MySQL 5.5.47 table 将自己从 MyISAM 切换到 InnoDB

MySQL 5.5.47 table switches itself from MyISAM to InnoDB

我正在使用一个拥有十年历史的网站,该网站托管一个具有搜索功能的数据库。我遇到了搜索功能的问题,因为它会 return 出现以下错误:使用的 table 类型不支持全文索引。我快速搜索认为 table 使用了错误的引擎类型,并将其从 InnoDB 切换到 MyISAM。然后搜索功能完美运行。然而片刻之后,搜索功能就停止了。 table 已恢复为 InnoDB。我仔细查看了网站上的代码,似乎一个名为 KT_MXSearch.class.php 的页面出现循环,DROP/CREATE,table 'src_cache_cah' 用于容纳潜在的结果。我试图让代码停止从 MyISAM 改回。我是 PHP 的菜鸟,这有点让人不知所措,所以我希望这里有人可以提供帮助。数据库在 MySQL 5.5.47 - Maria DB 上运行,我们无法升级版本。谢谢阅读。这是代码:

class KT_MXSearch{
    var $connection; //connection name
    var $databaseType; //database type
    var $searchName; //name of the class
    var $tmpTable; //name of the temporary table storing last cache update
    var $refreshCacheDelay;
    var $cacheTable; //name of the cache table storing all site search content
    var $searchType; //type of search (fulltext || normal)
    var $searchColumns; //array with the names of the searched columns
    var $whereCondition; //where condition in the Search Recordset SQL
    var $orderBy; //order by statement in the Search Recordset SQL
    var $searchFor=''; //aditional columns in the Search Recordset SQL
    var $tables;
    var $totalRows;
    var $importanceArray = array(1=>5,2=>10,3=>25,4=>50,5=>100);
    var $sql = array(
        'create_cache' => "CREATE TABLE %s (
                        title_cah varchar (100) NOT NULL, 
                        shortdesc_cah text NOT NULL, 
                        col1_cah text NULL, 
                        col2_cah text NULL, 
                        col3_cah text NULL, 
                        col4_cah text NULL, 
                        col5_cah text NULL, 
                        importance_cah INT NOT NULL, 
                        url_cah varchar (255) NOT NULL);",
        'select' => "SELECT `%s` as title_cah, `%s` as shortdesc_cah, `%s` as url_cah, %s as importance_cah",                       
        'MySQL' => array(
            'like' => "LIKE",   
            'fulltext_where' => array(
                        'fulltext' => "MATCH (col%s_cah) AGAINST ('%s') >0 ",
                        'boolean fulltext' => "MATCH (col%s_cah) AGAINST ('%s' IN BOOLEAN MODE) >0 "
            'fulltext_order' => array(
                        'fulltext' => "MATCH (col%s_cah) AGAINST ('%s') * %s",
                        'boolean fulltext' => "MATCH (col%s_cah) AGAINST ('%s' IN BOOLEAN MODE) * %s"
    // FUNCTION:
    //   KT_MXSearch
    //   KT_MXSearch constructor
    //   searchName - Name of the object
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing
    function KT_MXSearch() {
    // FUNCTION:
    //   setConnection
    //   Sets the connection and the connection type (database type)
    //   connection - connection name
    //   databaseType - database type
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing
    function setConnection(&$connection , $databaseType) {
        $this->connection = $connection;
        $this->databaseType = $databaseType;

