C++ 中的多线程 Conway 生命游戏偶尔会搭便车?
Multi-threaded Conway's Game of Life in C++ occasionally hitching?
为了练习,我用 C++ 实现了 Conways 的生命游戏,并更新了 "world" 并通过并行处理进行处理。我正在使用 SFML 进行图形处理。
添加多线程确实使它 运行 更快(至少在这台 4 核机器上),但我注意到它有问题。如果我 运行 它在 Visual Studio 2017 的 Debug
配置中它似乎开始很慢,但在 运行 持续 2 秒后它突然变得更快并且 运行 顺利。但是,如果我 运行 它在 Release
配置中,那么它 运行 甚至比 Debug
快,但每隔半秒左右它 "hitches" 或结结巴巴并且不会没有运行如我所料顺利
#include "GameOfLife.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
class GameOfLife
GameOfLife(int sizeX, int sizeY);
uint8_t & getCell(int x, int y);
sf::Vector2i get2D(int i);
void doUpdate(int start, int end);
virtual ~GameOfLife() = default;
void update();
std::vector<sf::Vector2i> getLiveCells();
std::vector<uint8_t> world;
std::mutex updateListLock;
std::vector<sf::Vector2i> pendingUpdates;
sf::Vector2i worldSize;
GameOfLife::GameOfLife(int sizeX, int sizeY)
worldSize = sf::Vector2i(sizeX, sizeY);
// initialize world to specified size, all starting as dead
world = std::vector<uint8_t>(sizeX * sizeY, 0);
// reserve space for worst case (every cell needs to be updated)
pendingUpdates.reserve(sizeX * sizeY);
// place a glider
getCell(1, 3) = true;
getCell(2, 4) = true;
getCell(3, 2) = true;
getCell(3, 3) = true;
getCell(3, 4) = true;
// place a glider at top-center
int midX = std::floor(worldSize.x / 2);
getCell(midX + 1, 3) = true;
getCell(midX + 2, 4) = true;
getCell(midX + 3, 2) = true;
getCell(midX + 3, 3) = true;
getCell(midX + 3, 4) = true;
uint8_t& GameOfLife::getCell(int x, int y)
return world[y * worldSize.x + x];
sf::Vector2i GameOfLife::get2D(int index)
int y = std::floor(index / worldSize.x);
int x = index % worldSize.x;
return sf::Vector2i(x, y);
// Update the cells from position start (inclusive) to position end (exclusive).
void GameOfLife::doUpdate(int start, int end)
for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
auto pos = get2D(i);
// # of alive neighbors
int aliveCount = 0;
// check all 8 surrounding neighbors
for (int nX = -1; nX <= 1; nX++) // nX = -1, 0, 1
for (int nY = -1; nY <= 1; nY++) // nY = -1, 0, 1
// make sure to skip the current cell!
if (nX == 0 && nY == 0)
// wrap around to other side if neighbor would be outside world
int newX = (nX + pos.x + worldSize.x) % worldSize.x;
int newY = (nY + pos.y + worldSize.y) % worldSize.y;
aliveCount += getCell(newX, newY);
// Evaluate game rules on current cell
switch (world[i]) // is current cell alive?
case true:
if (aliveCount < 2 || aliveCount > 3)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(updateListLock);
pendingUpdates.push_back(pos); // this cell will be toggled to dead
case false:
if (aliveCount == 3)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(updateListLock);
pendingUpdates.push_back(pos); // this cell will be toggled to alive
void GameOfLife::update()
unsigned maxThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
// divide the grid into horizontal slices
int chunkSize = (worldSize.x * worldSize.y) / maxThreads;
// split the work into threads
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < maxThreads; i++)
int start = i * chunkSize;
int end;
if (i == maxThreads - 1) // if this is the last thread, endPos will be set to cover remaining "height"
end = worldSize.x * worldSize.y;
end = (i + 1) * chunkSize;
std::thread t([this, start, end] {
this->doUpdate(start, end);
for (std::thread & t : threads) {
if (t.joinable())
// apply updates to cell states
for each (auto loc in pendingUpdates)
// toggle the dead/alive state of every cell with a pending update
getCell(loc.x, loc.y) = !getCell(loc.x, loc.y);
// clear updates
std::vector<sf::Vector2i> GameOfLife::getLiveCells()
std::vector<sf::Vector2i> liveCells;
liveCells.reserve(worldSize.x * worldSize.y); // reserve space for worst case (every cell is alive)
for (int i = 0; i < worldSize.x * worldSize.y; i++) {
auto pos = get2D(i);
if (world[i])
liveCells.push_back(sf::Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y));
return liveCells;
如果您打算使用多线程生命游戏,您应该认真考虑对 world
class GameOfLife
GameOfLife(sf::Vector2i size);
void update();
void doUpdate(int start, int end);
uint8_t& getCell(sf::Vector2i pos);
sf::Vector2i getPos(int i);
std::vector<uint8_t> world;
std::vector<uint8_t> pendingWorld;
GameOfLife::GameOfLife(sf::Vector2i size)
: worldSize(size), world(size.x * size.y, false), pendingWorld(world)
// place a glider
getCell({1, 3}) = true;
getCell({2, 4}) = true;
getCell({3, 2}) = true;
getCell({3, 3}) = true;
getCell({3, 4}) = true;
// place a glider at top-center
int midX = std::floor(worldSize.x / 2);
getCell({midX + 1, 3}) = true;
getCell({midX + 2, 4}) = true;
getCell({midX + 3, 2}) = true;
getCell({midX + 3, 3}) = true;
getCell({midX + 3, 4}) = true;
uint8_t& GameOfLife::getCell(sf::Vector2i pos)
return world[pos.y * worldSize.x + pos.x];
sf::Vector2i GameOfLife::get2D(int index)
int y = index / worldSize.x;
int x = index % worldSize.x;
return { x, y };
// Update the cells from position start (inclusive) to position end (exclusive).
