渲染视图,但 gsp 中没有对象

Rendering view, but no object in gsp



class Race {

    def distance = "1/4 mile"
    def racer1
    def racer2

RaceController 在此处呈现

def doFullRace(Race race) {

            render (view: 'raceProgress', model: [race: race])


        <div id="raceStart" align="center">
            <p>${race.racer1} is racing ${race.distance} against ${race.racer2}</p>




def doFullRace(Race race) {
    render (view: 'raceProgress', model: [race: race])

race 成为 null 的方法之一是,如果以下所有条件都为真:

  • Race 是一个域 class
  • 提交给 doFullRace 的请求包含一个名为 id
  • 的请求参数
  • 数据库中没有 id 匹配 params.id
  • 的记录


If the command object’s type is that of a domain class and there is an id request parameter then instead of invoking the domain class constructor to create a new instance a call will be made to the static get method on the domain class and the value of the id parameter will be passed as an argument.


If the command object’s type is a domain class and there is no id request parameter or there is an id request parameter and its value is empty then null will be passed into the controller action unless the HTTP request method is "POST", in which case a new instance of the domain class will be created by invoking the domain class constructor. For all of the cases where the domain class instance is non-null, data binding is only performed if the HTTP request method is "POST", "PUT" or "PATCH".