    function setCache($cacheTable, $refreshCacheDelay) {
        $this->cacheTable = $cacheTable;
        $this->refreshCacheDelay = $refreshCacheDelay*60;
    function setTempTable($tmpTable) {
        $this->tmpTable = $tmpTable;
    function setTables($config) {
        $this->tables = $config->Tables;
    function setSearchType($searchType) {
        $this->searchType = $searchType;
    // FUNCTION:
    //   checkTableExists()
    //   Verifies the existence of a table in the database
    //   tableName - name of the table
    // RETURNS:
    //   true or false
    function checkTableExists($tableName){
        //check if table exists
        $KT_sql = "SELECT * FROM $tableName";
        $testRecord = mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection);
        if (mysql_error()) {
            return false;
        } else {
            return true;
    // FUNCTION:
    //   createTmpTable
    //   Creates the table that holds the cache refresh information
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing
    function createTmpTable(){
        //create settings table
        $KT_sql = "CREATE TABLE ".$this->tmpTable."(
                                lastupd_tmp TEXT NOT NULL                               
        mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());                              
        //insert record
    // FUNCTION:
    //   updateTmpTable
    //   Updates the table that holds the cache refresh information
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   true or false
    function updateTmpTable(){
        $now = date("Y/m/d H:i:s");
        $KT_sql = "update ".$this->tmpTable." SET lastupd_tmp = '$now'";
        mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());
        return true;
    function initTmpTable() {
        $KT_sql = "INSERT INTO ".$this->tmpTable." (lastupd_tmp) VALUES('1970/01/01 00:00:00')  ;";
        mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());                              
    // FUNCTION:
    //   checkCacheExpired
    //   Checks if the cache has expired
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   true or false
    function checkCacheExpired() {
        $KT_sql = "select lastupd_tmp from ".$this->tmpTable;
        $mxs_result = mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());
        $row_mxs_result = mysql_fetch_assoc($mxs_result);
        if ($row_mxs_result['lastupd_tmp']) {
            $date = $row_mxs_result['lastupd_tmp'];
            if (strtotime(date("Y/m/d H:i:s")) - strtotime($date) > $this->refreshCacheDelay) {
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;
        } else {
            return false;
    // FUNCTION:
    //   createCacheTable
    //   Creates the cache table
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing
    function createFulltextIndex($dbType) {
        if ($dbType=="MySQL") {
            for ($i=1;$i<=5;$i++) {
                $KT_sql = 'ALTER TABLE `'.$this->cacheTable.'` DROP INDEX `idx_description`'.$i;
                mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection);
                $KT_sql = 'create fulltext index idx_description'.$i.' on '.$this->cacheTable.' (col'.$i.'_cah);';
                mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error()."<br>Please check that your database supports fulltext search");
    function createCacheTable() {
        $KT_sql = "drop table ".$this->cacheTable;
        mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection);
        $KT_sql = sprintf($this->sql['create_cache'], $this->cacheTable);
        mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());
        if ($this->searchType=='fulltext') {
    // FUNCTION:
    //   fillCacheTable
    //   Fills the cache table
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing
    function fillCacheTable() {
        if (is_array($this->tables)){
        foreach($this->tables as $tableKey => $crtTable){
            $columnsString = array();
            $KT_TableName = $tableKey;

            //for each column...
            if (is_array($crtTable['searchColumns'])){
                $tmpColumnArr = array();
                foreach($crtTable['searchColumns'] as $fieldKey => $fieldValue) {
                    $tmpColumnArr[$fieldValue][]    =   "`".$fieldKey."`";
                for ($relIdx=1;$relIdx<=5;$relIdx++) {
                    if (isset($tmpColumnArr[$relIdx])) {
                        $columnsString[$relIdx] = implode(",",$tmpColumnArr[$relIdx]);
                    } else {
                        unset ($columnsString[$relIdx]);
            }else {
                die('No search columns defined in table '.$KT_TableName.'!');
            //end columns
            //set the columns values    
            $cacheTile          = $crtTable['resultTitle'];
            $cacheDesc          = $crtTable['resultDesc'];          
            $cacheURL           = $crtTable['pageName'];
            $cacheImportance    = $crtTable['TableImportance'];
            if (isset($crtTable['AditionalCondition'])) {
                $cacheAditionalCond = $crtTable['AditionalCondition'];          
            } else {
            //compute result url parameters
            $paramValue = $crtTable['pageParam'];
            $KT_sql = sprintf($this->sql['select'], $cacheTile, $cacheDesc, $paramValue, $cacheImportance);
            for ($relIdx=1;$relIdx<=5;$relIdx++) {
                if (isset($columnsString[$relIdx])) {
                    $KT_sql .= ", ".$columnsString[$relIdx];    
            $KT_sql .= " FROM ".$KT_TableName;
            if (isset($cacheAditionalCond) && $cacheAditionalCond != '') {
                $KT_sql .= " WHERE $cacheAditionalCond ";

