base/descendant class 分辨率的策略和工厂模式

Strategy & factory pattern for base/descendant class resolution

我正在重构代码库,偶然发现了一个工厂 class,它根据传入方法的子类型创建对象。

class 基本上有一个 public 方法和一个参数,它是基础 class 的后代。在这个方法中是一个 switch 语句,它确定传递哪个子类型并有条件地调用不同的方法来产生结果。


由于使用了 Autofac,我认为过渡会很简单,但是我在路上遇到了障碍。

问题与 Autofac 无关,而与设计选择有关。

下面的代码说明了 class 的组成,但是缺少。

public abstract class Parent { }
public class ChildA : Parent { }
public class ChildB : Parent { }

public interface IChildStrategy<T> where T:Parent
    IEnumerable<object> CreateObjects(Parent child);

public class ChildAStrategy : IChildStrategy<ChildA>
    private IEnumerable<object> CreateObjects(ChildA child)
        yield return "child A";

    public IEnumerable<object> CreateObjects(Parent child) => 
        CreateObjects(child as ChildA);

public class ChildBStrategy : IChildStrategy<ChildB>
    private IEnumerable<object> CreateObjects(ChildB child)
        yield return "child b";
        yield return "child b's pet";

    public IEnumerable<object> CreateObjects(Parent child) =>
        CreateObjects(child as ChildB);         

public void TestStrategyPattern()
    var container = builder.Build();

    Parent child = new ChildA();
    var type = child.GetType();
    var strategy = container.Resolve(typeof(IChildStrategy<>)

    // strategy.CreateObjects(child);
    // Assert.AreEqual("child A", fromDict);

    var dict = new Dictionary<Type, Func<Parent, IEnumerable<object>>>();

    dict.Add(typeof(ChildA), x => new ChildAStrategy().CreateObjects(x));
    dict.Add(typeof(ChildB), x => new ChildBStrategy().CreateObjects(x));

    var fromDict = dict[type](child);

    Assert.AreEqual("child A", fromDict);


public interface IChildStrategy<T> where T:Parent
    IEnumerable<object> CreateObjects(T child);


对于子 classes 的设计模式是否有任何好的替代方案?


这是我最终得到的结果。这些更改基本上是从 CreateObjects 方法中删除参数,而是将其作为依赖项注入构造函数并将策略注册为 Keyed<T> 注册。

public abstract class Parent { }
public class ChildA : Parent { }
public class ChildB : Parent { }

public interface IChildStrategy
    IEnumerable<object> CreateObjects();

public class ChildAStrategy : IChildStrategy
    private readonly ChildA childA;

    public ChildAStrategy(ChildA childA)
        this.childA = childA;

    public IEnumerable<object> CreateObjects()
        yield return childA;

public class ChildBStrategy : IChildStrategy
    private readonly ChildB childB;

    public ChildBStrategy(ChildB childB)
        this.childB = childB;

    public IEnumerable<object> CreateObjects()
        yield return childB;
        yield return "child b's pet";

public void TestStrategyPattern()
    var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

    var container = builder.Build();

    IChildStrategy resolve(Parent x) => container.ResolveKeyed<IChildStrategy>(x.GetType(), new TypedParameter(x.GetType(), x));

    Parent root;
    IChildStrategy strategy;
    root = new ChildA();
    strategy = resolve(root);
    Assert.IsInstanceOfType(strategy, typeof(ChildAStrategy));
    Assert.AreSame(root, strategy.CreateObjects().Single());
    root = new ChildB();
    strategy = resolve(root);
    Assert.IsInstanceOfType(strategy, typeof(ChildBStrategy));
    Assert.AreSame(root, strategy.CreateObjects().First());
    Assert.AreEqual("child b's pet", strategy.CreateObjects().Last());



我认为您正在寻找的模式是 Mediator

据我了解,这是满足您需求的示例实现。此实现加强了处理程序的类型,但在中介本身中更多地使用了 dynamic。如果性能是一个问题,您可能需要 运行 一些测试——这个实现可能比您现有的代码慢(参见:How does having a dynamic variable affect performance?

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Autofac;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;

namespace _54542354.MediatorExample
     * Example Input/Output types
    abstract class ActionBase { }
    class ExampleAction : ActionBase { public string Name { get; set; } }
    class ReturnType { public string Id { get; set; } }

     * Interfaces
    interface IActionHandler<TAction> where TAction : ActionBase
        IEnumerable<ReturnType> Handle(TAction action);

    interface IActionHandlerMediator
        IEnumerable<ReturnType> Handle(ActionBase action);

     * Example implementations
    class ExampleHandler : IActionHandler<ExampleAction>
        public IEnumerable<ReturnType> Handle(ExampleAction action)
            yield return new ReturnType{ Id = $"{action.Name}_First" };
            yield return new ReturnType{ Id = $"{action.Name}_Second" };

    class ActionHandlerMediator : IActionHandlerMediator
        readonly ILifetimeScope container;

        public ActionHandlerMediator(ILifetimeScope container)
            => this.container = container;

        public IEnumerable<ReturnType> Handle(ActionBase action)
            // TODO: Error handling. What if no strategy is registered for the provided type?
            dynamic handler = container.Resolve(typeof(IActionHandler<>)

            return (IEnumerable<ReturnType>)handler.Handle((dynamic)action);

     * Usage example
    public class Tests
        public void TestMediator()
            var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
            var container = builder.Build();

            var handler = container.Resolve<IActionHandlerMediator>();

            var result = handler.Handle(new ExampleAction() { Name = "MyName" });

            Assert.AreEqual("MyName_First", result.First().Id);
            Assert.AreEqual("MyName_Second", result.Last().Id);


我试了一下 运行你的示例代码。我不得不调整一些开箱即用的东西,但我认为它确实按照你想要的方式工作(在我调整之后)。


public void TestStrategyPattern_Dict()
    // Define the available strategies
    var dict = new Dictionary<Type, Func<Parent, IEnumerable<object>>>();
    dict.Add(typeof(ChildA), x => new ChildAStrategy().CreateObjects(x));
    dict.Add(typeof(ChildB), x => new ChildBStrategy().CreateObjects(x));

    // Create the input object
    Parent child = new ChildA();

    // Invoke the strategy
    IEnumerable<object> enumerable = dict[child.GetType()](child);

    // Verify the results
    Assert.AreEqual("child A", enumerable.Single());

public void TestStrategyPattern_AutoFac()
    // Define the available strategies
    var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
    var container = builder.Build();

    // Create the input object
    Parent child = new ChildA();

    // Resolve the strategy
    // Because we don't know exactly what type the container will return,
    // we need to use `dynamic`
    dynamic strategy = container.Resolve(typeof(IChildStrategy<>)

    // Invoke the strategy
    IEnumerable<object> enumerable = strategy.CreateObjects(child);

    // Verify the results
    Assert.AreEqual("child A", enumerable.Single());



  • 在断言之前使用 .Single()。这是必要的,因为策略 return 是一个 IEnumerable,但断言期望来自该可枚举对象的第一个对象。
  • 从 AutoFac 解析策略时使用 dynamic 类型。这是必要的,因为编译器无法判断 AutoFac 将 return 是什么类型。在原始代码中,returned 类型是 object,它没有 CreateObjects(Parent) 方法。 dynamic 让我们可以调用我们想要的任何方法——编译器会假设它存在。如果该方法不存在,我们将得到一个 运行time 异常,但因为我们知道我们刚刚创建了一个 IChildStrategy<>,我们可以确信该方法将存在。