Googleway 不考虑旅行时间的交通(路线搜索)

Googleway not considering traffic for travel time (directions search)

使用 googleway 包中的 google_directions 函数,它不会根据 google 地图浏览器搜索显示旅行时间。



a <- google_directions(origin = c(40.862804, -73.934743),
              destination = "212 5th Ave, New York, NY 10010, USA",
              mode = "driving",
              units = "metric",
              simplify = TRUE,
              key = MY_API)


b <- direction_steps(a)
total_time <- sum(b$duration$value)/60  # minutes
total_time                              # minutes
#[1] 26.1166

但是,google 地图浏览器显示相同搜索时间的 35 分钟。我查了一下路线,都是一样的。

使用 mapsapi 包会发生同样的事情:

c <- mp_directions(origin = c(-73.934743,40.862804),
               destination = "212 5th Ave, New York, NY 10010, USA",
                 mode = "driving",
                 key = MY_API)
total_time1 <- sum(mp_get_segments(c)$duration_s)/60 # minutes
total_time1                                          # minutes
# [1] 26.11667

有谁知道如何将交通信息整合到这些功能中?或者我应该断定 google 没有提供这种级别的信息?

google_directionsgoogleway 文档涵盖了这一点。要获取实时数据,您需要具备以下条件:

  • a departure_time,当前使用 "now" 或使用 POSIXct 日期时间的指定未来时间。
  • traffic_model:Google的猜测是否应该是best_guessoptimisticpessimistic

您使用代码请求历史旅行时间,而 Google 地图使用实时旅行时间(可能是 best_guess 估计值)。

The Google documentation states:

best_guess (default) indicates that the returned duration_in_traffic should be the best estimate of travel time given what is known about both historical traffic conditions and live traffic. Live traffic becomes more important the closer the departure_time is to now.


a <- google_directions(
    origin = c(40.862804, -73.934743),
    destination = "212 5th Ave, New York, NY 10010, USA",
    mode = "driving",
    units = "metric",
    simplify = TRUE,
    key = MY_API,
    departure_time = "now",
    traffic_model = "best_guess")

# Travel time in seconds
travel_time <- a$routes$legs[[1]]$duration_in_traffic$value