无法从通用函数中的 CNMutableContact 中删除项目
Unable to remove item from CNMutableContact in Generic Function
我想允许用户在显示原始联系人后从联系人中删除元素(例如 CNPhoneNumber
private func removeFromEditedContact<T:NSString>(labeledValueType:T, with key:String,from contact:CNContact,to toContact:CNContact, at indexPath:IndexPath) -> CNContact {
let mutableContact = toContact.mutableCopy() as! CNMutableContact
//what detail are we seraching for in the contact
if let searchingArray = contact.mutableArrayValue(forKey: key) as? [CNLabeledValue<T>] {
let searchValue = searchingArray[indexPath.row].value
//if detail is present in our mutable contact remove it
var labeledValueToChange = mutableContact.mutableArrayValue(forKey: key) as? [CNLabeledValue<T>]
if let index = labeledValueToChange?.index(where: {[=10=].value == searchValue}) {
labeledValueToChange?.remove(at: index)
return mutableContact
联系人未被修改,因为您只是从您创建的可变数组中删除值。从 labeledValueToChange
contact.setValue(labeledValueToChange, forKey: key)
此外,如果原始联系人是您要修改的联系人,您可以直接将其作为 inout 参数传递给函数。我试过你的功能,它是这样工作的:
private func removeFromEditedContact<T:NSString>(labeledValueType:T, with key:String,from contact:inout CNMutableContact, at indexPath:IndexPath) -> CNMutableContact {
//what detail are we seraching for in the contact
if let searchingArray = contact.mutableArrayValue(forKey: key) as? [CNLabeledValue<T>] {
let searchValue = searchingArray[indexPath.row].value
//if detail is present in our mutable contact remove it
var labeledValueToChange = contact.mutableArrayValue(forKey: key) as? [CNLabeledValue<T>]
if let index = labeledValueToChange?.index(where: {[=11=].value == searchValue}) {
labeledValueToChange?.remove(at: index)
contact.setValue(labeledValueToChange, forKey: key)
return contact
我想允许用户在显示原始联系人后从联系人中删除元素(例如 CNPhoneNumber
private func removeFromEditedContact<T:NSString>(labeledValueType:T, with key:String,from contact:CNContact,to toContact:CNContact, at indexPath:IndexPath) -> CNContact {
let mutableContact = toContact.mutableCopy() as! CNMutableContact
//what detail are we seraching for in the contact
if let searchingArray = contact.mutableArrayValue(forKey: key) as? [CNLabeledValue<T>] {
let searchValue = searchingArray[indexPath.row].value
//if detail is present in our mutable contact remove it
var labeledValueToChange = mutableContact.mutableArrayValue(forKey: key) as? [CNLabeledValue<T>]
if let index = labeledValueToChange?.index(where: {[=10=].value == searchValue}) {
labeledValueToChange?.remove(at: index)
return mutableContact
联系人未被修改,因为您只是从您创建的可变数组中删除值。从 labeledValueToChange
contact.setValue(labeledValueToChange, forKey: key)
此外,如果原始联系人是您要修改的联系人,您可以直接将其作为 inout 参数传递给函数。我试过你的功能,它是这样工作的:
private func removeFromEditedContact<T:NSString>(labeledValueType:T, with key:String,from contact:inout CNMutableContact, at indexPath:IndexPath) -> CNMutableContact {
//what detail are we seraching for in the contact
if let searchingArray = contact.mutableArrayValue(forKey: key) as? [CNLabeledValue<T>] {
let searchValue = searchingArray[indexPath.row].value
//if detail is present in our mutable contact remove it
var labeledValueToChange = contact.mutableArrayValue(forKey: key) as? [CNLabeledValue<T>]
if let index = labeledValueToChange?.index(where: {[=11=].value == searchValue}) {
labeledValueToChange?.remove(at: index)
contact.setValue(labeledValueToChange, forKey: key)
return contact