) : (ide * evT)list= 
        match d with
          []-> []
                | (k1,v1)::xs-> if (k=k1) then xs else (k1,v1)::(rem k xs) 
                            in Valdict (rem key v)
            |_-> failwith ("Not a Dictionary")) |

    Clear (dict)-> 
    ( match eval dict r with 
        Valdict v -> let c (d : (ide * evT) list) : (ide * evT)list= []
                                in Valdict (c v)
        |_-> failwith ("Not a Dictionary")) |

    Applyover (funz,dict) -> 
        let a= eval funz r in
        let b= eval dict r in
        (match a,b with 
        FunVal (arg, fBody, fDecEnv), Valdict(dlist) ->  
                let rec apply (f: ide * exp * evT env )(d : (ide * evT) list) : (ide * evT) list = 
                match d with 
                |(k1,v1)::xs-> if (typecheck "int" v1) then (k1, (eval fBody (bind fDecEnv arg v1))):: (apply f xs)
                                                else (k1,v1)::apply f xs in
                                Valdict (apply (arg, fBody, fDecEnv) dlist)
        |   _ -> failwith("Not a Dictionary")) |

    RemPos (dict, pos)->
    ( match eval dict r with 
          Valdict v -> let rec rem (pos: int) (curr : int) (d : (ide * evT) list) : (ide * evT)list= 
        match d with
          []-> []
          | (k1,v1)::xs-> if (curr=pos) then xs else (k1,v1)::(rem pos (curr+1) xs) 
               in Valdict (rem pos 0 v)
       |_-> failwith ("Not a Dictionary")) |

    Fun(i, a) -> FunVal(i, a, r) |
    FunCall(f, eArg) -> 
    let fClosure = (eval f r) in
        (match fClosure with
            FunVal(arg, fBody, fDecEnv) -> 
                eval fBody (bind fDecEnv arg (eval eArg r)) |
            RecFunVal(g, (arg, fBody, fDecEnv)) -> 
                let aVal = (eval eArg r) in
                    let rEnv = (bind fDecEnv g fClosure) in
                        let aEnv = (bind rEnv arg aVal) in
                            eval fBody aEnv |
            _ -> failwith("non functional value")) |
            Letrec(f, funDef, letBody) ->
                    (match funDef with
                            Fun(i, fBody) -> let r1 = (bind r f (RecFunVal(f, (i, fBody, r)))) in
                                                                                         eval letBody r1 |
                            _ -> failwith("non functional def"));;


let env0 = emptyenv Unbound;; 

print_string("create dictionary");;
let dict =  Dict ([("age",Eint 23);("Name", Estring "Mike");("idnumber", Eint 123); ("City", Estring "London")]);;
eval dict env0;;


let rec eval (e : exp) (r : evT env) : evT = match e with...

and/or 在 main 中添加一些新环境?





我将在此处添加完整的修改代码(按照 IVG 的建议)

type ide = string;;
type exp = Eint of int | Ebool of bool | Den of ide | Prod of exp * exp | Sum of exp * exp | Diff of exp * exp |
    Eq of exp * exp | Minus of exp | IsZero of exp | Or of exp * exp | And of exp * exp | Not of exp |
    Ifthenelse of exp * exp * exp | Let of ide * exp * exp | Fun of ide * exp | FunCall of exp * exp |
    Letrec of ide * exp * exp| Estring of string |Dict of (ide * exp) list | Read of ide * exp |Rm of exp * ide 
    |Add of ide * exp * exp | Clear of exp | Applyover of exp * exp | RemPos of exp * int;;

type 't env = ide -> 't;;
let emptyenv (v : 't) = function x -> v;;
let empty (v:'t) = failwith ("unbound variable " ^ v);;
let applyenv (r : 't env) (i : ide) = r i;;
let bind (r : 't env) (i : ide) (v : 't) = function x -> if x = i then v else r x;;
(*let bind (r : 't env) (i : ide) (v : 't) = function x -> if x = i then v else applyenv r x;;*)

type evT = Int of int | Bool of bool | String of string | Unbound | FunVal of evFun | Valdict of (ide * evT) list | 
RecFunVal of ide * evFun
and evFun = ide * exp * evT env 

(*type checking*)
let typecheck (s : string) (v : evT) : bool = match s with
    "int" -> (match v with
        Int(_) -> true |
        _ -> false) |
    "bool" -> (match v with
        Bool(_) -> true |
        _ -> false) |
    _ -> failwith("not a valid type");;

