让 Windows 完全忘记 MTP 设备

Getting Windows to completely forget a MTP device

我正在努力为数据采集设备添加 MTP(媒体传输协议)支持。我 运行 遇到了一些困难,因为 Windows 积极地 缓存有关此类设备的详细信息 - 我的许多更改没有明显效果,因为 Windows 只使用它的缓存值而不是查询设备。我可以测试这些更改的唯一方法是将设备插入另一台计算机 - 但我已经 运行 离开其他计算机很久了。

那么,我怎样才能 Windows 完全忘记 MTP 设备,并将其视为全新的呢?在设备管理器中卸载设备,然后拔下并重新插入,无法完成工作。我正在 Windows 7 机器上开发,但需要知道其他版本的答案以及我最终需要在所有这些机器上进行测试。


我首先从一个漂亮的工具开始 USBDeview,您可以使用它来收集信息。找出您的设备并右键单击该设备并选择 打开 INF 文件。在哪里可以找到删除设备所需的所有信息。

接下来转到高级系统设置并打开设备管理器。菜单 View -> select -> 并勾选 show hidden devices 如果您发现您的设备处于隐藏状态,您可以尝试将其卸载。这可能是您要搜索的缓存。

例如,我在不同的地方找到了我的两个 MTP 设备。一个直接位于 通用串行总线控制器 部分,第二个位于 通用串行总线设备 。所以你可以选择。

如果您想通过脚本自动移除隐藏设备 - 您可以运行以下PS脚本(在blog找到);(致谢Alexander Boersc 和 trententtye) - 请阅读脚本的示例部分以查找示例:

   Removes ghost devices from your system

    This script will remove ghost devices from your system.  These are devices that are present but have a "InstallState" as false.  These devices are typically shown as 'faded'
    in Device Manager, when you select "Show hidden and devices" from the view menu.  This script has been tested on Windows 2008 R2 SP2 with PowerShell 3.0, 5.1 and Server 2012R2
    with Powershell 4.0.  There is no warranty with this script.  Please use cautiously as removing devices is a destructive process without an undo.

.PARAMETER filterByFriendlyName 
This parameter will exclude devices that match the partial name provided. This paramater needs to be specified in an array format for all the friendly names you want to be excluded from removal.
"Intel" will match "Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 0 @ 2.70GHz". "Loop" will match "Microsoft Loopback Adapter".

.PARAMETER filterByClass 
This parameter will exclude devices that match the class name provided. This paramater needs to be specified in an array format for all the class names you want to be excluded from removal.
This is an exact string match so "Disk" will not match "DiskDrive".

.PARAMETER listDevicesOnly 
listDevicesOnly will output a table of all devices found in this system.

.PARAMETER listGhostDevicesOnly 
listGhostDevicesOnly will output a table of all 'ghost' devices found in this system.

Lists all devices
. "removeGhosts.ps1" -listDevicesOnly

Save the list of devices as an object
$Devices = . "removeGhosts.ps1" -listDevicesOnly

Lists all 'ghost' devices
. "removeGhosts.ps1" -listGhostDevicesOnly

Save the list of 'ghost' devices as an object
$ghostDevices = . "removeGhosts.ps1" -listGhostDevicesOnly

Remove all ghost devices EXCEPT any devices that have "Intel" or "Citrix" in their friendly name
. "removeGhosts.ps1" -filterByFriendlyName @("Intel","Citrix")

Remove all ghost devices EXCEPT any devices that are apart of the classes "LegacyDriver" or "Processor"
. "removeGhosts.ps1" -filterByClass @("LegacyDriver","Processor")

Remove all ghost devices EXCEPT for devices with a friendly name of "Intel" or "Citrix" or with a class of "LegacyDriver" or "Processor"
. "removeGhosts.ps1" -filterByClass @("LegacyDriver","Processor") -filterByFriendlyName @("Intel","Citrix")

Permission level has not been tested.  It is assumed you will need to have sufficient rights to uninstall devices from device manager for this script to run properly.


