PEP 8 的 "no-alignment" 政策的动机是什么?

What motivates the "no-alignment" policy of PEP 8?

PEP 8 has a specific guideline 针对对齐操作符周围的空格:


x             = 1
y             = 2
long_variable = 3


salaries = {
    "Alice": 1500,
    "Bob":   1300,
    #      ^^ extra whitespace


此规则是 Guido 原创风格文章的一部分 published in 1998,他在其中指出:

(Don't bother to argue with me on any of the above -- I've grown accustomed to this style over 15 years.)

所以他没有直接激励这个,但我可以想出一些你不想这样做的好理由。将代码与 space 对齐可能 看起来 在当时是个好主意,一切都整齐地排列。

但大多数项目都不是静态的。您 经常 看到在现实生活中的项目代码会随着时间的推移而更改,并且您可能会在您如此仔细对齐的列表中添加、删除或重命名条目。您很可能最终不得不调整整个块的对齐方式,因为您的更改改变了现在最长的条目。



或者,后来的编辑可能会对必须重新对齐其他条目的前景犹豫不决。 Wine 项目 dlls/msi/msipriv.h 文件 started nicely aligned, but over time inconsistencies creep in and you end up with a bit of a mess.


同时,PEP 8 是一个指南document itself states:

A Foolish Consistency is the Hobgoblin of Little Minds


However, know when to be inconsistent -- sometimes style guide recommendations just aren't applicable. When in doubt, use your best judgment. Look at other examples and decide what looks best.


Python标准库的某些部分break this specific rule (and yes, that's a Python reflection of the Wine project example above; that example was imported from an external project years ago), and there are other examples of broken PEP8 rules there for historical reasons,但有时在一些有限的区域,打破规则可以 有道理。