(*primitive functions*)
let prod x y = if (typecheck "int" x) && (typecheck "int" y)
    then (match (x,y) with
        (Int(n),Int(u)) -> Int(n*u))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let sum x y = if (typecheck "int" x) && (typecheck "int" y)
    then (match (x,y) with
        (Int(n),Int(u)) -> Int(n+u))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let diff x y = if (typecheck "int" x) && (typecheck "int" y)
    then (match (x,y) with
        (Int(n),Int(u)) -> Int(n-u))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let eq x y = if (typecheck "int" x) && (typecheck "int" y)
    then (match (x,y) with
        (Int(n),Int(u)) -> Bool(n=u))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let minus x = if (typecheck "int" x) 
    then (match x with
        Int(n) -> Int(-n))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let iszero x = if (typecheck "int" x)
    then (match x with
        Int(n) -> Bool(n=0))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let vel x y = if (typecheck "bool" x) && (typecheck "bool" y)
    then (match (x,y) with
        (Bool(b),Bool(e)) -> (Bool(b||e)))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let et x y = if (typecheck "bool" x) && (typecheck "bool" y)
    then (match (x,y) with
        (Bool(b),Bool(e)) -> Bool(b&&e))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let non x = if (typecheck "bool" x)
    then (match x with
        Bool(true) -> Bool(false) |
        Bool(false) -> Bool(true))
    else failwith("Type error");;

let rec eval (e : exp) (r : evT env) : evT = match e with
    Eint n -> Int n |
    Ebool b -> Bool b |
    Estring s-> String s| 
    IsZero a -> iszero (eval a r) |
    Den i -> applyenv r i |
    Eq(a, b) -> eq (eval a r) (eval b r) |
    Prod(a, b) -> prod (eval a r) (eval b r) |
    Sum(a, b) -> sum (eval a r) (eval b r) |
    Diff(a, b) -> diff (eval a r) (eval b r) |
    Minus a -> minus (eval a r) |
    And(a, b) -> et (eval a r) (eval b r) |
    Or(a, b) -> vel (eval a r) (eval b r) |
    Not a -> non (eval a r) |
    Ifthenelse(a, b, c) -> 
        let g = (eval a r) in
            if (typecheck "bool" g) 
                then (if g = Bool(true) then (eval b r) else (eval c r))
                else failwith ("nonboolean guard") |
    Let(i, e1, e2) -> eval e2 (bind r i (eval e1 r)) |

  Dict (list) -> let rec evalist (l : (ide * exp) list) : (ide * evT)list = 
          match l with
          |(key,value)::xs -> (key, (eval value r)):: evalist xs in
            Valdict (evalist list)|
  Read (key,dict)-> 
    let evaldict= eval dict r in
    (match evaldict with 
      Valdict v -> let rec isIn (k: ide) (d : (ide * evT) list): evT= 
        match d with
          []-> Unbound
        | (k1,v1)::xs-> if (k=k1) then v1  else isIn k xs 
        in isIn key v
            |_-> failwith ("Not a Dictionary")) |

  Add (key,value, dict)-> 
    (match eval dict r with 
    Valdict v -> Valdict ((key,(eval value r))::v)  
        |_-> failwith ("Not a Dictionary")) |

     ( match eval dict r with 
      Valdict v -> let rec rem (k: ide) (d : (ide * evT) list) : (ide * evT)list= 
        match d with
          []-> []
                | (k1,v1)::xs-> if (k=k1) then xs else (k1,v1)::(rem k xs) 
                            in Valdict (rem key v)
            |_-> failwith ("Not a Dictionary")) |

    Clear (dict)-> 
    ( match eval dict r with 
        Valdict v -> let c (d : (ide * evT) list) : (ide * evT)list= []
                                in Valdict (c v)
        |_-> failwith ("Not a Dictionary")) |

    Applyover (funz,dict) -> 
        let a= eval funz r in
        let b= eval dict r in
        (match a,b with 
        FunVal (arg, fBody, fDecEnv), Valdict(dlist) ->  
                let rec apply (f: ide * exp * evT env )(d : (ide * evT) list) : (ide * evT) list = 
                match d with 
                |(k1,v1)::xs-> if (typecheck "int" v1) then (k1, (eval fBody (bind r arg v1))):: (apply f xs)
                                                else (k1,v1)::apply f xs in
                                Valdict (apply (arg, fBody, fDecEnv) dlist)
        |   _ -> failwith("Not a Dictionary")) |

    RemPos (dict, pos)->
    ( match eval dict r with 
          Valdict v -> let rec rem (pos: int) (curr : int) (d : (ide * evT) list) : (ide * evT)list= 
        match d with
          []-> []
          | (k1,v1)::xs-> if (curr=pos) then xs else (k1,v1)::(rem pos (curr+1) xs) 
               in Valdict (rem pos 0 v)
       |_-> failwith ("Not a Dictionary")) |