void GameOfLife::doUpdate(int start, int end)
for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
auto pos = get2D(i);
// # of alive neighbors
int aliveCount = 0;
// check all 8 surrounding neighbors
for (sf::Vector2i dp : { {1, 1}, {1, 0}, {1, -1}, {0, 1}, {0, -1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, 0}, {-1, -1} })
auto np = pos + dp;
// wrap around to other side if neighbor would be outside world
np.x %= worldSize.x;
np.y %= worldSize.y;
aliveCount += getCell(np);
// Evaluate game rules on current cell
bool stays = aliveCount == 2 || aliveCount == 3;
bool spawns = aliveCount == 3
pendingWorld[i] = world[i] ? stays : spawns;
void GameOfLife::update()
unsigned maxThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
// divide the grid into horizontal slices
int chunkSize = world.size() / maxThreads;
// split the work into threads
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < maxThreads; i++)
int start = i * chunkSize;
int end = std::min(world.size(), (i + 1) * chunksize);
threads.emplace_back(&GameOfLife::doUpdate, this, start, end);
for (std::thread & t : threads) {
// apply updates
如果你有 C++17 编译器,我会避免显式线程,根据单个索引编写 doUpdate
,然后调用 std::for_each(std::execution::par_unseq, indexes.begin(), indexes.end(), [this](int i) { doUpdate(i); });
为了练习,我用 C++ 实现了 Conways 的生命游戏,并更新了 "world" 并通过并行处理进行处理。我正在使用 SFML 进行图形处理。
添加多线程确实使它 运行 更快(至少在这台 4 核机器上),但我注意到它有问题。如果我 运行 它在 Visual Studio 2017 的 Debug
配置中它似乎开始很慢,但在 运行 持续 2 秒后它突然变得更快并且 运行 顺利。但是,如果我 运行 它在 Release
配置中,那么它 运行 甚至比 Debug
快,但每隔半秒左右它 "hitches" 或结结巴巴并且不会没有运行如我所料顺利
#include "GameOfLife.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
class GameOfLife
GameOfLife(int sizeX, int sizeY);
uint8_t & getCell(int x, int y);
sf::Vector2i get2D(int i);
void doUpdate(int start, int end);
virtual ~GameOfLife() = default;
void update();
std::vector<sf::Vector2i> getLiveCells();
std::vector<uint8_t> world;
std::mutex updateListLock;
std::vector<sf::Vector2i> pendingUpdates;
sf::Vector2i worldSize;
GameOfLife::GameOfLife(int sizeX, int sizeY)
worldSize = sf::Vector2i(sizeX, sizeY);
// initialize world to specified size, all starting as dead
world = std::vector<uint8_t>(sizeX * sizeY, 0);
// reserve space for worst case (every cell needs to be updated)
pendingUpdates.reserve(sizeX * sizeY);
// place a glider
getCell(1, 3) = true;
getCell(2, 4) = true;
getCell(3, 2) = true;
getCell(3, 3) = true;
getCell(3, 4) = true;
// place a glider at top-center
int midX = std::floor(worldSize.x / 2);
getCell(midX + 1, 3) = true;
getCell(midX + 2, 4) = true;
getCell(midX + 3, 2) = true;
getCell(midX + 3, 3) = true;
getCell(midX + 3, 4) = true;
uint8_t& GameOfLife::getCell(int x, int y)
return world[y * worldSize.x + x];
sf::Vector2i GameOfLife::get2D(int index)
int y = std::floor(index / worldSize.x);
int x = index % worldSize.x;
return sf::Vector2i(x, y);
// Update the cells from position start (inclusive) to position end (exclusive).
