ROOT(CERN) 调用方法即使不尝试第一行也会创建段错误(好像是 SetBranchAddress)

ROOT(CERN) calling method creates segfault even without trying the first line (seems like it's SetBranchAddress)

我尝试像往常一样使用 SetBranchAddress 方法读取根文件,但是当我使用 运行 getHist() 方法时,它给了我段错误甚至不打印 "called getHist" .

我使用 ROOT 6.10 并使用 make.

使用 gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.5-4ubuntu2) 4.8.5 编译我的代码
#define nSec 110

using namespace std;

void getHist(TString filename, TH1D* h1Hnum)
  cout << "called getHist" << endl;

  // TChain *theChain1 = new TChain("T");

  TFile *file = new TFile(filename);
  TTree *theChain1 = (TTree*)file->Get("T");
  if (!theChain1) { std::cout << "Error: tree not found." << std::endl; delete file; return; }

  cout << filename << endl;
  // theChain1->Add(filename);

  Int_t EventID1;
  Int_t nPart1;
  Int_t nColl1;
  Int_t TrackID1[100000];
  Int_t ParentID1[100000];
  Int_t StationID1[100000];
  Double_t X1[100000];
  Double_t Y1[100000];
  Double_t Z1[100000];
  Double_t Momentum1[100000];
  Double_t Px1[100000];
  Double_t Py1[100000];
  Double_t Pz1[100000];
  Double_t Time1[100000];
  Double_t PdgID1[100000];

  theChain1->SetBranchAddress("EventID", &EventID1);
  theChain1->SetBranchAddress("nPart", &nPart1);
  theChain1->SetBranchAddress("nColl", &nColl1);
  theChain1->SetBranchAddress("TrackID", TrackID1);
  theChain1->SetBranchAddress("ParentID", ParentID1);
  theChain1->SetBranchAddress("StationID", StationID1);
  theChain1->SetBranchAddress("X", X1);
  theChain1->SetBranchAddress("Y", Y1);
  theChain1->SetBranchAddress("Z", Z1);
  theChain1->SetBranchAddress("Momentum", Momentum1);
  theChain1->SetBranchAddress("Px", Px1);
  theChain1->SetBranchAddress("Py", Py1);
  theChain1->SetBranchAddress("Pz", Pz1);
  theChain1->SetBranchAddress("Time", Time1);
  theChain1->SetBranchAddress("PdgID", PdgID1);

  Long_t nEv1 = theChain1->GetEntries();

  ////////// Loop 1 //////////
  for (Long_t j = 0; j <  nEv1; ++j) {
    // h1nColl->Fill(nColl1);

    Int_t nPhot[nSec] = {0};
    Bool_t isChecked[nSec] = {false};

    for (Int_t i = 0; i < nPart1; ++i){
      if (StationID1[i] < 0) continue;
      if (isChecked[StationID1[i]]) continue;

      nPhot[StationID1[i]] ++;
      if (nPhot[StationID1[i]] > 20.){
        // h1Hnum->Fill(StationID[i]);
        isChecked[StationID1[i]] = true;

    Int_t numOfHits = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < nSec; ++i)
      if (isChecked[i]) numOfHits++;


  cout << "returning hist" << endl;


int main(int argc, char** argv){

  #define NHIST 10

  TH1D *array[NHIST];

  cout << "start looping" << endl;

  // printHello();
  // getHist(filename);

  for (Int_t i = 0; i < NHIST; ++i) {
    TString filename = "newData_";
    filename += TString (std::to_string(i+1));
    filename += TString(".root");

    array[i] = new TH1D(TString("Hit Number"+std::to_string(i)),TString("HitNumber"+std::to_string(i)), nSec, -0.5, nSec-0.5);

    cout << "trying to get hist "<< filename << endl;

    getHist(filename, array[i]);

    cout << "trying to make new hist "  << endl;

    cout << "trying to set color" << endl;
    // delete htemp;

  cout << "finish looping" << endl;

  TApplication *app = new TApplication("name", &argc, argv);
  cout << "TApp created" << endl;

  TCanvas *c = new TCanvas();

  for (Int_t i = 1; i < NHIST; ++i) {
  // c->Show();
  // app->Run();

  delete[] array;
  delete c;

  return 0;

它打印: 开始循环

trying to get hist newData_1.root
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

但是如果我用 SetBranchAdress 注释所有行,并且方法 getHist 在循环中被调用。 (实际输出很长,但相信我,cout 打印了所有东西)

我修复它只是将数组定义更改为动态。 之前:

Int_t TrackID1[100000];


Int_t *TrackID1 = new Int_t[100000];