
Cannot build plugin example

我正在尝试根据书中的内容构建 the plugin example,但它不起作用:

rustc failed to resolve: could not find `quote` in `ext`


code in the unstable book and code in current source of rust不一样


This code also appears in src/doc/unstable-book/src/language-features/plugin.md.

Please keep the two copies in sync! FIXME: have rustdoc read this file


你的错误发生在不稳定书的use syntax::ext::quote::rt::Span;,目前应该是use syntax_pos::Span;

由于这本书是针对 rust 中不稳定的特性,并且根据 top page of the book,

Because this documentation relates to unstable features, we make no guarantees that what is contained here is accurate or up to date. It's developed on a best-effort basis. Each page will have a link to its tracking issue with the latest developments; you might want to check those as well.