void GameOfLife::doUpdate(int start, int end)
for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
auto pos = get2D(i);
// # of alive neighbors
int aliveCount = 0;
// check all 8 surrounding neighbors
for (int nX = -1; nX <= 1; nX++) // nX = -1, 0, 1
for (int nY = -1; nY <= 1; nY++) // nY = -1, 0, 1
// make sure to skip the current cell!
if (nX == 0 && nY == 0)
// wrap around to other side if neighbor would be outside world
int newX = (nX + pos.x + worldSize.x) % worldSize.x;
int newY = (nY + pos.y + worldSize.y) % worldSize.y;
aliveCount += getCell(newX, newY);
// Evaluate game rules on current cell
switch (world[i]) // is current cell alive?
case true:
if (aliveCount < 2 || aliveCount > 3)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(updateListLock);
pendingUpdates.push_back(pos); // this cell will be toggled to dead
case false:
if (aliveCount == 3)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(updateListLock);
pendingUpdates.push_back(pos); // this cell will be toggled to alive
void GameOfLife::update()
unsigned maxThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
// divide the grid into horizontal slices
int chunkSize = (worldSize.x * worldSize.y) / maxThreads;
// split the work into threads
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < maxThreads; i++)
int start = i * chunkSize;
int end;
if (i == maxThreads - 1) // if this is the last thread, endPos will be set to cover remaining "height"
end = worldSize.x * worldSize.y;
end = (i + 1) * chunkSize;
std::thread t([this, start, end] {
this->doUpdate(start, end);
for (std::thread & t : threads) {
if (t.joinable())
// apply updates to cell states
for each (auto loc in pendingUpdates)
// toggle the dead/alive state of every cell with a pending update
getCell(loc.x, loc.y) = !getCell(loc.x, loc.y);
// clear updates
std::vector<sf::Vector2i> GameOfLife::getLiveCells()
std::vector<sf::Vector2i> liveCells;
liveCells.reserve(worldSize.x * worldSize.y); // reserve space for worst case (every cell is alive)
for (int i = 0; i < worldSize.x * worldSize.y; i++) {
auto pos = get2D(i);
if (world[i])
liveCells.push_back(sf::Vector2i(pos.x, pos.y));
return liveCells;
如果您打算使用多线程生命游戏,您应该认真考虑对 world
class GameOfLife
GameOfLife(sf::Vector2i size);
void update();
void doUpdate(int start, int end);
uint8_t& getCell(sf::Vector2i pos);
sf::Vector2i getPos(int i);
std::vector<uint8_t> world;
std::vector<uint8_t> pendingWorld;
GameOfLife::GameOfLife(sf::Vector2i size)
: worldSize(size), world(size.x * size.y, false), pendingWorld(world)
// place a glider
getCell({1, 3}) = true;
getCell({2, 4}) = true;
getCell({3, 2}) = true;
getCell({3, 3}) = true;
getCell({3, 4}) = true;
// place a glider at top-center
int midX = std::floor(worldSize.x / 2);
getCell({midX + 1, 3}) = true;
getCell({midX + 2, 4}) = true;
getCell({midX + 3, 2}) = true;
getCell({midX + 3, 3}) = true;
getCell({midX + 3, 4}) = true;
uint8_t& GameOfLife::getCell(sf::Vector2i pos)
return world[pos.y * worldSize.x + pos.x];
sf::Vector2i GameOfLife::get2D(int index)
int y = index / worldSize.x;
int x = index % worldSize.x;
return { x, y };
// Update the cells from position start (inclusive) to position end (exclusive).
void GameOfLife::doUpdate(int start, int end)
for (int i = start; i < end; i++)
auto pos = get2D(i);
// # of alive neighbors
int aliveCount = 0;
// check all 8 surrounding neighbors
for (sf::Vector2i dp : { {1, 1}, {1, 0}, {1, -1}, {0, 1}, {0, -1}, {-1, 1}, {-1, 0}, {-1, -1} })
auto np = pos + dp;
// wrap around to other side if neighbor would be outside world
np.x %= worldSize.x;
np.y %= worldSize.y;
aliveCount += getCell(np);
// Evaluate game rules on current cell
bool stays = aliveCount == 2 || aliveCount == 3;
bool spawns = aliveCount == 3
pendingWorld[i] = world[i] ? stays : spawns;
void GameOfLife::update()
unsigned maxThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
// divide the grid into horizontal slices
int chunkSize = world.size() / maxThreads;
// split the work into threads
std::vector<std::thread> threads;
for (int i = 0; i < maxThreads; i++)
int start = i * chunkSize;
int end = std::min(world.size(), (i + 1) * chunksize);
threads.emplace_back(&GameOfLife::doUpdate, this, start, end);
for (std::thread & t : threads) {
// apply updates
如果你有 C++17 编译器,我会避免显式线程,根据单个索引编写 doUpdate
,然后调用 std::for_each(std::execution::par_unseq, indexes.begin(), indexes.end(), [this](int i) { doUpdate(i); });