如何对非 ascii 字符串和非整数进行编码?

How to bencode non-ascii strings and non-integer numbers?

根据 bencoding specification:

Bencoded strings are encoded as follows: <string length encoded in base ten ASCII>:<string data>, or key:value Note that there is no constant beginning delimiter, and no ending delimiter.

Example: 4:spam represents the string "spam"
Example: 0: represents the empty string ""

Integers are encoded as follows: i<integer encoded in base ten ASCII>e The initial i and trailing e are beginning and ending delimiters. You can have negative numbers such as i-3e. Only the significant digits should be used, one cannot pad the Integer with zeroes. such as i04e. However, i0e is valid.

Example: i3e represents the integer "3"


问题 1:我应该如何对包含非 ASCII 字符的字符串进行编码?例如:mûrierdie höhe Zeit 我应该使用 UTF-8 编码还是其他编码将这样的字符串转换为字节序列?它如何应用于规范?

问题 2:如何对非整数进行编码,例如 1.0002910-0.0049172?

  1. 根据规范,"All character string values are UTF-8 encoded."
  2. 规范未涵盖;显然不需要。