
Call an array of promises in parallel, but resolve them in order without waiting for other promises to resolve


我编写了这段代码来完成所需的任务,但是,我需要创建自己的对象 QueryablePromise 来包装我可以同步检查以查看其已解决状态的本机 Promise .


Please note. I do not want to use Promise.all as I don't want to have to wait for all promises to resolve before processing the effects of the promises. And I cannot use async functions in my code base.

const PROMISE = Symbol('PROMISE')
const tap = fn => x => (fn(x), x)

class QueryablePromise {
  resolved = false
  rejected = false
  fulfilled = false
  constructor(fn) {
    this[PROMISE] = new Promise(fn)
      .then(tap(() => {
        this.fulfilled = true
        this.resolved = true
      .catch(x => {
        this.fulfilled = true
        this.rejected = true
        throw x
  then(fn) {
    return this
  catch(fn) {
    return this
  static resolve(x) {
    return new QueryablePromise((res) => res(x))
  static reject(x) {
    return new QueryablePromise((_, rej) => rej(x))

 * parallelPromiseSynchronousResolve
 * Call array of promises in parallel but resolve them in order
 * @param  {Array<QueryablePromise>}  promises
 * @praram {Array<fn>|fn}  array of resolver function or single resolve function
function parallelPromiseSynchronousResolve(promises, resolver) {
  let lastResolvedIndex = 0
  const resolvePromises = (promise, i) => {
    promise.then(tap(x => {
      // loop through all the promises starting at the lastResolvedIndex
      for (; lastResolvedIndex < promises.length; lastResolvedIndex++) {
        // if promise at the current index isn't resolved break the loop
        if (!promises[lastResolvedIndex].resolved) {
        // resolve the promise with the correct resolve function
            ? resolver[lastResolvedIndex]
            : resolver

const timedPromise = (delay, label) => 
  new QueryablePromise(res => 
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, delay)

  timedPromise(20, 'called first promise'),
  timedPromise(60, 'called second promise'),
  timedPromise(40, 'called third promise'),
], [
  x => console.log('resolved first promise'),
  x => console.log('resolved second promise'),
  x => console.log('resolved third promise'),
<script src="https://codepen.io/synthet1c/pen/KyQQmL.js"></script>


使用 for await...of 循环,如果你已经有了承诺数组,你可以很好地做到这一点:

const delay = ms => new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); });
const range = (length, mapFn) => Array.from({ length }, (_, index) => mapFn(index));

(async () => {
  const promises = range(5, index => {
    const ms = Math.round(Math.random() * 5000);
    return delay(ms).then(() => ({ ms, index }));

  const start = Date.now();

  for await (const { ms, index } of promises) {
    console.log(`index ${index} resolved at ${ms}, consumed at ${Date.now() - start}`);

由于您不能使用异步函数,您可以通过使用 Array.prototype.reduce() 将承诺链接在一起并为每个链同步安排回调来模仿 for await...of 的效果:

const delay = ms => new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); });
const range = (length, mapFn) => Array.from({ length }, (_, index) => mapFn(index));

const asyncForEach = (array, cb) => array.reduce(
  (chain, promise, index) => chain.then(
    () => promise
    value => cb(value, index)

const promises = range(5, index => {
  const ms = Math.round(Math.random() * 5000);
  return delay(ms).then(() => ms);

const start = Date.now();

asyncForEach(promises, (ms, index) => {
  console.log(`index ${index} resolved at ${ms}, consumed at ${Date.now() - start}`);


由于 promise 被声明为并行实例化,我假设任何单个 promise 上的错误都不会传播到其他 promise,除非通过 asyncForEach() 构建的任何潜在的脆弱链(如上)。

但我们也希望在 asyncForEach() 中将承诺链接在一起时避免交叉传播错误。这是一种稳健地安排错误回调的方法,其中错误只能从原始承诺传播:

const delay = ms => new Promise(resolve => { setTimeout(resolve, ms); });
const maybe = p => p.then(v => Math.random() < 0.5 ? Promise.reject(v) : v);
const range = (length, mapFn) => Array.from({ length }, (_, index) => mapFn(index));

const asyncForEach = (array, fulfilled, rejected = () => {}) => array.reduce(
  (chain, promise, index) => {
    promise.catch(() => {}); // catch early rejection until handled below by chain
    return chain.then(
      () => promise,
      () => promise // catch rejected chain and settle with promise at index
      value => fulfilled(value, index),
      error => rejected(error, index)

const promises = range(5, index => {
  const ms = Math.round(Math.random() * 5000);
  return maybe(delay(ms).then(() => ms)); // promises can fulfill or reject

const start = Date.now();

const settled = state => (ms, index) => {
  console.log(`index ${index} ${state}ed at ${ms}, consumed at ${Date.now() - start}`);

  settled('reject') // indexed callback for rejected state

这里唯一需要注意的是,传递给 asyncForEach() 的回调中抛出的任何错误都将被链中的错误处理吞没,除了数组最后一个索引上的回调中抛出的错误.

我建议确实使用 Promise.all - 但不是一次对所有承诺,而是你希望为每个步骤实现的所有承诺。您可以使用 reduce:

创建此 "tree list" 的承诺

function parallelPromisesSequentialReduce(promises, reducer, initial) {
  return promises.reduce((acc, promise, i) => {
    return Promise.all([acc, promise]).then(([prev, res]) => reducer(prev, res, i));
  }, Promise.resolve(initial));

const timedPromise = (delay, label) => new Promise(resolve =>
  setTimeout(() => {
    console.log('fulfilled ' + label + ' promise');
  }, delay)

  timedPromise(20, 'first'),
  timedPromise(60, 'second'),
  timedPromise(40, 'third'),
], (acc, res) => {
  console.log('combining ' + res + ' promise with previous result (' + acc + ')');
  return acc;
}, []).then(res => {
  console.log('final result', res);
}, console.error);