//# 在 Java 中做什么?在我的 IDE 中它变成了粉红色,但我无法在任何地方在线找到它

What does //# do in Java? In my IDE it turns pink, but I can't find it online anywhere

在我的 IDE(BlueJ) 中,一条评论 (//COMMENT) 变成灰色。多行注释(/* COMMENT*/) 变为绿色,文档注释(/**COMMENT*/) 变为蓝色。在 Java 开发基本 RPG 引擎时,我发现键入 //#COMMENT 会变成粉红色。我在互联网上的任何地方都找不到关于这种字符组合的任何信息。有人可以解释 has 对评论做了什么以保证 IDE 将其与其他评论区分开来吗?(可能是一个愚蠢的问题,抱歉。)

来自the BlueJ Reference Documentation

4.7 Make Stand-out comments

Sometimes it is useful to make a location in your source code stand out. For example, if you are a teacher, and you want to give students a half-implemented class and mark the places where they should enter code, you want them to find those places easily. Or you want to leave notes for yourself marking sections of unfinished work. You can use stand-out comments for this. Stand out comments start with the symbols /*# (that is: a normal comment symbol followed by a hash sign), for example:

public int getTotal()
 /*# insert your code here */

The only difference between normal comments and stand-out comments is that they are displayed in a different colour (pink) in BlueJ's editor. The actual colour can be changed by editing the file 'moe.defs'.