有什么方法可以模拟结构以在单元测试下获得 class?

What are ways to mock out a struct to get a class under unit tests?

我有一个 class 正在尝试进行单元测试。 class 将结构公开为 public 属性。该结构还有一些 public 方法(比结构中的方法做的更多)。我无法更改结构(我不拥有该代码,目前风险太大)。

Mock 不适用于值类型。有没有办法有效"mock a struct"?

public class SystemUnderTest
    public FragileStructCantChange myStruct {get; set;}

    public string MethodUnderTest()
        if(myStruct.LongRunningMethod() == "successful")
            return "Ok";
            return "Fail";        

public struct FragileStructCantChange
    public string LongRunningMethod()
        var resultString = DoStuff(); //calls other subsystems            
        return resultString;

通过接口引用结构有效地将其转换为引用类型,在做出决定之前通过称为 "boxing". Boxing a struct can cause some subtle changes in behavior, which you should read about 的过程。


public class SystemUnderTest
    public FragileStructCantChange myStruct { get; set; }

    // This value can be overridden for testing purposes
    public string LongRunningMethodOverride { get; set; }

    public string MethodUnderTest()
        // Call the indirect Func instead of referencing the struct directly
        if (LongRunningMethod() == "successful")
            return "Ok";
            return "Fail";

    private string LongRunningMethod()
        => LongRunningMethodOverride ?? myStruct.LongRunningMethod();

public class Tests

    public void TestingSideDoor()
        var sut = new SystemUnderTest();

        // Override the func to supply any test data you want
        sut.LongRunningMethodOverride = "successful";

        Assert.Equal("Ok", sut.MethodUnderTest());


public class SystemUnderTest
    public FragileStructCantChange myStruct { get; set; }

    // This Func can be overridden for testing purposes
    public Func<string> LongRunningMethod;

    public SystemUnderTest() {
        LongRunningMethod = () => myStruct.LongRunningMethod();

    public string MethodUnderTest()
        // Call the indirect Func instead of referencing the struct directly
        if (LongRunningMethod() == "successful")
            return "Ok";
            return "Fail";

public class Tests

    public void TestingSideDoor()
        var sut = new SystemUnderTest();

        // Override the func to supply any test data you want
        sut.LongRunningMethod = () => "successful";

        Assert.Equal("Ok", sut.MethodUnderTest());


public class SystemUnderTest
    public FragileStructCantChange myStruct { get; set; }

    // This method can be overridden for testing purposes
    public virtual string LongRunningMethod()
        => myStruct.LongRunningMethod();

    public string MethodUnderTest()
        // Call the indirect method instead of referencing the struct directly
        if (LongRunningMethod() == "successful")
            return "Ok";
            return "Fail";

public class Tests

    public void TestingSideDoor()
        var sut = new Mock<SystemUnderTest>();

        // Override the method to supply any test data you want
        sut.Setup(m => m.LongRunningMethod())

        Assert.Equal("Ok", sut.Object.MethodUnderTest());

我不会说这些选项中的任何一个都很漂亮,在将这种后门放入共享库之前,我会认真考虑 safety/security。如果可行,接口通常更可取。
