
Failed to connect to device '' using Universal Authentication

我尝试在 Visual Studio 2015 年将 WPA 应用程序部署到 Windows IoT Core 10。

Failed to connect to device '' using Universal Authentication. Please verify the correct remote authentication mode is specified in the project debug settings. 0x89740016: Exception from HRESULT: 0x89740016

如果我将授权模式更改为 none,我会收到错误消息:

无法连接到名为 'minwinpc' 的 Microsoft Visual Studio 远程调试器。 Visual Studio 2015 Remote Debugger (MSVSMON.EXE) 似乎没有在远程计算机上 运行ning。这可能是因为防火墙阻止了与远程计算机的通信。请参阅帮助以获取有关配置远程调试的帮助。


如果我尝试从 Windows Device Portal 部署 CurrencyExchange_1.0.9.0_ARM_Debug.appx,我会收到错误消息:

Failure reason: Windows cannot install package e0c3666e-088b-4aed-8c79-8f7ddb1541fa_1.0.9.0_arm__ya2k1rc7yvhh6 because this package depends on a framework that could not be found. Provide the framework "Microsoft.NET.CoreRuntime.1.0" published by "CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US", with neutral or ARM processor architecture and minimum version 1.0.23819.0, along with this package to install. The frameworks with name "Microsoft.NET.CoreRuntime.1.0" currently installed are: {} Failure text: Package failed updates, dependency or conflict validation. (0x80073cf3)

这是来自 Device Portal 的屏幕截图:

如果我尝试在 Device Portal 中启用调试,我会收到错误消息:

Failed to start the Visual Studio Remote Debugger. The Remote Debugger needs to be copied to the device. This can be done by deploying an application to the device using Visual Studio.

如果我从 VS 运行 命令 devenv /resetuserdata 我得到错误:

Command "devenv" is not valid.


我手动删除了 CurrencyExchange.csproj.user 并做了:


在我为 Raspberry Pi 刷新 Windows IoT 后问题开始了 3.



当我创建应用程序包时:商店 -> 创建应用程序包,有时成功,我得到 CurrencyExchange_1.0.X.0_x86_x64_arm_Debug.appxbundle,但有时我得到错误:

All app package manifests in a bundle must declare the same values under the XPath [local-name()='Package']/[local-name()='Dependencies']. The values under this XPath declared in the manifest for the package with file name "CurrencyExchange_1.0.20.0_ARM_Debug.appx" and package full name "robodem_1.0.20.0_arm__ya2k1rc7yvhh6" at line 11, column 4 don't match those declared in the manifest for the package with file name "CurrencyExchange_1.0.20.0_x86_Debug.appx" and package full name "robodem_1.0.20.0_x86__ya2k1rc7yvhh6" at line 11, column 4


Device is updated, now, after bundleFailure reason: Windows cannot install package e0c3666e-088b-4aed-8c79-8f7ddb1541fa_1.0.9.0_arm__ya2k1rc7yvhh6 because this package depends on a framework that could not be found. Provide the framework "Microsoft.NET.CoreRuntime.1.0" published by "CN=Microsoft Corporation, O=Microsoft Corporation, L=Redmond, S=Washington, C=US", with neutral or ARM processor architecture and minimum version 1.0.23819.0, along with this package to install. The frameworks with name "Microsoft.NET.CoreRuntime.1.0" currently installed are: {} Failure text: Package failed updates, dependency or conflict validation. (0x80073cf3)

remove/clone 在 VS 中重新初始化项目后,我重新组装了包。



Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value



如果我尝试从远程 Power Shell 运行 调试器,我得到:

[]: PS C:\Data\Users\administrator\Documents> MSVSMON.EXE
The term 'MSVSMON.EXE' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check
the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (MSVSMON.EXE:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException


我试过 this answer,但没有用。


按照 Rita Han 的建议,我上传了两个依赖项,应用程序成功部署。我可以 运行 在设备上。然而,我在 8116 端口上没有任何 运行s:



Failed to start the Visual Studio Remote Debugger. The Remote Debugger needs to be copied to the device. This can be done by deploying an application to the device using Visual Studio.

而且我在通过 VS 部署应用程序时仍然出现同样的错误:

The Visual Studio 2015 Remote Debugger (MSVSMON.EXE) does not appear to be running on the remote computer. This may be because a firewall is preventing communication to the remote computer.


正如Rita Han在进一步的谈话中建议的那样,我在树莓派的防火墙和PC的防火墙中都启用了8116,我得到了Ok.终端答案,但是我在搜索8116端口监听过程时仍然没有重播:


正如我之前写的:我在Raspberry Pi 3上打开端口,重新启动设备,这里是截图校对,没有监听8116:




按照 Rita 的要求,我共享 .csproj 和 .csproj.user 文件。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="14.0" DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
  <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props')" />
    <Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
    <Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">x86</Platform>
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|x86'">
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x86'">
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|ARM'">
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|ARM'">
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|x64'">
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|x64'">
    <!-- A reference to the entire .Net Framework and Windows SDK are automatically included -->
    <None Include="project.json" />
    <Compile Include="App.xaml.cs">
    <Compile Include="Calibrator\Box.cs" />
    <Compile Include="Calibrator\TestStorage.cs" />
    <Compile Include="Common\Delegates.cs" />
    <Compile Include="Constants\Consts.cs" />
    <Compile Include="Constants\Messages.cs" />
    <Compile Include="Constants\Exceptions.cs" />
    <Compile Include="Enums\Severity.cs" />
    <Compile Include="Enums\Status.cs" />
    <Compile Include="Controls\wHeader.xaml.cs">
    <Compile Include="Exceptions\InvalidNodeType.cs" />
    <Compile Include="Exceptions\UnhandledControlStatus.cs" />
    <Compile Include="Exceptions\UnhandledMessageSeverity.cs" />
    <Compile Include="Settings\wIncasation.xaml.cs">
    <Compile Include="Settings\wNominals.xaml.cs">
    <Compile Include="Settings\wUpload.xaml.cs">
    <Compile Include="Controls\wMoneyAdjust.xaml.cs">
    <Compile Include="Pages\wManual.xaml.cs">
    <Compile Include="Pages\wMainPage.xaml.cs">
    <Compile Include="Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs" />
    <Compile Include="Pages\wSettings.xaml.cs">
    <Compile Include="Pages\wStatistics.xaml.cs">
    <AppxManifest Include="Package.appxmanifest">
    <None Include="CurrencyExchange_TemporaryKey.pfx" />
    <Content Include="Properties\Default.rd.xml" />
    <Content Include="Assets\LockScreenLogo.scale-200.png" />
    <Content Include="Assets\SplashScreen.scale-200.png" />
    <Content Include="Assets\Square150x150Logo.scale-200.png" />
    <Content Include="Assets\Square44x44Logo.scale-200.png" />
    <Content Include="Assets\Square44x44Logo.targetsize-24_altform-unplated.png" />
    <Content Include="Assets\StoreLogo.png" />
    <Content Include="Assets\Wide310x150Logo.scale-200.png" />
    <ApplicationDefinition Include="App.xaml">
    <Page Include="Controls\wHeader.xaml">
    <Page Include="Settings\wIncasation.xaml">
    <Page Include="Settings\wNominals.xaml">
    <Page Include="Settings\wUpload.xaml">
    <Page Include="Controls\wMoneyAdjust.xaml">
    <Page Include="Pages\wManual.xaml">
    <Page Include="Pages\wMainPage.xaml">
    <Page Include="Pages\wSettings.xaml">
    <Page Include="Pages\wStatistics.xaml">
    <ProjectReference Include="..\..\..\..\..\RoboLine\IoT\IoT.csproj">
    <ProjectReference Include="..\Lib\CurrencyExchange.Lib\CurrencyExchange.Lib.csproj">
    <ProjectReference Include="..\Lib\TouchPanels\TouchPanels.csproj">
    <SDKReference Include="WindowsIoT, Version=10.0.14393.0">
      <Name>Windows IoT Extensions for the UWP</Name>
  <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(VisualStudioVersion)' == '' or '$(VisualStudioVersion)' &lt; '14.0' ">
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|AnyCPU'">
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU'">
  <Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\WindowsXaml\v$(VisualStudioVersion)\Microsoft.Windows.UI.Xaml.CSharp.targets" />
  <!-- To modify your build process, add your task inside one of the targets below and uncomment it. 
       Other similar extension points exist, see Microsoft.Common.targets.
  <Target Name="BeforeBuild">
  <Target Name="AfterBuild">


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="14.0" xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003">
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Debug|ARM'">
  <PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|ARM'">

另外,我有个好消息。我找到了亲切的 manual in this forum。 我在 Raspberry 上 运行 调试器,并在 visual studio.


我看到调试器 运行ning:

但是我在 netstat:


这是 VS 的新错误:

1>------ Deploy started: Project: CurrencyExchange, Configuration: Debug ARM ------
1>DEP0110 : Unable to check remote machine '' for developer mode. Please verify that the remote tools are installed correctly on the remote machine, and that the correct remote authentication mode is specified in the project debug settings.
========== Deploy: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped ==========


我使用 []: PS C:\Data\Users\administrator\Documents> netstat -b -a:

在 netstat 中找到了 msvsmon 进程

并且我在VS的Debug config中调整了端口:


If I try to deploy CurrencyExchange_1.0.9.0_ARM_Debug.appx from Windows Device Portal I get error: Failure reason: Windows cannot install package xxx because this package depends on a framework that could not be found. Provide the framework "Microsoft.NET.CoreRuntime.1.0"...

确保将依赖项与 .appxbundle 一起安装。这些依赖文件,例如(ARM设备),在这个路径:


您可以通过设备门户安装这些 denpendecies(.appx)->允许我在 Select 应用程序包 (.appxbundle)

之后 select 可选包

详细步骤可参考this answer


Failed to connect to device '' using Universal Authentication. Please verify the correct remote authentication mode is specified in the project debug settings.

在将 UWP 应用程序部署到 Windows IoT Core(版本 17763)时,我可以使用 Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 重现此问题。

有一个 可以通过在设备上安装与 Windows IoT Core 运行 版本相关的新 Windows SDK 来解决。

This seems to be an error reflecting a mismatch between the Windows SDK installed on the Visual Studio machine and the OS version on the IoT device.

但我无法为 Visual Studio 2015 安装比 Windows SDK 14393 更新的版本。所以 VS2015 似乎无法在新的 Windows IoT Core 版本上进行远程调试,例如17763. 你需要升级到 VS2017.