
Trace a module line by line?

我正在尝试使用 WinDbg 来跟踪我的程序(其中只有一个模块),并记录执行的行号。我稍后会自动执行该过程,但现在我只想逐行浏览代码。



我试过使用 l+tl+ol+sppr。我已经启用了源代码模式 (l+t),但我没有在命令 window 中看到源代码,也没有看到任何源代码 window.

cdb -lines -c "l+t;l+o;l+s;g main;p 12;q" printhello.exe

0:000> cdb: Reading initial command 'l+t;l+o;l+s;g main;p 12;q'

Source options are d:
     1/t - Step/trace by source line
     4/s - List source code at prompt
     8/o - Only show source code at prompt

>    5:         printf("lets say hello to the world for %8s time\n", count[0]);
lets say hello to the world for    first time
>    6:         printf("lets say hello to the world for %8s time\n", count[1]);
lets say hello to the world for   second time
>    7:         printf("lets say hello to the world for %8s time\n", count[2]);
lets say hello to the world for    third time
>    8:         printf("lets say hello to the world for %8s time\n", count[3]);
lets say hello to the world for   fourth time
>    9:         printf("lets say hello to the world for %8s time\n", count[4]);
lets say hello to the world for    fifth time
>   10:         printf("lets say hello to the world for %8s time\n", count[5]);
lets say hello to the world for    sixth time
>   11:         printf("lets say hello to the world for %8s time\n", count[6]);
lets say hello to the world for  seventh time
>   12:         printf("lets say hello to the world for %8s time\n", count[7]);
lets say hello to the world for   eighth time
>   13:         printf("lets say hello to the world for %8s time\n", count[8]);
lets say hello to the world for    ninth time
>   14:         printf("lets say hello to the world for %8s time\n", count[9]);
lets say hello to the world for    tenth time
>   15: }½½½½½½½½■?¶
004013a8 83c40c          add     esp,0Ch
004013ae 3975e4          cmp     dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],esi ss:0023:0013ffa4=000000
004013b3 50              push    eax


您可以使用 Gui 添加路径:

'File>Symbol File Path...' 和 'File>Source File Path...' 使用图形用户界面 或 ctrl+Sctrl+P 分别。

或者,您可以使用命令执行此操作 .srcpath and .sympath