#parameter futzing
$removeDevices = $true
if ($FilterByClass -ne $null) {
    write-host "FilterByClass: $FilterByClass"

if ($FilterByFriendlyName -ne $null) {
    write-host "FilterByFriendlyName: $FilterByFriendlyName"

if ($listDevicesOnly -eq $true) {
    write-host "List devices without removal: $listDevicesOnly"
    $removeDevices = $false

if ($listGhostDevicesOnly -eq $true) {
    write-host "List ghost devices without removal: $listGhostDevicesOnly"
    $removeDevices = $false

$setupapi = @"
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace Win32
    public static class SetupApi
         // 1st form using a ClassGUID only, with Enumerator = IntPtr.Zero
        [DllImport("setupapi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
        public static extern IntPtr SetupDiGetClassDevs(
           ref Guid ClassGuid,
           IntPtr Enumerator,
           IntPtr hwndParent,
           int Flags

        // 2nd form uses an Enumerator only, with ClassGUID = IntPtr.Zero
        [DllImport("setupapi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
        public static extern IntPtr SetupDiGetClassDevs(
           IntPtr ClassGuid,
           string Enumerator,
           IntPtr hwndParent,
           int Flags

        [DllImport("setupapi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
        public static extern bool SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo(
            IntPtr DeviceInfoSet,
            uint MemberIndex,
            ref SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData

        [DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true)]
        public static extern bool SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(
            IntPtr DeviceInfoSet
        [DllImport("setupapi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
        public static extern bool SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(
            IntPtr deviceInfoSet,
            ref SP_DEVINFO_DATA deviceInfoData,
            uint property,
            out UInt32 propertyRegDataType,
            byte[] propertyBuffer,
            uint propertyBufferSize,
            out UInt32 requiredSize
        [DllImport("setupapi.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
        public static extern bool SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId(
            IntPtr DeviceInfoSet,
            ref SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData,
            StringBuilder DeviceInstanceId,
            int DeviceInstanceIdSize,
            out int RequiredSize