            $KT_results = mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error()."<br>".$KT_sql);
            $row_KT_results = mysql_fetch_assoc($KT_results);
            do {
                $cacheCol = array();
                $col_cah = array();
                $title_cah          = addslashes(strip_tags($row_KT_results['title_cah']));
                $shortdesc_cah      = addslashes(strip_tags($row_KT_results['shortdesc_cah']));
                for ($relIdx=1;$relIdx<=5;$relIdx++) {
                    if (isset($tmpColumnArr[$relIdx])) {
                        $cacheCol[$relIdx] = "";
                        for ($colIdx=0;$colIdx<count($tmpColumnArr[$relIdx]);$colIdx++) {
                            $cacheCol[$relIdx] .= "\r\n".$row_KT_results[str_replace("`", "", $tmpColumnArr[$relIdx][$colIdx])];
                $KT_colString = ''; $KT_valueString = '';
                for ($relIdx=1;$relIdx<=5;$relIdx++) {
                    if (isset($cacheCol[$relIdx])) {
                        $col_cah[$relIdx] = addslashes(strip_tags($cacheCol[$relIdx]));
                        $KT_colString .= ", col".$relIdx."_cah";
                        $KT_valueString .= ", '".$col_cah[$relIdx]."'";
                        if ($this->databaseType=="PostgreSQL" && $this->searchType=="fulltext") {
                            $KT_colString .= ", col".$relIdx."_vect_cah";
                            $KT_valueString .= ", to_tsvector('".$col_cah[$relIdx]."')";                
                    } else {
                        $col_cah[$relIdx] = "";
                $url_cah    = addslashes($cacheURL.$row_KT_results['url_cah']);
                $importance_cah = $this->importanceArray[$cacheImportance];
                $KT_sql = "INSERT INTO ".$this->cacheTable." (title_cah, shortdesc_cah".$KT_colString.", importance_cah, url_cah) values ('$title_cah', '$shortdesc_cah'".$KT_valueString.", $importance_cah, '$url_cah');";
                mysql_query($KT_sql) or die(mysql_error());
            } while ($row_KT_results = mysql_fetch_assoc($KT_results));
        }//foreach table
        }else {die('No search tables defined!');}
    function getRecordset($start = null, $max = null) {
        $kt_searchWhere = $this->getWhereCondition();
        $kt_searchOrder = $this->getOrderBy();
        $kt_columns = $this->getSearchColumns();
        $KT_sql = sprintf("SELECT * %s FROM %s WHERE %s ORDER BY %s", $kt_columns, $this->cacheTable, $kt_searchWhere, $kt_searchOrder);
        $KT_result = mysql_query($KT_sql, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());
        $this->totalRows = mysql_num_rows($KT_result);
        if (isset($start) && isset($max)) {
            $KT_result = mysql_query($KT_sql." LIMIT ".$start.", ".$max, $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());
        return $KT_result;
    function getTotalRows() {
        return $this->totalRows;
    // FUNCTION:
    //   refreshCache
    //   Checks if the cache is expired and refreshes the cache if necesary
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing
    function refreshCache(){
        if (!$this->checkTableExists($this->tmpTable)){
        if ($this->checkCacheExpired()){
    // FUNCTION:
    //   computeAll
    //   Checks the type of the search and performs the right search
    //   searchFor - expression to search for
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing
    function computeAll($searchFor){

