React + Typescript 高阶函数 "not assignable to type" 错误

React + Typescript Higher Order Function "not assignable to type" error

我正在尝试用打字稿为 React 编写一个高阶函数: (1) 要求被包裹的组件具有一定的属性 (2) 允许在包装器上设置包装组件的属性 (3) 具有特定于包装器的属性

我大部分时间都在工作,但是当我在包装我的组件的匿名 class 上设置默认属性时,我从打字稿中收到一个我无法解决的错误。


src/withContainer.tsx:33:3 - error TS2322: Type 'typeof (Anonymous class)' is not assignable to type 'ComponentClass<P & ContainerProps, any>'.
  Types of property 'defaultProps' are incompatible.
    Type '{ loading: Element; }' is not assignable to type 'Partial<P & ContainerProps>'.

 33   return class extends React.Component<P & ContainerProps, ContainerState> {
 34     // Why does typescript say this is an error?
 80     }
 81   };


import * as React from "react";

 * Properties specific to the container component.
export interface ContainerProps {
  /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
  loading: React.ReactElement<any>;

export interface ContainerState {
  data: {};

  initialized: boolean;

 * Components being wrapped need a putData function on them.
export interface PuttableProps {
   * Put data into state on the parent component.
   * @param data Data to be put into state.
  putData(data: object): void;

/* eslint-disable max-lines-per-function */
export function withContainer<P>(
  WrappedComponent: React.ComponentType<P & PuttableProps>
): React.ComponentClass<P & ContainerProps> {
  return class extends React.Component<P & ContainerProps, ContainerState> {
    // Why does typescript say this is an error?
    static defaultProps = {
      loading: <React.Fragment />

    state: ContainerState = {
      initialized: false,
      data: {}

     * After mounting, simulate loading data and mark initialized.
    componentDidMount(): void {
      // Simulate remote data load, 2 minutes after we mounted set initialized to true
      setTimeout(() => {
          initialized: true
      }, 2000);

     * Set data as state on the parent component.
    private putData = (data: object): void => {
      this.setState({ data });

     * Render the wrapped component.
    render(): React.ReactNode {
      // If we haven't initialized the document yet, don't return the component
      if (!this.state.initialized) {
        return this.props.loading;

      // Whatever props were passed from the parent, our data and our putData function
      const props = {
        putData: this.putData

      return <WrappedComponent {...props} />;

export class ClickCounter extends React.Component<
  PuttableProps & { count: number },
> {
  static defaultProps = {
    count: 0

  increment = () => {
    this.props.putData({ count: this.props.count + 1 });

  render(): React.ReactNode {
    return (
        <button onClick={this.increment}>Increment</button>


import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { withContainer, ClickCounter } from "./withContainer";

const WrappedClickCounter = withContainer(ClickCounter);
const component = (
  <WrappedClickCounter count={0} loading={<div>Loading...</div>} />

ReactDOM.render(component, document.getElementById("root"));

我尝试了一些变体,包括让 P 扩展 ContainerProps,但似乎没有任何效果。

我正在使用打字稿 3.3.1。


return class extends React.Component<P & ContainerProps...


return class extends React.Component<Partial<P & ContainerProps>....

如错误所述,您的 defaultProps 与您的 ContainerProps 类型不匹配。具体来说,在 ContainerProps 中,你有 { isLoading: ReactElement<any> },但你的 defaultProps 有类型 { loading: Element }.

我建议您将 ContainerProps 定义为:

import type { ReactNode } from 'react';

export interface ContainerProps {
  isLoading: ReactNode