我的模拟器不是 运行。 Logcat 中甚至什么也没有显示。它显示 "No Connected device" 和 "No Debuggable pro"

My Emulator is Not running. Even nothing is showing in the Logcat. It shows "No Connected device" and "No Debuggable pro"


Logcat 显示 "No Connected Device""No Debbugable process"。我试图通过任务管理器结束 adb.exe,但它一次又一次地开始。


6:00 PM * daemon started successfully
6:00 PM Executing tasks: [:app:assembleDebug]
6:00 PM Emulator: emulator: ERROR: Another emulator instance is 
    running. Please close it or run all emulators with -read-only flag.
6:00 PM Emulator: Process finished with exit code 1
6:00 PM Gradle build finished in 1 s 783 ms


看起来您可能没有听到模拟器抛出的错误,但无论如何,请转到存储 AVD 图像的文件夹。

在 windows,其 C:\Users\<user>\.android\avd\AVDname.avd 并删除此文件夹中的所有 .lock 文件。模拟器应该正确重启。