        if ($this->searchType=='normal') {
        if ($this->searchType=='fulltext') {    
        if ($this->searchType=='boolean fulltext') {
    // FUNCTION:
    //   setSearchTerm
    //   Sets the expression to search for
    //   searchFor - the expression
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing
    function setSearchTerm($searchFor){
        if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
            $keywords = @$_GET[$searchFor];
        } else {
            $keywords = addslashes(@$_GET[$searchFor]);
        $this->searchFor = stripslashes(strtolower($keywords));
    // FUNCTION:
    //   computeNormalSearch
    //   Computes the SQL for the normal search
    // RETURNS:
    function computeNormalSearch() {
        $searchFor = $this->searchFor;
        $like = $this->sql[$this->databaseType]['like'];
        if ($searchFor) {
            $searchCond = explode(" and ", $searchFor);
            for ($condIdx=0;$condIdx<count($searchCond);$condIdx++) {
                if ($searchCond[$condIdx]!='') {
                    if ($condIdx!=0) {
                        $this->whereCondition .= " AND (";
                    } else {
                        $this->whereCondition .= " (";
                    $searchCond[$condIdx] = str_replace(" or "," ", $searchCond[$condIdx]);
                    $expr = "/\"([^\"]*)\"/m";
                    $matches = array();
                    preg_match_all($expr, $searchCond[$condIdx], $matches);
                    $searchCond[$condIdx] = preg_replace($expr, "", $searchCond[$condIdx]);
                    $searchWords = explode(" ", $searchCond[$condIdx]);
                    if (is_array($matches[1])) {            
                        foreach ($matches[1] as $key=>$value) {             
                            array_push($searchWords, $value);
                    $first = true;
                    for ($i=0;$i<count($searchWords);$i++) {
                        if ($searchWords[$i]!='') {
                            if (!$first) {
                                $this->whereCondition .= " OR (";
                            } else {
                                $this->whereCondition .= " (";
                            $first = false;
                            $this->whereCondition .= " col1_cah $like '%".addslashes($searchWords[$i])."%' ";
                            for ($relIdx=2; $relIdx <= 5; $relIdx++) {
                                $this->whereCondition .= " OR col".$relIdx."_cah $like '%".addslashes($searchWords[$i])."%' ";
                                if ($relIdx==5) $this->whereCondition .= ") ";
                    $this->whereCondition .= " ) ";
            $this->orderBy      .= " importance_cah DESC";
        } else {
            $this->whereCondition .= " 1=-1 ";
            $this->orderBy      .= " importance_cah DESC";      
    // FUNCTION:
    //   getScore
    //   Calculates the importance score 
    //   text - text to search in
    //   text - text to search in
    //   searchFor - keywords
    // RETURNS:
    //   the importance score for the keywords
    function getScore($text) 
        $searchFor = $this->searchFor;
        $textLo = strtolower($text);
        $expr = "/\"([^\"]*)\"/m";
        $matches = array();
        preg_match_all($expr, $searchFor, $matches);
        $searchFor = preg_replace($expr, "", $searchFor);
        $searchFor = str_replace('"','',$searchFor);
        $nrWords = count(explode(" ", $text));
        $searchWords = explode(" ", $searchFor);
        if (is_array($matches[1])) {
            foreach($matches[1] as $key=>$value) {
                array_push($searchWords, $value);
        $nrSearchWords = count($searchWords);
        $mainWordIdx = 0;
        $mainWord = "";
        if ($nrSearchWords==1) {
            $nrOccur = substr_count($textLo, strtolower($searchFor));
            $score = $nrOccur/$nrWords;
            return $score;
        } else {
            $score = 0;
            $allWords = true;
            for ($i=0;$i<$nrSearchWords;$i++) {
