如何使用 NativeCall 缓解 Rakudo 中的错误?

How to mitigate a bug in Rakudo with NativeCall?

我希望能够在 class 中使用双指针和 REPR CStruct/CPointer:

typedef struct CipherContext {
          void    *cipher;
    const uint8_t *key;
          size_t   key_len;
    const uint8_t *path;
          size_t   path_len;
          size_t   block_size;
          void    *handle;

          int      (*cipher_init)(void **, const uint8_t *, size_t);
          int      (*cipher_encode)(void *, const uint8_t *, uint8_t *, size_t);
          int      (*cipher_decode)(void *, const uint8_t *, uint8_t *, size_t);
          void     (*cipher_free)(void *);
    const uint8_t *(*cipher_strerror)(int);
} CipherContext;

      int            cipher_context_init(CipherContext **, const uint8_t *, size_t, const uint8_t *, size_t, size_t);
      int            cipher_context_encode(CipherContext *, const uint8_t *, uint8_t *, size_t);
      int            cipher_context_decode(CipherContext *, const uint8_t *, uint8_t *, size_t);
      void           cipher_context_free(CipherContext *);
const uint8_t       *cipher_context_strerror(int);

Perl 6 代码:

method new(Blob :$key!, Str :$path!, Int :$block-size!) {
    my Pointer[::?CLASS]     $ptr     .= new;
    my Int                   $err      = cipher_context_init($ptr, $key, $key.elems, $path, $path.codes, $block-size);
    return $ptr.deref unless $err;

    my Str $errstr = cipher_context_strerror($err) || do {
        my &cipher-strerror = nativecast(:(int32 --> Str), $!cipher-strerror);
    die "Failed to initialize cipher context: $errstr";

submethod DESTROY() {


use v6.d;
use Nativecall;

class Foo is repr('CPointer') { 
    my Pointer[::?CLASS] $foo .= nw;

只是由于 bug in Rakudo,我不知道该怎么做。有没有更好的方法可以处理代码的 C 部分中的错误(这就是我这样写的原因)?


class Foo {...}

BEGIN Foo ~~ Bool; # <------

class Foo{

部分问题似乎是在调用 Pointer.^parameterize 方法时 Foo 尚未组合。

因此它还不是 Any 的子类型。 (甚至 Mu

解决方法是在使用 Pointer[::?CLASS].

之前在 BEGIN 移相器中添加 .^compose 调用
class Foo is repr('CPointer') {
  BEGIN ::?CLASS.^compose;

  my Pointer[::?CLASS] $foo .= new;

我的猜测是,真正的解决办法是将 Bool.ACCEPTS(Bool:U: \topic) 候选人更改为 Bool.ACCEPTS(Bool:U: Mu \topic)


Mu ~~ Bool