
Managed object vs. Native object

UWP 项目中的托管模式和本机模式有何区别?


This is because the fileList is not a managed object, and by default the Debugger type for a UWP project is "Managed Only". So you can't inspect it while debugging. You can try to change the Debugger type to "Mixed (Managed and Native)" like in this screenshot for inspecting.

来自 post?

Managed Only 表示仅调试 .NET 代码,忽略本机 C/C++ 代码。这是 C# 和 VB 应用程序的默认设置。您可以在 docs.


您的 UWP 应用在后台使用的 WinRT 类 的实际实现是以非托管语言实现的。非托管和托管世界之间的 "translation" 由编译器和内置到每种支持的编程语言中的投影为您处理。