Kendo UI Core Grid 是开源的吗?

Is Kendo UI Core Grid open source?

我正在尝试创建一个涉及大量使用数据网格的应用程序。我在几篇文章中发现 telerik kendo ui 网格可以免费使用。由于来自 link 2 的开源 telerik 网格存在很多混淆,我正在尝试检查是否有人真的将其用作开源。它真的开源且免费使用吗? Link 1, Link 2

Kendo UI 的开源版本曾经包含网格组件,但现在不再包含:

Now, not all Kendo UI widgets are created equal. Some widgets - like the Grid, Scheduler, and Editor - are so feature-rich that they're more solutions than widgets. As such, they consume a great deal of engineering effort to build and maintain. To ensure that critical widgets like these continue to get the proper attention and focus they deserve from our engineering team, we’ve decided to offer these only with Kendo UI Professional (formerly Kendo UI Complete)