        [DllImport("setupapi.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Auto, SetLastError = true)]
        public static extern bool SetupDiRemoveDevice(IntPtr DeviceInfoSet,ref SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData);
    public struct SP_DEVINFO_DATA
       public uint cbSize;
       public Guid classGuid;
       public uint devInst;
       public IntPtr reserved;
    public enum DiGetClassFlags : uint
        DIGCF_DEFAULT       = 0x00000001,  // only valid with DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE
        DIGCF_PRESENT       = 0x00000002,
        DIGCF_ALLCLASSES    = 0x00000004,
        DIGCF_PROFILE       = 0x00000008,
        DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE   = 0x00000010,
    public enum SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyEnum : uint
         SPDRP_DEVICEDESC          = 0x00000000, // DeviceDesc (R/W)
         SPDRP_HARDWAREID          = 0x00000001, // HardwareID (R/W)
         SPDRP_COMPATIBLEIDS           = 0x00000002, // CompatibleIDs (R/W)
         SPDRP_UNUSED0             = 0x00000003, // unused
         SPDRP_SERVICE             = 0x00000004, // Service (R/W)
         SPDRP_UNUSED1             = 0x00000005, // unused
         SPDRP_UNUSED2             = 0x00000006, // unused
         SPDRP_CLASS               = 0x00000007, // Class (R--tied to ClassGUID)
         SPDRP_CLASSGUID           = 0x00000008, // ClassGUID (R/W)
         SPDRP_DRIVER              = 0x00000009, // Driver (R/W)
         SPDRP_CONFIGFLAGS         = 0x0000000A, // ConfigFlags (R/W)
         SPDRP_MFG             = 0x0000000B, // Mfg (R/W)
         SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME        = 0x0000000C, // FriendlyName (R/W)
         SPDRP_LOCATION_INFORMATION    = 0x0000000D, // LocationInformation (R/W)
         SPDRP_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT_NAME = 0x0000000E, // PhysicalDeviceObjectName (R)
         SPDRP_CAPABILITIES        = 0x0000000F, // Capabilities (R)
         SPDRP_UI_NUMBER           = 0x00000010, // UiNumber (R)
         SPDRP_UPPERFILTERS        = 0x00000011, // UpperFilters (R/W)
         SPDRP_LOWERFILTERS        = 0x00000012, // LowerFilters (R/W)
         SPDRP_BUSTYPEGUID         = 0x00000013, // BusTypeGUID (R)
         SPDRP_LEGACYBUSTYPE           = 0x00000014, // LegacyBusType (R)
         SPDRP_BUSNUMBER           = 0x00000015, // BusNumber (R)
         SPDRP_ENUMERATOR_NAME         = 0x00000016, // Enumerator Name (R)
         SPDRP_SECURITY            = 0x00000017, // Security (R/W, binary form)
         SPDRP_SECURITY_SDS        = 0x00000018, // Security (W, SDS form)
         SPDRP_DEVTYPE             = 0x00000019, // Device Type (R/W)
         SPDRP_EXCLUSIVE           = 0x0000001A, // Device is exclusive-access (R/W)
         SPDRP_CHARACTERISTICS         = 0x0000001B, // Device Characteristics (R/W)
         SPDRP_ADDRESS             = 0x0000001C, // Device Address (R)
         SPDRP_UI_NUMBER_DESC_FORMAT       = 0X0000001D, // UiNumberDescFormat (R/W)
         SPDRP_DEVICE_POWER_DATA       = 0x0000001E, // Device Power Data (R)
         SPDRP_REMOVAL_POLICY          = 0x0000001F, // Removal Policy (R)
         SPDRP_REMOVAL_POLICY_HW_DEFAULT   = 0x00000020, // Hardware Removal Policy (R)
         SPDRP_REMOVAL_POLICY_OVERRIDE     = 0x00000021, // Removal Policy Override (RW)
         SPDRP_INSTALL_STATE           = 0x00000022, // Device Install State (R)
         SPDRP_LOCATION_PATHS          = 0x00000023, // Device Location Paths (R)
         SPDRP_BASE_CONTAINERID        = 0x00000024  // Base ContainerID (R)
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $setupapi

    #Array for all removed devices report
    $removeArray = @()
    #Array for all devices report
    $array = @()

    $setupClass = [Guid]::Empty
    #Get all devices
    $devs = [Win32.SetupApi]::SetupDiGetClassDevs([ref]$setupClass, [IntPtr]::Zero, [IntPtr]::Zero, [Win32.DiGetClassFlags]::DIGCF_ALLCLASSES)

    #Initialise Struct to hold device info Data
    $devInfo = new-object Win32.SP_DEVINFO_DATA
    $devInfo.cbSize = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf($devInfo)

    #Device Counter
    $devCount = 0
    #Enumerate Devices
    while([Win32.SetupApi]::SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo($devs, $devCount, [ref]$devInfo)){

        #Will contain an enum depending on the type of the registry Property, not used but required for call
        $propType = 0
        #Buffer is initially null and buffer size 0 so that we can get the required Buffer size first
        [byte[]]$propBuffer = $null
        $propBufferSize = 0
        #Get Buffer size
        [Win32.SetupApi]::SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty($devs, [ref]$devInfo, [Win32.SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyEnum]::SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME, [ref]$propType, $propBuffer, 0, [ref]$propBufferSize) | Out-null
        #Initialize Buffer with right size
        [byte[]]$propBuffer = New-Object byte[] $propBufferSize

