
Greedy algorithm to get highest score obtainable

我有一个考试,最高分是 55 分,时间限制是 50 分钟。我需要在 R 中设计一个贪心算法,以最大化在分配时间内可获得的点数。

假设: -100% 正确尝试的问题 -一旦问题开始,就必须完成


> table[order(table$Points_per_min, decreasing = T),]
  Question Total_Points Time_needed Points_per_min
6       Q6            5           3      1.6666667
5       Q5            5           4      1.2500000
4       Q4           14          12      1.1666667
7       Q7           10          10      1.0000000
8       Q8            5           5      1.0000000
1       Q1           21          24      0.8750000
9       Q9            5           6      0.8333333
2       Q2            5           7      0.7142857
3       Q3           10          15      0.6666667



lpSolveAPI 是设置这些问题的 R 包。老实说,我发现语法有点密集,但非常强大。我能够找到一个 50 分的解决方案,它需要全部 50 分钟。 FWIW,我在 Excel 的 Solver() 中找到了相同的解决方案,在我看来这更直观一些。

完整的解决方案如下,但这是我们设置的模型的表示(这是设置模型后 write.lp() 的输出:

/* Objective function */
max: +21 Q1 +5 Q2 +10 Q3 +14 Q4 +5 Q5 +5 Q6 +10 Q7 +5 Q8 +5 Q9;

/* Constraints */
Time_Constraint: +24 Q1 +7 Q2 +15 Q3 +12 Q4 +4 Q5 +3 Q6 +10 Q7 +5 Q8 +6 Q9 <= 50;

/* Variable bounds */
Q1 <= 1;
Q2 <= 1;
Q3 <= 1;
Q4 <= 1;
Q5 <= 1;
Q6 <= 1;
Q7 <= 1;
Q8 <= 1;
Q9 <= 1;

/* Integer definitions */
int Q1,Q2,Q3,Q4,Q5,Q6,Q7,Q8,Q9;

#Define questions, points, and time requirements
dt <- data.table(questions = paste0("Q", 1:9), points = c(21,5,10,14,5,5,10,5,5), time = c(24,7,15,12,4,3,10,5,6))

#make lp object with one contrasint and 9 decision variables
lprec <- make.lp(1,9)
#make sure we're maximizing, not minimizing
#Set the names
dimnames(lprec) <- list("Time_Constraint", dt$questions)
#Set the objective function values, i.e. how many points we get
set.objfn(lprec, dt$points)
#assign the time taken to earn the points
set.row(lprec, 1, dt$time)
#what is the right hand side variable to 50
set.rhs(lprec, 50)
#make the variables binary
set.type(lprec, columns = 1:9, "binary")
#write this model out to see what it is
write.lp(lprec, filename = "model.lp", type = "lp")
#solve the model
#> [1] 0
#get the answers, i.e. which should be answered
answers <- get.variables(lprec)
#let's subset just the questions we should answer
dt[as.logical(answers), ]
#>    questions points time
#> 1:        Q1     21   24
#> 2:        Q4     14   12
#> 3:        Q5      5    4
#> 4:        Q7     10   10
#and confirm that we don't go over 50 minutes
dt[as.logical(answers), .(points = sum(points), time_taken = sum(time))]
#>    points time_taken
#> 1:     50         50

reprex package (v0.2.1)

于 2019-02-10 创建

Greedy 这里的方法是解决问题 每分钟得分的递减顺序.它不能确保为您提供@Chase 给出的最佳解决方案(最优),但已经足够好了。唯一的限制是不要超过时间限制。如果在处理过程中,您发现了违反此约束的问题,则跳过它。

# Initiate cumulative points 
cum_points <- 0

# Initiate cumulative time used
cum_time <- 0

# Initiating Questions solved/finished in sequence/ index j
question_finished <- as.character()
j <- 1

# sort the data based on Points_per_min
df_sorted <- df %>% arrange(desc(Points_per_min)) 

# Checking question by question
for(i in 1:nrow(df_sorted)){

     # only if cumulative time not exceeding time limit of 50 min, we solve a question
     if(cum_time + df_sorted$Time_needed[i] <= 50){
     cum_time <- cum_time + df_sorted$Time_needed[i]
     cum_points <- cum_points + df_sorted$Total_Points[i]

     # Storing the Solved/finished questions and incrementing j
     Question_finished[j] <- as.character(df_sorted$Question[i])
     j <- j + 1


#[1] "Q6" "Q5" "Q4" "Q7" "Q8" "Q9" "Q2"
#[1] 49
#[1] 47


df <- read.table(text = "Question Total_Points Time_needed Points_per_min
6       Q6            5           3      1.6666667
5       Q5            5           4      1.2500000
4       Q4           14          12      1.1666667
7       Q7           10          10      1.0000000
8       Q8            5           5      1.0000000
1       Q1           21          24      0.8750000
9       Q9            5           6      0.8333333
2       Q2            5           7      0.7142857
3       Q3           10          15      0.6666667")