
How to get wikipedia data of Wikiprojects?

我最近发现维基百科有 Wikiprojects 是根据 discipline (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:WikiProjects_by_discipline) 分类的。如 link 所示,它有 34 个学科。

我想知道是否可以获取与这些文章相关的所有维基百科文章 wikipedia disciplines

例如,考虑 WikiProject Computer science‎。是否可以使用 WikiProject Computer science‎ 类别获取所有与计算机科学相关的维基百科文章?如果有,是否有与之相关的数据转储,或者是否有其他方式获取这些数据?

我目前正在使用 python(即 pywikibotpymediawiki)。不过,我也很高兴收到其他语言的答案。


您可以使用 API:Categorymembers 获取子类别和页面的列表。将 "cmtype" 参数设置为 "subcat" 以获取子类别,将 "cmnamespace" 参数设置为“0”以获取文章。

您也可以从数据库中获取列表(categorylinks table and article information in page table中的类别层次结构信息)

正如我建议并添加到@arash 的回答中,您可以使用维基百科API 来获取维基百科数据。这是 link 以及如何执行此操作的说明,API:Categorymembers#GET_request

正如您所说,您需要使用程序获取数据,下面是JavaScript中的示例代码。它将从 Category:WikiProject_Computer_science_articles 中获取前 500 个名称并显示为输出。您可以根据此示例转换您选择的语言:

// Importing the module
const fetch = require('node-fetch');

// URL with resources to fetch
const url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category%3AWikiProject_Computer_science_articles&cmprop.ids=1&cmlimit=500";

// Fetching using 'node-fetch'
fetch(url).then(res => res.json()).then(t => {
    // Getting the length of the returned array
    let len = t.query.categorymembers.length;
    // Iterating over all the response data
    for(let i=0;i<len;i++) {
        // Printing the names


//Importing the modules
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const fs = require('fs');

//URL with resources to fetch
const url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category%3AWikiProject_Computer_science_articles&cmprop.ids=1&cmlimit=500";

//Fetching using 'node-fetch'
fetch(url).then(res => res.json()).then(t => {
    // Getting the length of the returned array
    let len = t.query.categorymembers.length;
    // Initializing an empty array
    let titles = [];
    // Iterating over all the response data
    for(let i=0;i<len;i++) {
        // Printing the names
        let title = t.query.categorymembers[i].title;
        titles[i] = title;
    fs.writeFileSync('pathtotitles\titles.txt', titles);

上面的将数据存储在一个文件中,文件中用 , 分隔,因为我们在那里使用 JavaScript 数组。如果你想在没有逗号的情况下存储每一行​​,那么你需要这样做:

//Importing the modules
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const fs = require('fs');

//URL with resources to fetch
const url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category%3AWikiProject_Computer_science_articles&cmprop.ids=1&cmlimit=500";

//Fetching using 'node-fetch'
fetch(url).then(res => res.json()).then(t => {
    // Getting the length of the returned array
    let len = t.query.categorymembers.length;
    // Initializing an empty array
    let titles = '';
    // Iterating over all the response data
    for(let i=0;i<len;i++) {
        // Printing the names
        let title = t.query.categorymembers[i].title;
        titles += title + "\n";
    fs.writeFileSync('pathtotitles\titles.txt', titles);

通过使用 cmlimit,我们无法获取超过 500 个标题,因此我们需要使用 cmcontinue 来检查和获取下一页...


//Importing the modules
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const fs = require('fs');
//URL with resources to fetch
var url = "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&list=categorymembers&cmtitle=Category%3AWikiProject_Computer_science_articles&cmlimit=500";

// Method to fetch and append the data to a file 
var fetchTheData = async (url, index) => {
    return await fetch(url).then(res => res.json()).then(data => {
        // Getting the length of the returned array
        let len = data.query.categorymembers.length;
        // Initializing an empty string
        let titles = '';
        // Iterating over all the response data
        for(let i=0;i<len;i++) {
            // Printing the names
            let title = data.query.categorymembers[i].title;
            titles += title + "\n";
        // Appending to the file
        fs.appendFileSync('pathtotitles\titles.txt', titles);
        // Handling an end of error fetching titles exception
        try {
            return data.continue.cmcontinue;
        } catch(err) {
            return "===>>> Finished Fetching...";

// Method which will construct the next URL with next page to fetch the data
var constructNextPageURL = async (url) => {
    // Getting the next page token
    let nextPage = await fetchTheData(url);
    for(let i=1;i<=14;i++) {
        await console.log("=> The next page URL is : "+(url + '&cmcontinue=' + nextPage));
        // Constructing the next page URL with next page token and sending the fetch request
        nextPage = await fetchTheData(url + '&cmcontinue=' + nextPage);

// Calling to begin extraction


在我的 google 结果中看到了这个页面,我在这里留下一些工作代码供后代使用。这将直接与维基百科的 api 交互,不会使用 pywikibot 或 pymediawiki。


(有关 API 请求中使用的参数的更多信息,请查看 querying category members, and querying page info 的页面。)

import time
import requests
from datetime import datetime,timezone
import json

utc_time_now = datetime.now(timezone.utc)
utc_time_now_string =\
utc_time_now.replace(microsecond=0).replace(tzinfo=None).isoformat() + 'Z'

api_url = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php'
headers = {'User-Agent': '<Your purpose>, owner_name: <Your name>, 
          email_id: <Your email id>'}
        # or you can follow instructions at 
        # https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/API:Etiquette#The_User-Agent_header

category = "Category:WikiProject_Computer_science_articles"

combined_category_members = []

params = {
        'action': 'query',
        'format': 'json',
        'cmtitle': category,
        'cmprop': 'ids|title|timestamp',
        'cmlimit': 500,
        'cmstart': utc_time_now_string,
        # you can also put a 'cmend': '20210101000000' 
        # (that YYYYMMDDHHMMSS string stands for 12 am UTC on Nov 1, 2021)
        # this then gathers category members added from now till value for 'cmend'
        'cmdir': 'older',
        'cmnamespace': '0|1',
        'cmsort': 'timestamp'

response = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers, params=params)
data = response.json()
category_members = data['query']['categorymembers']

while 'continue' in data:
    response = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers, params=params)
    data = response.json()
    category_members = data['query']['categorymembers']

#now we've gotten only the talk page ids so far
#now we have to get the parent page ids from talk page ids

final_dict = {}

talk_page_id_list = []
for member in combined_category_members:
    talk_page_id = member['pageid']

while talk_page_id_list: #while not an empty list
    fifty_pageid_batch = talk_page_id_list[0:50]
    fifty_pageid_batch_converted = [str(number) for number in fifty_pageid_batch]
    fifty_pageid_string = '|'.join(fifty_pageid_batch_converted)
    params = {
            'action':   'query',
            'format':   'json',
            'prop':     'info',
            'pageids':  fifty_pageid_string,
            'inprop': 'subjectid|associatedpage'
    response = requests.get(api_url, headers=headers, params=params)
    data = response.json()
    for talk_page_id, talk_page_id_dict in data['query']['pages'].items():
        page_id_raw = talk_page_id_dict['subjectid']
        page_id = str(page_id_raw)
        page_title = talk_page_id_dict['associatedpage']
        final_dict[page_id] = page_title

    del talk_page_id_list[0:50] 

with open('comp_sci_category_members.json', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as filex:
    json.dump(final_dict, filex, ensure_ascii=False)