PyDICOM 无法读取像素数据,需要 GDCM 或 Pillow

PyDICOM can't read pixel data and needs GDCM or Pillow

我正在使用 pydicom,我的代码非常简单:

image = np.stack([s.pixel_array for s in scans])


RuntimeError: The following handlers are available to decode the pixel data however they are missing required dependencies: GDCM (req. GDCM), Pillow (req. Pillow)


如果 GDCM 给您带来问题,试试 Pillow。
python -m pip install pillow

我遇到了同样的问题,我已经安装了 pillow。解决方案是更新 pydicom 并安装 gdcm(参见 @Ali Türkay Avcihere) as pointed out in this post。使用 anaconda,您可以:

conda install -c conda-forge gdcm

安装 python-gdcm 解决了我的问题

pip install python-gdcm