    Fun(i, a) -> FunVal(i, a, r) |
    FunCall(f, eArg) -> 
    let fClosure = (eval f r) in
        (match fClosure with
            FunVal(arg, fBody, fDecEnv) -> 
                eval fBody (bind r arg (eval eArg r)) |
            RecFunVal(g, (arg, fBody, fDecEnv)) -> 
                let aVal = (eval eArg r) in
                    let rEnv = (bind fDecEnv g fClosure) in
                        let aEnv = (bind rEnv arg aVal) in
                            eval fBody aEnv |
            _ -> failwith("non functional value")) |
            Letrec(f, funDef, letBody) ->
                    (match funDef with
                            Fun(i, fBody) -> let r1 = (bind r f (RecFunVal(f, (i, fBody, r)))) in
                                                                                         eval letBody r1 |
                            _ -> failwith("non functional def"));;

(* =============================  MAIN  =========================*)

(*creating empty env *)
(*let env1 = empty Unbound;;*) (*type error*)
let env0 = emptyenv Unbound;; 

print_string("filling the dictionary");;
let dict =  Dict ([("age",Eint 23);("Name", Estring "Mike");("idnumber", Eint 123); ("City", Estring "London")]);;
eval dict env0;;

print_string("finding a value by key");;
let read= eval (Read ("Name",dict)) env0;;

print_string("adding values");;
let add= eval (Add("Country",(Estring "Singapore"), dict)) env0;;

print_string("removing values by pair");;
let remove= eval (Rm (dict , "Name" )) env0;;

print_string("removing  value by position");;
let rempos= eval(RemPos (dict , 2)) env0;;

print_string("apply x+1 to all int values");;
let funz = Fun ("x", Sum(Den "x", Eint 1));;
eval (Applyover (funz,dict)) env0;;

print_string("Empty the dictionary");;
let clear= eval (Clear(dict)) env0;;


let empty (v:'t) = failwith ("unbound variable " ^ v);;

因为它在编译时出现类型错误。 我是不是用错了?

let env1 = empty Unbound;; (*type error*)

动态范围的最简单(虽然不是最有效)实现将使用单个堆栈,实现为关联列表,用 OCaml 的说法 (iden * 'a) list。每个新的 let-binding 都会将一个新的对推送到列表中,并且任何引用都会查找最接近的绑定。很简单。

您可以重用宿主语言 (OCaml) 堆,并将关联列表实现为函数,而不是使用显式堆栈。在这种情况下,我们将使用 iden -> 'a 函数代替 (iden * 'a) list,空环境表示为

let empty v = failwith ("unbound variable " ^ v)

现在 bind 函数将采用新绑定和旧环境,并将 return 新环境:

let bind v x env = fun v' -> if v = v' then x else env v

lookup 函数将只应用

let lookup v env = env v

动态作用域和静态作用域的真正区别在于调用函数时。在静态范围内,环境在解析期间是固定的(或在评估函数定义时 - 即声明上下文),或者根据您的代码 Fun(i, a) -> FunVal(i, a, r),我们在函数时捕获了 r被建造。使用动态作用域,您不会捕获作用域,并且在评估函数值(主体)时将使用当前作用域而不是声明时间环境,因此

FunVal(arg, fBody, fDecEnv) -> 
            eval fBody (bind fDecEnv arg (eval eArg r))


FunVal(arg, fBody, fDecEnv) -> 
            eval fBody (bind r arg (eval eArg r))


在我建议的表示中,如果我们到达堆栈底部但没有找到相应变量的值,我会提出一个异常,这可能更具说教性。在您的表示中,emptyenv 函数 return 是传递的值。一个特殊的值 Unbound 被用作这里的哨兵,来初始化它(对我来说有点尴尬)。您可以使用原始的 emptyenv 函数而不是 empty,这并不重要 :) 我的示例更通用并且独立于特定表示。

进一步的细节,let empty v = failwith ("unbound value" ^ v") 有类型 string -> 'a,你把 't 放在这里的事实并不重要,OCaml 中类型变量的范围受范围约束它出现的 let 定义。因此,如果您在两个不同的 let 表达式中使用名称 't,这并不意味着 't 应该相同。此外,将类型赋予函数的参数不会 设置 参数类型,而是对其进行约束(因此名称类型约束),所以说 (v : 't 是相同的就像说 v 可以有任何(不受约束的)类型。有了这些知识,应该很容易理解为什么会出现类型错误——您正在将类型 evT 的值传递给需要类型 string 值的函数。这些是不同的类型,所以我们有一个错误。
