Qualtrics 使用来自其他人的 JavaScript 库 - 聊天模拟器

Qualtrics using JavaScript library from someone else - chat simulator


我找到了 this 漂亮的聊天模拟器库,并尝试在以下问题之一中使用它:

  1. 将通过来源 link.
  2. 使用的所有 js 和 css 上传到我的库
  3. 将jquery脚本添加到onLoad()函数中问题的js选项:
            var count = 0;
            var convForm = $('#chat').convform({eventList:{onInputSubmit: function(convState, ready) {
                console.log('input is being submitted...');
                //here you send the response to your API, get the results and build the next question
                //when ready, call 'ready' callback (passed as the second parameter)
                if(convState.current.answer.value==='end') {
                    convState.current.next = false;
                    //emulating random response time (100-600ms)
                    setTimeout(ready, Math.random()*500+100);
                } else {
                    if(Array.isArray(convState.current.answer)) var answer = convState.current.answer.join(', ');
                    else var answer = convState.current.answer.text;
                    convState.current.next = convState.newState({
                        type: 'select',
                        noAnswer: true,
                        name: 'dynamic-question-'+count,
                        questions: ['This question state was built on your previous answer (you answered: '+answer+') and doesnt expect an answer'],
                    convState.current.next.next = convState.newState({
                        type: 'select',
                        name: 'dynamic-question-'+count,
                        questions: ['This question state was built on your previous answer (you answered: '+answer+')'],
                        answers: [
                            {text: 'Answer 1', value: '1'},
                            {text: 'Answer 2', value: '2'},
                            {text: 'END', value: 'end'}
                    //emulating random response time (100-600ms)
                    setTimeout(ready, Math.random()*500+100);

  1. 将上传到我的图书馆的文件的 <script src="<URL>"> </script> 网址添加到 header。
  2. 通过富内容编辑器提出问题并编辑 html:
<section id="demo">
        <div class="vertical-align">
            <div class="container">
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-sm-6 col-sm-offset-3 col-xs-offset-0">
                        <div class="card no-border">
                            <div id="chat">
                                <form action="" method="GET" class="hidden">
                                    <select data-conv-question="Hello! This is an example use of the plugin to dynamically generate questions (like using an API). This is the only question that was written on the initial HTML. To end the loop, select END." name="first-question">
                                        <option value="understood">Understood</option>
                                        <option value="okay">Okay, captain!</option>

但它不起作用 - 只是显示聊天中断...


在 Qualtrics 调查问题中是否有使用此类库的简单方法?

解决此问题的最简单方法是在富内容编辑器中使用样式化的 tables。 动态聊天是通过插入用户对下一个 table.
