Powershell 如何将脚本修改为硬编码“| export-csv c:\temp\filename.csv -notypeinformation”

Powershell How to Modify Script to Hardcode " | export-csv c:\temp\filename.csv -notypeinformation"


当我 运行 它时,我输入 .\getfolderacls.ps1 -verbose | export-csv c:\temp\filename.csv -notypeinformation

效果很好,但我想对 | export-csv... 部分进行硬编码,这样我就可以 运行 它没有参数(或者它们是参数吗?)。

我尝试简单地将 | export-csv c:\temp\test.csv -notypeinformation 附加到脚本的底部,但这会引发错误 An empty pipe element is not allowed


Param (
    [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType Container})]
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Script begins!"
Write-Verbose "Getting domain name..."
$Domain = (Get-ADDomain).NetBIOSName

Write-Verbose "Getting ACLs for folder $Path"

Write-Verbose "...and all sub-folders"
Write-Verbose "Gathering all folder names, this could take a long time on bigger folder trees..."
$Folders = Get-ChildItem -Path I:\foldername -Directory -Recurse -Depth 2

Write-Verbose "Gathering ACL's for $($Folders.Count) folders..."
ForEach ($Folder in $Folders)
{   Write-Verbose "Working on $($Folder.FullName)..."
    $ACLs = Get-Acl $Folder.FullName | ForEach-Object { $_.Access | where{$_.IdentityReference -ne "BUILTIN\Administrators" -and $_.IdentityReference -ne "BUILTIN\Users"  }}
    ForEach ($ACL in $ACLs)
    {   If ($ACL.IdentityReference -match "\")
        {   If ($ACL.IdentityReference.Value.Split("\")[0].ToUpper() -eq $Domain.ToUpper())
            {   $Name = $ACL.IdentityReference.Value.Split("\")[1]
                If ((Get-ADObject -Filter 'SamAccountName -eq $Name').ObjectClass -eq "group")
                {   ForEach ($User in (Get-ADGroupMember $Name -Recursive | Select -ExpandProperty Name))
                    {   $Result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                            Path = $Folder.Fullname
                            Group = $Name
                            User = $User
                            FileSystemRights = $ACL.FileSystemRights
                        $Result | Select Path,Group,User,FileSystemRights
                {    $Result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                        Path = $Folder.Fullname
                        Group = ""
                        User = Get-ADUser $Name | Select -ExpandProperty Name
                        FileSystemRights = $ACL.FileSystemRights
                    $Result | Select Path,Group,User,FileSystemRights
            {   $Result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                    Path = $Folder.Fullname
                    Group = ""
                    User = $ACL.IdentityReference.Value
                    FileSystemRights = $ACL.FileSystemRights
                $Result | Select Path,Group,User,FileSystemRights
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Script completed!"

您的脚本输出是在 foreach 循环 - ForEach ($Folder in $Folders) ... 中生成的(与通过 ForEach-Object cmdlet,不幸的是,它也是 foreach).


为了 foreach 循环的输出发送到管道,您可以将其包装在脚本块 ({ ... }) 中并使用 点源运算符 (.)。 或者,使用 调用运算符 (&),在这种情况下,循环 在 [=46] 中运行=]子范围.


# FAILS, because you can't use a foreach *loop* directly in a pipeline.
PS> foreach ($i in 1..2) { "[$i]" } | Write-Output
# ...
An empty pipe element is not allowed. 
# ...

# OK - wrap the loop in a script block and invoke it with .
PS> . { foreach ($i in 1..2) { "[$i]" } } | Write-Output

注意:我使用 Write-Output 作为您可以通过管道传输到的 cmdlet 的 示例 ,仅用于此演示目的。你的情况需要的是将你的 foreach 循环包装在 . { ... } 中,然后用 | Export-Csv ... 而不是 Write-Output.

使用 . { ... }& { ... } 将循环内生成的输出发送到管道 因为它正在生成 ,一个通过一个,又名 streaming 时尚 - 因为(通常)发生在 cmdlet.


替代方法使用$(...),子表达式运算符(或@(...),数组-子表达式运算符,在 this 场景中工作相同),在这种情况下 循环输出被 作为一个整体收集在内存中 预先,然后通过管道发送 - 这通常更快,但需要更多内存:

# OK - call via $(...), with output collected up front.
PS> $(foreach ($i in 1..2) { "[$i]" }) | Write-Output

为了在您的代码上下文中拼出 . { ... } 解决方案 - 添加的行标有 # !!! 注释(还要注意根据 Lee_Dailey 改进您的代码的潜力对该问题的评论):

Param (
    [ValidateScript({Test-Path $_ -PathType Container})]
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Script begins!"
Write-Verbose "Getting domain name..."
$Domain = (Get-ADDomain).NetBIOSName

Write-Verbose "Getting ACLs for folder $Path"

Write-Verbose "...and all sub-folders"
Write-Verbose "Gathering all folder names, this could take a long time on bigger folder trees..."
$Folders = Get-ChildItem -Path I:\foldername -Directory -Recurse -Depth 2

Write-Verbose "Gathering ACL's for $($Folders.Count) folders..."
. { # !!!
  ForEach ($Folder in $Folders) 
  {   Write-Verbose "Working on $($Folder.FullName)..."
      $ACLs = Get-Acl $Folder.FullName | ForEach-Object { $_.Access | where{$_.IdentityReference -ne "BUILTIN\Administrators" -and $_.IdentityReference -ne "BUILTIN\Users"  }}
      ForEach ($ACL in $ACLs)
      {   If ($ACL.IdentityReference -match "\")
          {   If ($ACL.IdentityReference.Value.Split("\")[0].ToUpper() -eq $Domain.ToUpper())
              {   $Name = $ACL.IdentityReference.Value.Split("\")[1]
                  If ((Get-ADObject -Filter 'SamAccountName -eq $Name').ObjectClass -eq "group")
                  {   ForEach ($User in (Get-ADGroupMember $Name -Recursive | Select -ExpandProperty Name))
                      {   $Result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                              Path = $Folder.Fullname
                              Group = $Name
                              User = $User
                              FileSystemRights = $ACL.FileSystemRights
                          $Result | Select Path,Group,User,FileSystemRights
                  {    $Result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                          Path = $Folder.Fullname
                          Group = ""
                          User = Get-ADUser $Name | Select -ExpandProperty Name
                          FileSystemRights = $ACL.FileSystemRights
                      $Result | Select Path,Group,User,FileSystemRights
              {   $Result = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
                      Path = $Folder.Fullname
                      Group = ""
                      User = $ACL.IdentityReference.Value
                      FileSystemRights = $ACL.FileSystemRights
                  $Result | Select Path,Group,User,FileSystemRights
} | Export-Csv c:\temp\test.csv -notypeinformation  # !!!
Write-Verbose "$(Get-Date): Script completed!"