安装 Unity 后如何使用 Unity 添加 Vuforia SDK?

How do I add Vuforia SDK with Unity after the installation of Unity?

我已经在我的 PC.now 上安装了 Unity 我想在新的 Vuforia 站点中将 Vuforia 与 Unity.But 一起使用,他们不提供我们下载已安装的 SDK Unity.How可以下载吗

实际上,如果您安装 unity 2017.2 或更新版本,则无需添加 vuforia sdk。只需转到文件-> 构建设置-> 播放器设置-> 单击 vuforia 增强现实

而且在新版本的 Unity(例如 2019.2.10f1)中,它是文件 > 构建设置 > 播放器设置 > XR 设置 > Vuforia 增强现实支持复选标记

这将自动将 vuforia 相关资产导入 unity。

Install the latest version of Unity, and in the Unity component selection section of the installer, select Vuforia Augmented Reality Support, along with either the iOS Build Support or Android Build Support packages.

Create a Vuforia developer account from the Vuforia registration page. This account gives you access to the tools you need to make AR and MR applications with Vuforia in Unity.

If you have not already created a Unity ID, then do so from the Unity registration page. You need a Unity ID to download any packages from the Unity Asset Store.

Open Unity and create a new 3D Project (make sure the 3D option is selected next to the Add Asset Package button). Name your Project, then click the Create project button.

To activate Vuforia in your Unity project, access the Player settings from Edit > Project Settings, then select the Player category, and select the tab for the mobile device you are building to. Under the XR Settings panel, enable the Vuforia Augmented Reality Support property.

来自Unity Docs

自 2019.3 起,Vuforia 不再原生支持 Unity 3D:

On Friday January 24th Unity posted an “XR Platform Updates” article. Unfortunately, the original version of this article included unclear information about Vuforia Engine. Vuforia Engine is still supported, and will continue to be supported, in Unity. What has changed is that the Vuforia Engine package will no longer be natively distributed by Unity but can be easily obtained from the Unity Asset Store via our Core Samples or our hosted NPM registry. You can learn more about how to download the Vuforia Engine package here.

We apologize for any confusion. If you have any questions, please feel free to post them on our community forums.

Thank you,

The Vuforia Team
