如何包装 PyTorch 函数并实现 autograd?

How to wrap PyTorch functions and implement autograd?

我正在学习 Defining new autograd functions. The autograd function I want to implement is a wrapper around torch.nn.functional.max_pool1d 上的 PyTorch 教程。这是我目前所拥有的:

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.autograd as tag

class SquareAndMaxPool1d(tag.Function):

    def forward(ctx, input, kernel_size, stride=None, padding=0, dilation=1, \
                return_indices=False, ceil_mode=False):
        ctx.save_for_backward( input )

        inputC = input.clone() #copy input
        inputC *= inputC

        output = F.max_pool1d(inputC, kernel_size, stride=stride, \
                              padding=padding, dilation=dilation, \
                              return_indices=return_indices, \

        return output

    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        input, = ctx.saved_tensors
        grad_input = get_max_pool1d_grad_somehow(grad_output)
        return 2.0*input*grad_input

我的问题是:如何获得包装函数的梯度?我知道可能还有其他方法可以做到这一点,因为我给出的例子很简单,但我想做的适合这个框架,需要我实现一个 autograd 函数。

编辑:在检查 this blog post 之后,我决定为 backward 尝试以下操作:

def backward(ctx, grad_output):
    input, output = ctx.saved_tensors
    grad_input = output.backward(grad_output)
    return 2.0*input*grad_input

with output 添加到保存的变量。然后我运行下面的代码:

x = np.random.randn(1,1,5)
xT = torch.from_numpy(x)
f = SquareAndMaxPool1d.apply
s = torch.sum(f(xT,2))

我得到 Bus error: 10

说,xTtensor([[[ 1.69533562, -0.21779421, 2.28693953, -0.86688095, -1.01033497]]], dtype=torch.float64),那么我希望在调用 s.backward() 之后发现 xT.gradtensor([[[ 3.39067124, -0. , 9.14775812, -0. , -2.02066994]]], dtype=torch.float64)(即 2*x*grad_of_max_pool, grad_of_max_pool 包含 tensor([[[1., 0., 2., 0., 1.]]], dtype=torch.float64)).

我明白了为什么我会得到 Bus error: 10。上面的代码似乎导致在 grad_input = output.backward(grad_output) 处递归调用我的 backward。所以我需要找到一些其他方法来获得 max_pool1d 的梯度。我知道如何在纯 Python 中实现它,但结果会比我可以包装库代码慢得多。

你选了一个比较不幸的例子。 torch.nn.functional.max_pool1d 不是 torch.autograd.Function 的实例,因为它是 PyTorch 内置的,在 C++ 代码中定义并具有 autogenerated Python 绑定。我不确定是否可以通过其界面获取 backward 属性。

首先,如果你没有注意到,你不需要为这个公式的反向传播编写任何自定义代码,因为幂运算和max_pool1d都已经定义了它,所以它们的组成也是由 autograd 覆盖。假设您的目标是锻炼,我建议您更多地手动完成(不要退回到 max_pool1dbackward)。下面是一个例子

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.autograd as tag

class SquareAndMaxPool1d(tag.Function):
    def forward(ctx, input, kernel_size, **kwargs):
        # we're gonna need indices for backward. Currently SquareAnd...
        # never actually returns indices, I left it out for simplicity
        kwargs['return_indices'] = True

        input_sqr = input ** 2
        output, indices = F.max_pool1d(input_sqr, kernel_size, **kwargs)
        ctx.save_for_backward(input, indices)

        return output

    def backward(ctx, grad_output):
        input, indices = ctx.saved_tensors

        # first we need to reconstruct the gradient of `max_pool1d`
        # by putting all the output gradient elements (corresponding to
        # input elements which made it through the max_pool1d) in their
        # respective places, the rest has gradient of 0. We do it by
        # scattering it against a tensor of 0s
        grad_output_unpooled = torch.zeros_like(input)
        grad_output_unpooled.scatter_(2, indices, grad_output)

        # then incorporate the gradient of the "square" part of your
        # operator
        grad_input = 2. * input * grad_output_unpooled

        # the docs for backward
        # https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/autograd.html#torch.autograd.Function.backward
        # say that "it should return as many tensors, as there were inputs
        # to forward()". It fails to mention that if an argument was not a
        # tensor, it should return None (I remember reading this somewhere,
        # but can't find it anymore). Anyway, we need to
        # return a (grad_input, None) tuple to avoid a complaint that two
        # outputs were expected
        return grad_input, None

然后我们可以使用 numerical gradient checker 来验证操作是否按预期进行。

f = SquareAndMaxPool1d.apply
xT = torch.randn(1, 1, 6, requires_grad=True, dtype=torch.float64)
tag.gradcheck(lambda t: f(t, 2), xT)

很抱歉,如果这没有解决您关于如何获得 max_pool1dbackward 的问题,但希望您觉得我的回答足够有用。

你在递归调用中遇到的问题实际上来自 output 并且默认情况下 with no_grad 是默认行为,它似乎在 class 声明中继承自torch.autograd.Function。如果你在forward中勾选output.grad_fn,它可能会是None,而在backward中,它可能会link到函数对象<SquareAndMaxPool1d...>从而导致递归调用。如果您仍然对如何完全按照您的要求执行操作感兴趣,这里有一个 F.linear:

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F

class custom_Linear(nn.Linear):
    def forward(self, _input):
        return Custom_Linear_AGfn_getAround.apply(_input, self.weight, self.bias)

class Custom_Linear_AGfn_getAround(torch.autograd.Function):
    def forward(ctx, _input, _weight, _bias):
        print('Custom forward')
        with torch.enable_grad():
            detached_input = _input.detach()
            detached_weight = _weight.detach()
            detached_bias = _bias.detach()
            _tmp = F.linear(detached_input, detached_weight, detached_bias)
        ctx.saved_input = detached_input
        ctx.saved_param = detached_weight, detached_bias
        _output = _tmp.detach()
        return _output

    def backward(ctx, grad_out):
        print('Custom backward')
        _tmp, = ctx.saved_tensors
        _weight, _bias = ctx.saved_param
        detached_input = ctx.saved_input
        with torch.enable_grad():
        return detached_input.grad, _weight.grad, _bias.grad



  • 分离权重和偏差:你可以不用,但你可以通过 _weight_bias 通过 save_for_backward 并且将有 _weight.grad_bias.grad as None inside backward BUT once outside _weight.grad, _bias.grad 将具有正确的值,或者你通过属性传递它们,比如 ctx.saved_param, in在这种情况下,您必须手动为 backward 的最后两个 returned 值(return detached_input.grad, None, None)输入 None,否则您将获得两倍的之后检查向后之外的权重和偏差梯度时的正确值。
  • 如开头所述,backwardforward 用于继承 torch.autograd.Function 的 class 似乎默认具有 with no_grad 行为。因此,在上面的代码中删除 with torch.enable_grad(): 将导致 _tmp.grad_fn 成为 None(无法理解为什么默认情况下 _tmpgrad_fnNone requires_gradforward 中的 False 尽管需要 detached_input 的渐变,直到我碰到:https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/issues/7698)
  • 我相信,但我没有检查如果你不分离它,你可能会为 _output 得到双倍的 grad_fn,就像我没有 with torch.enable_grad() 那样不分离输出,导致 _tmp.grad_fn 向前 None,它确实在 backward 中获取 <Custom_Linear_AGfn_getAround...> grad_fn(并导致无限递归调用) .