@DisabledIfSystemProperty() 不适用于 afterEach 或 afterAll 挂钩

@DisabledIfSystemProperty() not working on afterEach or afterAll hook

也许我误解了可以在哪里使用条件注释,但我正在尝试 运行 一个 afterEach 挂钩,或者仅当传入系统 属性 时才使用 afterAll 挂钩。


mvn test -DrunTearDownScript=false

以及我的 afterEach 钩子:

@DisabledIfSystemProperty(named = "runTearDownScript", matches = "false")
void clearDownTestEnvironment() {

在上面的例子中,我希望 println 不会被打印,但它是 "false"。



Perhaps I've misunderstood where the conditional annotations can be used...

是的。它们只能用于 "a container or (a) test (method)".


The ExecutionCondition extension API in JUnit Jupiter allows developers to either enable or disable a container or test based on certain conditions programmatically.


Each of the conditional annotations listed in the following sections can only be declared once on a given test interface, test class, or test method.


2.7.3 System Property Conditions

A container or test may be enabled or disabled based on the value of the named JVM system property via the @EnabledIfSystemProperty and @DisabledIfSystemProperty annotations. The value supplied via the matches attribute will be interpreted as a regular expression.