是否可以仅使用 aspectRatio、y_scale、x_scale 和 frustum_length 来计算视锥体?

Is is possible to calculate the view frustum with only the: aspectRatio, y_scale, x_scale and frustum_length?

我正在创建一个游戏,我在其中使用 aspectRatio、y_scale、x_scale 和 frustum_length 计算视图矩阵,所以我想知道是否有一种方法可以计算视图只有那些变量的截锥体。


float aspectRatio = (float)Display.getWidth() / (float)Display.getHeight();
float y_scale = (float) ((1f / Math.tan(Math.toRadians(FOV / 2f))) * aspectRatio);
float x_scale = y_scale / aspectRatio;
float frustum_length = FAR_PLANE - NEAR_PLANE;

当透视投影对称时,(y轴)视场角FOV、长宽比aspectRatio和到近平面的距离(NEAR_PLANE )和远平面(FAR_PLANE),则可以计算space视野内视锥的8个角点:

float aspectRatio = (float)Display.getWidth() / (float)Display.getHeight();

float y_scale = 1.0f / (float)Math.tan( Math.toRadians(FOV / 2.0) );
float x_scale = y_scale * aspectRatio;

float near_x = NEAR_PLANE * x_scale;
float near_y = NEAR_PLANE * y_scale;

float far_x = FAR_PLANE * x_scale;
float far_y = FAR_PLANE * y_scale;

Vector3f left_bottom_near  = new Vector3f(-near_x, -near_y, FAR_PLANE);
Vector3f right_bottom_near = new Vector3f( near_x, -near_y, FAR_PLANE);
Vector3f left_top_near     = new Vector3f(-near_x,  near_y, FAR_PLANE);
Vector3f right_top_near    = new Vector3f( near_x,  near_y, FAR_PLANE);

Vector3f left_bottom_far  = new Vector3f(-far_x, -far_y, FAR_PLANE);
Vector3f right_bottom_far = new Vector3f( far_x, -far_y, FAR_PLANE);
Vector3f left_top_far     = new Vector3f(-far_x,  far_y, FAR_PLANE);
Vector3f right_top_far    = new Vector3f( far_x,  far_y, FAR_PLANE);

从世界 space 转换到视图 space 的矩阵是 "view" 矩阵。可以从视图 space 转换到世界 space 的矩阵是逆视图矩阵 (invert()).
逆视图矩阵是由视图的视图位置、视图方向和视图的上向量定义的矩阵。 Matrix4f可以设置如下:

Vector3f eyePos;    // position of the view (eye position)
Vector3f targetPos; // the point which is looked at 
Vector3f upVec;     // up vector of the view
Vector3f zAxis = Vector3f.sub(eyePos, targetPos, null);

Vector3f xAxis = Vector3f.cross(upVec, zAxis, null);

Vector3f yAxis = Vector3f.cross(zAxis, upVec, null);

Matrix4f inverseView = new Matrix4f();
inverseView.m00 = xAxis.x;  inverseView.m01 = xAxis.y;  inverseView.m02 = xAxis.z;  inverseView.m03 = 0.0f;
inverseView.m10 = yAxis.x;  inverseView.m11 = yAxis.y;  inverseView.m12 = yAxis.z;  inverseView.m13 = 0.0f;
inverseView.m20 = zAxis.x;  inverseView.m21 = zAxis.y;  inverseView.m22 = zAxis.z;  inverseView.m23 = 0.0f;
inverseView.m30 = eyePos.x; inverseView.m31 = eyePos.y; inverseView.m32 = eyePos.z; inverseView.m33 = 1.0f;

注意,view的坐标系space是一个Right-handed系统,X轴指向左边,Y轴指向上方,然后Z轴指向在视图之外(请注意,在右手系统中,Z 轴是 X 轴和 Y 轴的叉积)。



Vector4f left_bottom_near_v4 = new Vector4f(
    left_bottom_near.x, left_bottom_near.y, left_bottom_near.z, 1.0f

Vector4f left_bottom_near_world_v4 = new Vector4f();
Matrix4f.transform(Matrix4f left, left_bottom_near_v4, left_bottom_near_world_v4);

Vector3f left_bottom_near_world = new Vector3f(
    left_bottom_near_world_v4 .x, left_bottom_near_world_v4 .y, left_bottom_near_world_v4 .z