如果 sqlparameter 为 null,则将其转换为 DBNULL 值

Cast a sqlparameter into a DBNULL value if it's null

我有一个查询更新我的数据库中的某个 table,我在其中为其分配了一个参数,如果该值不为 null,则后者采用 textbox.text 的值它有效很好,如果是,我会收到此错误消息 "When converting a string to DateTime, parse the string to take the date before putting each variable into the DateTime object"。

我的问题是,我应该使用什么类型的转换来避免使用 If 语句?

SqlCommand loadbonus = new SqlCommand()
loadbonus.Connection = conn;
loadbonus.CommandText = "UPDATE Client SET [Restant Bonus]=[Restant Bonus]-(SELECT SUM([Prix Total]) FROM Comptoir WHERE [N° Comptoir]='" + tabcontrol.SelectedIndex + "'),[Total Consommé]=[Total Consommé]+(SELECT SUM([Prix Total]) FROM Comptoir WHERE [N° Comptoir]='" + tabcontrol.SelectedIndex + "') OUTPUT INSERTED.[Restant Bonus] WHERE [Code Client]=@CodeClient";          
loadbonus.Parameters.Add("@CodeClient", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(clientcodecomptoire.Text);


"When converting a string to DateTime, parse the string to take the date before putting each variable into the DateTime object"


loadbonus.Parameters.Add("@CodeClient", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(clientcodecomptoire.Text)??DBNull.Value;


int number;
bool success = Int32.TryParse(clientcodecomptoire.Text, out number);
loadbonus.Parameters.Add("@CodeClient", SqlDbType.Int).Value = success ? number : DBNull;

如果它无法转换输入字符串,number 将是 0;