
how to move from one series of code, execute a different on in another module, and step back in

在我正在处理的这段代码中,它将打开一个定义的工作簿,其中有一个 "on open" 事件,该事件将处理传输大量数据,然后另存为。一切都很好,这就是我迷路的地方...



我已经启动了一个 continue 事件,但我不确定如何将焦点重新设置到该行代码上。

Sub TransferMe()
    'Runs the script to start the transfer manager

    answer = MsgBox("This will transfer then clear all data for new period, are you sure you want to continue?", vbYesNo, Title:="New Period")
    If answer = vbYes Then
        MsgBox ("Please be patient this may take a few minuets."), Title:="Please Wait..."

        Application.Cursor = xlWait

        'open the transfer manager
        Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:\Users\dlroy\Dropbox\SSS\WORKING OR COMPLETE\Ian McDermid - Pump Bar\Prime Cost Suite\TransManager.xlsm"

        'this is where the transfer workbook opens which has an "on open" event
        'that will handle transferring all of my data
        'it then needs to set focus back on the original worksheet and restart the code

        'Ending code will handle closing the transfer workbook with out 
        'saving as it will already save as
        'and then complete the last couple of steps and end the macro.

        Application.Cursor = xlDefault
        MsgBox ("Goodbye."), Title:="Exit"
        Exit Sub     
    End If             
End Sub



我个人不建议设置 "focus" 来做一些事情,但如果您需要它,请参阅下面的代码。

' Declare object variables
Dim mainWorkbook As Excel.Workbook

'open the transfer manager
Set mainWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(Filename:="C:\Users\dlroy\Dropbox\SSS\WORKING OR COMPLETE\Ian McDermid - Pump Bar\Prime Cost Suite\TransManager.xlsm")

' Refer to a sheet
debug.print mainworkbook.Worksheets(1).Name

' Set focus

' Close it

您可以通过 Application.OnTime 计时器处理此问题。


Option Explicit

Private TimerStart As Double
Private Const SecondsToWait As Double = 10
Private OtherWorkbook As Workbook

Private Sub StartOtherWorkbookAndTimer()
    TimerStart = Timer
    Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "CheckIfOtherWorkbookFinished"
    Workbooks.Open (Application.DefaultFilePath & "\NameOfOtherWorkbook.xlsm")
End Sub

以下子程序在 e 期间每秒检查一次。 G。 10 秒,如果另一个工作簿仍处于打开状态。如果其他工作簿已完成它的工作并同时自行关闭,则您可以完成剩余的工作。

如果另一个工作簿没有自行关闭,您需要通过 e 确认另一个工作簿的任务已完成。 G。它的第一个单元格中的值。这也由这个子处理:

Private Sub CheckIfOtherWorkbookFinished()
    Dim secondsElapsed As Double
    secondsElapsed = Timer - TimerStart
    On Error Resume Next
    Set OtherWorkbook = Workbooks("NameOfOtherWorkbook.xlsm")
    On Error GoTo 0
    If OtherWorkbook Is Nothing Then
        MsgBox "Other workbook is closed. Now I do the remaining work ..."
        ' do the remaining work here, if other workbook is closed within 10 seconds
    ElseIf OtherWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("A1").Value = "ready" Then
        MsgBox "Other workbook is ready. Now I do the remaining work ..."
        ' do the remaining work here, if other workbook said "ready" in it's first cell
    ElseIf Int(SecondsToWait - secondsElapsed) > 0 Then
        Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:01"), "CheckIfOtherWorkbookFinished"
        MsgBox SecondsToWait & " seconds elapsed, but other workbook still open?!"
    End If
End Sub


Workbooks("Parent.xlsm").Worksheets(1).Range("K1").Value = True


ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("K1").Value = False
    Do While ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Range("K1").Value = False