                if ($searchWords[$i]!='') {
                    $nrOccur = substr_count($textLo, strtolower($searchWords[$i]));     
                    if (!$nrOccur) {
                        $allWords = false;
                    $score += $nrOccur/$nrWords;        
            if ($allWords) {
                $score *= 5;
            return $score;
    // FUNCTION:
    //   getOrderedArray
    //   Makes a sort operation on the results for the normal search using the importance score
    //   recSet - recordset object containing the results
    //   searchFor - keywords
    // RETURNS:
    //   array with the results in the right order
    function getOrderedArray($recSet, $start, $length)
        $searchFor = $this->searchFor;
        $ordArr = array();
        $i = 0;
        $row_recSet = mysql_fetch_assoc($recSet);
        do {
            $fieldsArr = array();
            $fieldsArr['title_cah'] = $row_recSet['title_cah'];
            $fieldsArr['shortdesc_cah'] = $row_recSet['shortdesc_cah'];
            $fieldsArr['url_cah'] = $row_recSet['url_cah'];
            $score = 0;
            for ($j=1;$j<5;$j++) {
                $score += $this->importanceArray[$j] * $this->getScore($row_recSet['col'.$j.'_cah'], $searchFor);
            $fieldsArr['score'] = $score * $row_recSet['importance_cah'];
            $ordArr[$i] = $fieldsArr;
        } while ($row_recSet = mysql_fetch_assoc($recSet));
        $ready = false;
        $nrRec = mysql_num_rows($recSet); 
        while(!$ready) {
            $ready = true;
            for($i=0;$i<$nrRec-1;$i++) {
                if ($ordArr[$i]['score']<$ordArr[$i+1]['score']) {
                    $aux = $ordArr[$i];
                    $ordArr[$i] = $ordArr[$i+1];
                    $ordArr[$i+1] = $aux;
                    $ready = false;
        return array_slice($ordArr, $start, $length);
    function computeFullSearch($dbType)
        $searchFor = $this->searchFor;
        switch ($dbType) {
            case 'MySQL' : $this->computeMySQLFullSearch($this->searchType); break;
    // FUNCTION:
    //   computeMySQLFullSearch
    //      Computes the SQL for the fulltext search 
    //   searchFor - search expression
    // RETURNS:
    //   nothing
    function computeMySQLFullSearch($fullType){
        $searchFor = $this->searchFor;
        if ($searchFor) {
            $searchCond = explode(" and ", $searchFor);
            $first = true;
            for ($condIdx=0;$condIdx<count($searchCond);$condIdx++) {
                if ($searchCond[$condIdx]!='') {
                    if ($condIdx!=0) {
                        $this->whereCondition .= " AND (";
                    } else {
                        $this->whereCondition .= " (";
                    $searchCond[$condIdx] = str_replace(" or "," ", $searchCond[$condIdx]);
                    if (!$first) {
                        $this->orderBy .= " + ";
                    } else {
                        $this->orderBy .= " ( ";
                    $first = false;
                    $this->whereCondition .= sprintf($this->sql['MySQL']['fulltext_where'][$fullType], 1, addslashes($searchCond[$condIdx]));
                    $this->orderBy      .= " (".sprintf($this->sql['MySQL']['fulltext_order'][$fullType], 1, addslashes($searchCond[$condIdx]), $this->importanceArray[1]).") ";
                    for ($relIdx=2; $relIdx <= 5; $relIdx++) {
                        $this->orderBy      .= " + (".sprintf($this->sql['MySQL']['fulltext_order'][$fullType], $relIdx, addslashes($searchCond[$condIdx]), $this->importanceArray[$relIdx]).") ";
                        $this->whereCondition .= " OR ".sprintf($this->sql['MySQL']['fulltext_where'][$fullType], $relIdx, addslashes($searchCond[$condIdx]));
                    $this->whereCondition .= " ) ";
            $this->orderBy      .= ") * importance_cah ";
            $this->searchColumns = ", ".$this->orderBy." as score ";    
            $this->orderBy      .= " DESC";
        } else {
            $this->whereCondition = " 1=-1 ";
            $this->orderBy = " importance_cah DESC ";