        #Get HardwareID
        $propTypeHWID = 0
        [byte[]]$propBufferHWID = $null
        $propBufferSizeHWID = 0
        [Win32.SetupApi]::SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty($devs, [ref]$devInfo, [Win32.SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyEnum]::SPDRP_HARDWAREID, [ref]$propTypeHWID, $propBufferHWID, 0, [ref]$propBufferSizeHWID) | Out-null
        [byte[]]$propBufferHWID = New-Object byte[] $propBufferSizeHWID

        #Get DeviceDesc (this name will be used if no friendly name is found)
        $propTypeDD = 0
        [byte[]]$propBufferDD = $null
        $propBufferSizeDD = 0
        [Win32.SetupApi]::SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty($devs, [ref]$devInfo, [Win32.SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyEnum]::SPDRP_DEVICEDESC, [ref]$propTypeDD, $propBufferDD, 0, [ref]$propBufferSizeDD) | Out-null
        [byte[]]$propBufferDD = New-Object byte[] $propBufferSizeDD

        #Get Install State
        $propTypeIS = 0
        [byte[]]$propBufferIS = $null
        $propBufferSizeIS = 0
        [Win32.SetupApi]::SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty($devs, [ref]$devInfo, [Win32.SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyEnum]::SPDRP_INSTALL_STATE, [ref]$propTypeIS, $propBufferIS, 0, [ref]$propBufferSizeIS) | Out-null
        [byte[]]$propBufferIS = New-Object byte[] $propBufferSizeIS

        #Get Class
        $propTypeCLSS = 0
        [byte[]]$propBufferCLSS = $null
        $propBufferSizeCLSS = 0
        [Win32.SetupApi]::SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty($devs, [ref]$devInfo, [Win32.SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyEnum]::SPDRP_CLASS, [ref]$propTypeCLSS, $propBufferCLSS, 0, [ref]$propBufferSizeCLSS) | Out-null
        [byte[]]$propBufferCLSS = New-Object byte[] $propBufferSizeCLSS
        [Win32.SetupApi]::SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty($devs, [ref]$devInfo,[Win32.SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyEnum]::SPDRP_CLASS, [ref]$propTypeCLSS, $propBufferCLSS, $propBufferSizeCLSS, [ref]$propBufferSizeCLSS)  | out-null
        $Class = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($propBufferCLSS)

        #Read FriendlyName property into Buffer
        if(![Win32.SetupApi]::SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty($devs, [ref]$devInfo,[Win32.SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyEnum]::SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME, [ref]$propType, $propBuffer, $propBufferSize, [ref]$propBufferSize)){
            [Win32.SetupApi]::SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty($devs, [ref]$devInfo,[Win32.SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyEnum]::SPDRP_DEVICEDESC, [ref]$propTypeDD, $propBufferDD, $propBufferSizeDD, [ref]$propBufferSizeDD)  | out-null
            $FriendlyName = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($propBufferDD)
            #The friendly Name ends with a weird character
            if ($FriendlyName.Length -ge 1) {
                $FriendlyName = $FriendlyName.Substring(0,$FriendlyName.Length-1)
        } else {
            #Get Unicode String from Buffer
            $FriendlyName = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($propBuffer)
            #The friendly Name ends with a weird character
            if ($FriendlyName.Length -ge 1) {
                $FriendlyName = $FriendlyName.Substring(0,$FriendlyName.Length-1)

        #InstallState returns true or false as an output, not text
        $InstallState = [Win32.SetupApi]::SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty($devs, [ref]$devInfo,[Win32.SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyEnum]::SPDRP_INSTALL_STATE, [ref]$propTypeIS, $propBufferIS, $propBufferSizeIS, [ref]$propBufferSizeIS)

        # Read HWID property into Buffer
        if(![Win32.SetupApi]::SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty($devs, [ref]$devInfo,[Win32.SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyEnum]::SPDRP_HARDWAREID, [ref]$propTypeHWID, $propBufferHWID, $propBufferSizeHWID, [ref]$propBufferSizeHWID)){
            #Ignore if Error
            $HWID = ""
        } else {
            #Get Unicode String from Buffer
            $HWID = [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString($propBufferHWID)
            #trim out excess names and take first object
            $HWID = $HWID.split([char]0x0000)[0].ToUpper()

