
Build all pairs of elements (quadratic set) in declarative macro

我有一个标识符列表,我想为该列表中的每对标识符调用一个宏。例如,如果我有 abc,我想生成这个:

println!("{} <-> {}", a, a);
println!("{} <-> {}", a, b);
println!("{} <-> {}", a, c);
println!("{} <-> {}", b, a);
println!("{} <-> {}", b, b);
println!("{} <-> {}", b, c);
println!("{} <-> {}", c, a);
println!("{} <-> {}", c, b);
println!("{} <-> {}", c, c);

当然,这是一个虚拟的例子。在我的真实代码中,标识符是类型,我想生成 impl 块或类似的东西。

我的目标是只列出每个标识符一次。在我的真实代码中,我有大约 12 个标识符,不想手动写下所有 12² = 144 对。所以我认为宏可能会帮助我。我知道它可以用所有强大的过程宏来解决,但我希望它也可以用声明性宏来解决 (macro_rules!)。

我尝试了我认为是处理此问题的直观方法(两个嵌套 "loops")(Playground):

macro_rules! print_all_pairs {
    ($($x:ident)*) => {
                println!("{} <-> {}", $x, $x);  // `$x, $x` feels awkward... 

let a = 'a';
let b = 'b';
let c = 'c';

print_all_pairs!(a b c);


error: attempted to repeat an expression containing no syntax variables matched as repeating at this depth
 --> src/main.rs:4:14
4 |               $(
  |  ______________^
5 | |                 println!("{} <-> {}", $x, $x);
6 | |             )*
  | |_____________^

我想这有点道理,所以我尝试了其他方法 (Playground):

macro_rules! print_all_pairs {
    ($($x:ident)*) => {
        print_all_pairs!(@inner $($x)*; $($x)*);
    (@inner $($x:ident)*; $($y:ident)*) => {
                println!("{} <-> {}", $x, $y);



Is this possible with declarative macros at all?

但是(据我所知)我们必须通过 head/tail 递归遍历列表一次,而不是到处使用内置的 $( ... )* 机制。这意味着列表长度受宏扩展的递归深度限制。不过,对于 "only" 12 项来说这不是问题。

在下面的代码中,我通过将宏名称传递给 for_all_pairs 宏,将 "for all pairs" 功能与打印代码分开。 (Playground).

// The macro that expands into all pairs
macro_rules! for_all_pairs {
    ($mac:ident: $($x:ident)*) => {
        // Duplicate the list
        for_all_pairs!(@inner $mac: $($x)*; $($x)*);

    // The end of iteration: we exhausted the list
    (@inner $mac:ident: ; $($x:ident)*) => {};

    // The head/tail recursion: pick the first element of the first list
    // and recursively do it for the tail.
    (@inner $mac:ident: $head:ident $($tail:ident)*; $($x:ident)*) => {
            $mac!($head $x);
        for_all_pairs!(@inner $mac: $($tail)*; $($x)*);

// What you actually want to do for each pair
macro_rules! print_pair {
    ($a:ident $b:ident) => {
        println!("{} <-> {}", $a, $b);

// Test code
let a = 'a';
let b = 'b';
let c = 'c';

for_all_pairs!(print_pair: a b c);


a <-> a
a <-> b
a <-> c
b <-> a
b <-> b
b <-> c
c <-> a
c <-> b
c <-> c