
Fill path not filling entire graphics path?


Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D

Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Paint(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint
        Dim gp As GraphicsPath = CreatePath(New Rectangle(New Point(200, 200), New Size(250, 100)))
        e.Graphics.FillPath(New SolidBrush(Color.LightBlue), gp)
        e.Graphics.DrawPath(New Pen(Color.Black), gp)

    End Sub

    Private Function CreatePath(ByVal area As Rectangle) As GraphicsPath

        Dim gp As New GraphicsPath()
        Dim rect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(area.Location, New Size(area.Width, area.Height \ 3))

        Dim hadj As Integer = area.Height \ 4
        gp.AddLine(New Point(area.X, area.Y + area.Height - hadj), New Point(area.X, area.Y + (rect.Height \ 3) + 8))

        Dim gh As Integer = area.Width \ 4
        Dim pts(4) As PointF
        pts(0) = New PointF(area.X, area.Y + area.Height - hadj)
        pts(1) = New Point(area.X + gh, area.Y + area.Height - (hadj \ 2))
        pts(2) = New Point(area.X + gh * 2, area.Y + area.Height - (hadj \ 3))
        pts(3) = New Point(area.X + gh * 3, area.Y + area.Height - (hadj \ 2))
        pts(4) = New Point(area.X + area.Width, area.Y + area.Height - hadj)

        gp.AddLine(New PointF(area.X + area.Width, area.Y + (rect.Height \ 3) + 9), New PointF(area.X + area.Width, area.Y + area.Height - hadj))
        Return gp
    End Function
End Class

尝试以下操作。默认情况下,GraphicsPath 使用交替填充模式,交替 adds/subtracts 从填充。缠绕填充模式使用方向从填充中添加(顺时针)或减去(逆时针)。

Private Function CreatePath(ByVal area As Rectangle) As GraphicsPath
    '* Set fill mode to winding (see FillMode Help)
    Dim gp As New GraphicsPath(FillMode.Winding)

    Dim rect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(area.Location, New Size(area.Width, area.Height \ 3))

    '* Reorder points so that path goes clockwise (see FillMode.Winding Help)

    Dim hadj As Integer = area.Height \ 4
    'Left side bottom -> top
    'gp.AddLine(New Point(area.X, area.Y + area.Height - hadj), New Point(area.X, area.Y + (rect.Height \ 3) + 8))

    '* Right side top -> bottom (clockwise)
    '* NOTE: Top Y value was a bit too high, adjusted by -3.  Adjust calculation or maybe use floating point math and used rounding, ceil, or floor
    gp.AddLine(New PointF(area.X + area.Width, area.Y + (rect.Height \ 3) + 9 - 3), New PointF(area.X + area.Width, area.Y + area.Height - hadj))

    Dim gh As Integer = area.Width \ 4
    Dim pts(4) As PointF
    'pts(0) = New PointF(area.X, area.Y + area.Height - hadj)
    'pts(1) = New Point(area.X + gh, area.Y + area.Height - (hadj \ 2))
    'pts(2) = New Point(area.X + gh * 2, area.Y + area.Height - (hadj \ 3))
    'pts(3) = New Point(area.X + gh * 3, area.Y + area.Height - (hadj \ 2))
    'pts(4) = New Point(area.X + area.Width, area.Y + area.Height - hadj)
    '* Reordered points (clockwise)
    pts(0) = New Point(area.X + area.Width, area.Y + area.Height - hadj)
    pts(1) = New Point(area.X + gh * 3, area.Y + area.Height - (hadj \ 2))
    pts(2) = New Point(area.X + gh * 2, area.Y + area.Height - (hadj \ 3))
    pts(3) = New Point(area.X + gh, area.Y + area.Height - (hadj \ 2))
    pts(4) = New PointF(area.X, area.Y + area.Height - hadj)

    'Right side top -> bottom
    'gp.AddLine(New PointF(area.X + area.Width, area.Y + (rect.Height \ 3) + 9), New PointF(area.X + area.Width, area.Y + area.Height - hadj))

    '* Left side bottom -> top (clockwise)
    '* NOTE: Top Y value was a bit too high, adjusted by -2.  Adjust calculation or maybe use floating point math and used rounding, ceil, or floor
    gp.AddLine(New Point(area.X, area.Y + area.Height - hadj), New Point(area.X, area.Y + (rect.Height \ 3) + 8 - 2))

    Return gp
End Function

由于圆柱体可以看作是两个椭圆和一个矩形的组合(透视 创造了 3D 对象的错觉),这里首先填充这些形状,然后是外部部分(形状边框)是独立绘制的。



Private upperRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(New Point(10, 10), New Size(180, 80))
Private lowerRect As Rectangle = New Rectangle(New Point(10, 100), New Size(180, 80))

Private Sub Form1_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint
    e.Graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias

    Dim middleRect As Rectangle = CylinderMiddleRect(upperRect, lowerRect)

    Using gp As New GraphicsPath(FillMode.Winding)
        e.Graphics.FillPath(Brushes.LightBlue, gp)

        gp.AddArc(lowerRect, 0, 180)
        gp.AddLine(New Point(middleRect.X, middleRect.Y), New Point(upperRect.X, middleRect.Bottom))
        gp.AddLine(New Point(middleRect.Right, middleRect.Y), New Point(middleRect.Right, middleRect.Bottom))
        e.Graphics.DrawPath(Pens.Black, gp)
    End Using
End Sub

Private Function CylinderMiddleRect(upperRect As Rectangle, lowerRect As Rectangle) As Rectangle
    Dim distance = (lowerRect.Y + (lowerRect.Height \ 2)) - (upperRect.Y + (upperRect.Height \ 2))

    Return New Rectangle(New Point(upperRect.X, upperRect.Y + (upperRect.Height \ 2)),
                         New Size(upperRect.Width, distance))
End Function