        #all detected devices list
        $obj = New-Object System.Object
        $obj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name FriendlyName -value $FriendlyName
        $obj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name HWID -value $HWID
        $obj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name InstallState -value $InstallState
        $obj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Class -value $Class
        if ($array.count -le 0) {
            #for some reason the script will blow by the first few entries without displaying the output
            #this brief pause seems to let the objects get created/displayed so that they are in order.
            sleep 1
        $array += @($obj)

        We need to execute the filtering at this point because we are in the current device context
        where we can execute an action (eg, removal).
        InstallState : False == ghosted device
        $matchFilter = $false
        if ($removeDevices -eq $true) {
            #we want to remove devices so lets check the filters...
            if ($FilterByClass -ne $null) {
                foreach ($ClassFilter in $FilterByClass) {
                    if ($ClassFilter -eq $Class) {
                        Write-verbose "Class filter match $ClassFilter, skipping"
                        $matchFilter = $true
            if ($FilterByFriendlyName -ne $null) {
                foreach ($FriendlyNameFilter in $FilterByFriendlyName) {
                    if ($FriendlyName -like '*'+$FriendlyNameFilter+'*') {
                        Write-verbose "FriendlyName filter match $FriendlyName, skipping"
                        $matchFilter = $true
            if ($InstallState -eq $False) {
                if ($matchFilter -eq $false) {
                    Write-Host "Attempting to removing device $FriendlyName" -ForegroundColor Yellow
                    $removeObj = New-Object System.Object
                    $removeObj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name FriendlyName -value $FriendlyName
                    $removeObj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name HWID -value $HWID
                    $removeObj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name InstallState -value $InstallState
                    $removeObj | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name Class -value $Class
                    $removeArray += @($removeObj)
                    if([Win32.SetupApi]::SetupDiRemoveDevice($devs, [ref]$devInfo)){
                        Write-Host "Removed device $FriendlyName"  -ForegroundColor Green
                    } else {
                        Write-Host "Failed to remove device $FriendlyName" -ForegroundColor Red
                } else {
                    write-host "Filter matched. Skipping $FriendlyName" -ForegroundColor Yellow

    #output objects so you can take the output from the script
    if ($listDevicesOnly) {
        $allDevices = $array | sort -Property FriendlyName | ft
        write-host "Total devices found       : $($array.count)"
        $ghostDevices = ($array | where {$_.InstallState -eq $false} | sort -Property FriendlyName)
        write-host "Total ghost devices found : $($ghostDevices.count)"
        return $allDevices | out-null

    if ($listGhostDevicesOnly) {
        $ghostDevices = ($array | where {$_.InstallState -eq $false} | sort -Property FriendlyName)
        $ghostDevices | ft
        write-host "Total ghost devices found : $($ghostDevices.count)"
        return $ghostDevices | out-null

    if ($removeDevices -eq $true) {
        write-host "Removed devices:"
        $removeArray  | sort -Property FriendlyName | ft
        write-host "Total removed devices     : $($removeArray.count)"
        return $removeArray | out-null

删除所有隐藏设备后。您现在可以在注册表中搜索由 ClassGUID= 提供的字符串(没有大括号)并删除注册表中的所有字符串并按照 inf 文件中的其余信息查找任何剩菜。

编辑 - 修复了设备管理器 + 添加了有关 Device Manager (Win10) 的详细信息 上面 "uninstalling it" 的意思是在隐藏状态下卸载它(我不确定我们是否正确理解了彼此 -> 所以我添加信息):


与 windows 断开连接(但仍通过 USB 数据线连接):

与 USB 端口断开连接(注意灰色图标)- 这是我认为最好尝试卸载它的时候:
