我可以在 Bokeh 中使用 Plotly 图吗?
Can I use a Plotly graph in Bokeh?
bokeh 没有 Sankey 图,holoviews 中可用的 Sankey 图不如 Plotly。有没有办法将绘图嵌入散景仪表板?
Panel makes it simple to embed Plotly, Matplotlib, Altair, and many other types of plot into a Bokeh-based dashboard, so that you can pull in whatever you need from any plotting library. That said, it would be helpful to file an issue with holoviews 概述您希望在 HoloViews Sankey 实现中包含的功能,因为如果您使用同一库中的图,更容易获得一致的外观和感觉。
已记录 here。
只需将结果图添加到面板 pn.pane.Plotly(fig)
import plotly.express as px
data = pd.read_csv("species.csv")
var= ['home_species', 'planted_species']
fig = px.treemap(data, path=[i for i in var], values='density')
bokeh 没有 Sankey 图,holoviews 中可用的 Sankey 图不如 Plotly。有没有办法将绘图嵌入散景仪表板?
Panel makes it simple to embed Plotly, Matplotlib, Altair, and many other types of plot into a Bokeh-based dashboard, so that you can pull in whatever you need from any plotting library. That said, it would be helpful to file an issue with holoviews 概述您希望在 HoloViews Sankey 实现中包含的功能,因为如果您使用同一库中的图,更容易获得一致的外观和感觉。
已记录 here。
只需将结果图添加到面板 pn.pane.Plotly(fig)
import plotly.express as px
data = pd.read_csv("species.csv")
var= ['home_species', 'planted_species']
fig = px.treemap(data, path=[i for i in var], values='density')