如何在 ESP8266 板上编译 Lua 代码?

How do you compile Lua code on ESP8266 Board?

node 模块有一个名为 compile 的方法,它编译代码并创建 .lc 文件。



How do you compile lua code on ESP8266 Board?


  1. 使用nodemcu-uploader
  2. 将Lua代码上传到NodeMCU
  3. 使用 picocom
  4. 连接到 NodeMCU
  5. 使用node.compile()
  6. 编译文件
  7. (可选)使用 nodemcu-uploader
  8. 再次下载文件



If init.lua is compiled as init.lc upon reset will the board execute the compiled code?

试试看 ;)

如果它不起作用,你总是可以只写一行 init.lua 需要 init.lc;一旦您的芯片启动并且运行.


或者您可以将编译后的文件重命名为 init.lua,它应该也可以。


[...] compilation is RAM-intensive and hence you will find that you will need to break your application [...]

If init.lua is compiled as init.lc upon reset will the board execute the compiled code?


Note that if you use require("XXX") to load your code then this will automatically search for XXX.lc then XXX.lua so you don't need to include the conditional logic to load the bytecode version if it exists, falling back to the source version otherwise.

但是,另请注意,您的 init.lua 预计会相当小,因为实际应用程序会拆分为动态加载的单独文件。

(How) Do I use a tool like nodemcu-tool to connect to the board via the terminal parameter, and execute node.compile('myfile.lua') commands to create .lc files?

根据 command reference:

$ nodemcu-tool upload --port=/dev/ttyUSB0 myfile.lua --compile