在 Yii2 上使用 ActiveDataProvider innerJoin

innerJoin with ActiveDataProvider on Yii2


我有 3 个模型:ClinicPackOfferedTreatment

PackOfferedTreatment 通过 FK clinic_idClinic 相关,并且两个模型通过连接模型相互关联:Pack_OfferedTreatmentpack_idofferedTreatment_id)。一包可以有几个OfferedTreatments.


我从以下函数得到的结果是 returns 我所有与诊所相关的 offeredTreatments,但与包无关....我做错了什么?

 * @param $clinicId
 * @param $packId
 * @return array
 * @throws NotFoundHttpException
public function actionPackOfferedTreatments($clinicId, $packId)

    $clinicId = (int)$clinicId;
    $packId = (int)$packId;

    // Find model of the clinic
    $model = $this->findModel($clinicId);

    // pack offeredTreatments:
    $packOfferedTreatmentDataProvider = new ActiveDataProvider([
        'query' => $model->getOfferedTreatments()
                         ->innerJoin('pack_offeredTreatment', false)
                         ->where(['pack_offeredTreatment.pack_id' => $packId]),
        'pagination' => false,
        'sort' => [
            'defaultOrder' => [
                'order' => SORT_ASC
    Yii::$app->response->format = Response::FORMAT_JSON;
    return $packOfferedTreatmentDataProvider->getModels();

我会换个方式考虑。您说 Offered Treatment 与具有外键的诊所相关 - 但它不应该。 pack与clinic相关,治疗与pack相关,所以已经是trough pack相关了。

如果您建立了关系,Clinic has Many Packs,并且 Packs hasMany treatments,您可以 运行 查询 ->innerJoinWith('packs.treatments') 的诊所。如果你有包,你可以 运行 ->with(['clinic', 'treatments']).


You can eagerly load deeply nested relations, such as a.b.c.d. All parent relations will be eagerly loaded. That is, when you call with() using a.b.c.d, you will eagerly load a, a.b, a.b.c and a.b.c.d.