如何为 Web Worker 设置 Content-Security-Policy 以在 Edge / Safari 中工作?
How to set Content-Security-Policy for Web Workers to work in Edge / Safari?
我在尝试使用 Web Worker 时不断收到来自 Edge 和 Safari 的错误代码:18,SecurityError。但是,工作人员在 Firefox / Chrome 中很好。我正在使用将零依赖数据处理函数传递给的内联工作器。
我的 CSP 看过:
add_header Content-Security-Policy "default-src 'self'; worker-src 'self' 'inline' *.example.com";
我可以自己添加其他有用的东西,比如本地样式表和 googleapis.com,但我很好奇如何让 Worker 不抛出安全错误
的片段// Create an "inline" worker (1:1 at definition time)
const worker = new Worker(
// Use a data URI for the worker's src. It inlines the target function and an RPC handler:
'data:,$$='+asyncFunction+';onmessage='+(e => {
/* global $$ */
// Invoking within then() captures exceptions in the supplied async function as rejections
v => $$.apply($$, v)
// success handler - callback(id, SUCCESS(0), result)
// if `d` is transferable transfer zero-copy
d => {
postMessage([e.data[0], 0, d], [d].filter(x => (
(x instanceof ArrayBuffer) ||
(x instanceof MessagePort) ||
(x instanceof ImageBitmap)
// error handler - callback(id, ERROR(1), error)
er => { postMessage([e.data[0], 1, '' + er]); }
Edge 为工作人员抛出此错误:
[object DOMException]: {code: 18, message: "SecurityError", name:
code: 18
message: "SecurityError"
name: "SecurityError"
我不确定为什么数据 url 会导致安全错误,但您可以使用 URL.createObjectURL
加载工作脚本,它似乎在 Edge 中正常工作(我没有在 safari 中测试它)。
// Create the worker script as a string
const script = '$$='+asyncFunction+';onmessage='+(e => {
/* global $$ */
// Invoking within then() captures exceptions in the supplied async function as rejections
v => $$.apply($$, v)
// success handler - callback(id, SUCCESS(0), result)
// if `d` is transferable transfer zero-copy
d => {
postMessage([e.data[0], 0, d], [d].filter(x => (
(x instanceof ArrayBuffer) ||
(x instanceof MessagePort) ||
(x instanceof ImageBitmap)
// error handler - callback(id, ERROR(1), error)
er => { postMessage([e.data[0], 1, '' + er]); }
// Create a local url to load the worker
const blob = new Blob([script]);
const workerUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
const worker = new Worker(workerUrl);