Rebol PARSE 规则以匹配至少 2 #[none] 的第一次出现

Rebol PARSE rule to match to first occurrence of at least 2 #[none]s


在 R3-Alpha 中,我尝试调整 @sqlab 对块大小写的响应:

parse [x x x x #[none] a #[none] #[none] b] [to [none! none!] ??]

我期望 ??: [#[none] #[none] b],但得到

** Script error: PARSE - invalid rule or usage of rule: none!


我可以展示一个针对 Red 和 Rebol2 的解决方案。由于规则中的字词是自动减少的,所以你必须屏蔽它们。


>> parse [x x x x _ a _ _ b] [to [ '_ '_] y: ]
== false
>> y
== [_ _ b]


>> parse [x x x x _ a _ _ b] [some [r: [ '_ '_  ] (y: r) | skip]   ]
== true
>> y
== [_ _ b]

HostileFork 编辑问题后,Red 的解决方案看起来像这样

>> parse [x x x x #[none] a #[none] #[none] b] [to [none! none!] y:] 
== false
>> y
== [none none b]

示例根据 giuliolunati

>> parse  [x x x x 0 a 1 2 b]  [to [integer! integer!] y:]
== false
>> y
== [1 2 b]