    function getKeywords() {
        if ($this->searchFor) {
            return stripslashes(str_replace('"', '&quot;', $this->searchFor)); 
        } else {
            return '';
    // FUNCTION:
    //   getSearchColumns
    //   Gets the aditional search columns
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   String with the column names or false if no aditional search columns
    function getSearchColumns() {
        if (isset($this->searchColumns))
            return $this->searchColumns;
            return false;
    // FUNCTION:
    //   getWhereConditions
    //   Gets the where conditions for the SQL in the Advanced Recordset
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   String with the conditions or false if none defined
    function getWhereCondition(){
        if (isset($this->whereCondition))
            return $this->whereCondition;
            return false;
    // FUNCTION:
    //   getOrderBy
    //   Gets the order by statement for the SQL in the Advanced Recordset
    //   none
    // RETURNS:
    //   String with the order by statement or false if not defined
    function getOrderBy(){
        if (isset($this->orderBy))
            return $this->orderBy;
            return false;
    // FUNCTION:
    //   formatDescription
    //   Formats the description of each result for hilighting the found words
    //   text - the description text
    // RETURNS:
    //   the formatted text
    function cleanText($text)
        $text = stripslashes(str_replace(array(" and "," or ","\""), " ", strtolower($text)));
        return $text;
    function formatDescription($text){
        $maxChars = 100;
        $font = array(0=>"<span class=\"highlight\">",1=>"</span>");
        $searchFor = $this->searchFor;
        if(!trim($text)) //empty result
            return "";
        $ltext      = strtolower($text);
        if ($this->databaseType=='MySQL' && $this->searchType=='fulltext') {
            $searchFor = $this->cleanText($searchFor);
        $expr = "/\"([^\"]*)\"/m";
        $matches = array();
        preg_match_all($expr, $searchFor, $matches);
        $searchFor = preg_replace($expr,"",$searchFor);
        $searchFor = $this->cleanText($searchFor);      
        $arrSearchFor   = explode(" ",$searchFor);
        if (is_array($matches[1])) {
            foreach($matches[1] as $key=>$value) {
                array_push($arrSearchFor, $value);
        if (strlen($text) > 100) {
            foreach ($arrSearchFor as $key=>$value) {
                if ($value!='') {   
                    $pos = strpos($ltext, $value);
                    if ($pos) break;
            $leftLength = $pos;
            $rightLength = strlen(substr($ltext, $pos));
            if ($leftLength < 50) {
                $start = 0;
                $startStr = "";
                $endStr = "...";
            } else if ($rightLength < 50) {
                $start = $pos - (100 - $rightLength);
                $startStr = "...";
                $endStr = "";
            } else {
                $start = $pos - 50;
                $startStr = "...";
                $endStr = "...";
            $firstSpace = 0;
            $lastSpace = strlen($text);
            if ($start!=0) {
                $firstSpace = strrpos(substr($text, 0, $start), " ");
            if ($start + 100 <strlen($text)) {
                $lastSpace = strpos($text, " ", $start + 100);
            $text = $startStr.substr($text, $firstSpace, $lastSpace - $firstSpace).$endStr;     
        $ltext = strtolower($text);
        $indexArr = array();    
        for ($i=0;$i<count($arrSearchFor);$i++) {
            if ($arrSearchFor[$i]!='') {
                $offset = 0;
                for ($j=0;$j<substr_count($ltext, $arrSearchFor[$i]);$j++) {
                        $offset = strpos($ltext, $arrSearchFor[$i], $offset);
                        $indexArr[] = array($offset, 0, $i);
                        $offset += strlen($arrSearchFor[$i]);
                        $indexArr[] = array($offset, 1);
        while(!$ready) {
            $ready = true;
            for($i=0;$i<count($indexArr)-1;$i++) {
                if ($indexArr[$i][0]>$indexArr[$i+1][0]) {
                    $aux = $indexArr[$i];
                    $indexArr[$i] = $indexArr[$i+1];
                    $indexArr[$i+1] = $aux;
                    $ready = false;
        $displayText = "";
        $end = 0;
        for ($i=0; $i<count($indexArr); $i++) {
            if ($i!=0) {
                $start = $indexArr[$i-1][0];
            } else {
                $start = 0;
            $end = $indexArr[$i][0];
            $type = $indexArr[$i][1];
            $displayText .= substr($text, $start, $end-$start).$font[$type];
        $displayText .= substr($text, $end);
        return $displayText;
//end class

这通常不是 PHP 问题,您的 CREATE TABLE 语句没有指定存储引擎(如果它们依赖 MyISAM 功能,它们可能应该指定)。

快速浏览一下 the docs,您有 2 种可能的解决方案:

  1. 将所需的存储引擎添加到 CREATE TABLE 语句
  2. 更改默认存储引擎

If you omit the ENGINE option, the default storage engine is used. The default engine is InnoDB as of MySQL 5.5.5 (MyISAM before 5.5.5). You can specify the default engine by using the --default-storage-engine server startup option, or by setting the default-storage-engine option in the my.cnf configuration file.