我是 Clips 软件的新手,当我加载我的 .clp 文件和 运行 我的程序时,它最后显示错误

I am new to clips software, when i loaded my .clp file and run my program at last it is showing false

这是解决汽车启动问题的专家系统。我在创建规则时犯了什么错误吗?我想要 5 种不同的输出。

(defrule r1
        (Key-fob-turns-to-run-and-hear-crank yes)
        (printout t "Hear engine sound (Yes/No)?" crlf)
        (assert (engine sound(read))))

(defrule r2
    (engine sound yes)
    (printout t "If engine runs and stop after a while (Yes/No)?" crlf)
    (assert (engine runs and stop(read))))

(defrule r3
    (engine runs and stop no)
    (printout t "There is no fuel, low battery or other issues." crlf))

(defrule r4
    (engine runs and stop yes)
    (printout t "Check if engine light is on (Yes/No)?" crlf)
    (assert (engine light(read))))

(defrule r5
    (engine light no)
    (printout t " Check for any other warning signs and take it to mechanic" crlf))

(defrule r6
    (engine light yes)
    (printout t "Any service code (yes/no)?" crlf)
    (assert (service code(read))))

(defrule r7
    (service code yes)
    (printout t "Read code and fix the problem" crlf))

(defrule r8
    (service code no)
    (printout t "Check if it stalls in rain (Yes/No)?" crlf)
    (assert (stalls in rain(read))))

(defrule r9
    (stalls in rain yes)
    (printout t "Check for cracked coil distributor" crlf))

(defrule r10
    (stalls in rain no)
    (printout t "check if it stalls in warm (Yes/No)?" crlf)
    (assert (stalls in warm(read))))

(defrule r11
    (stalls in warm yes)
    (printout t "Adjust idle, blow out fuel filter." crlf)
    (printout t "Check fuel pump output and check vaccum leak." crlf))

(defrule r12
    (stalls in warm no)
    (printout t "ON cold stalling, check for stuck choke, EGR and check vaccum leak." crlf))

(defrule r13
    (engine sound no)
    (printout t "check the belt is ok (Yes/No)?" crlf)
    (assert (belt ok(read))))

(defrule r14
    (belt ok yes)
    (printout t "Fuel in tank (Yes/No)?" crlf)
    (assert (fuel in tank(read))))

(defrule r15
    (fuel in tank no)
    (printout t "Add fuel." crlf))

(defrule r16
    (fuel in tank yes)
    (printout t " Fuel leak (Yes/No)?" crlf)
    (assert (fuel leak(read))))

(defrule r17
    (fuel leak yes)
    (printout t "Need diagnostic test." crlf))

(defrule r18
    (fuel leak no)
    (printout t "Check for any other leaks and try again." crlf))

(defrule r19
    (belt ok no)
    (printout t "check if there is cracked belt (Yes/No)?" crlf)
    (assert (cracked belt(read))))

(defrule r20
    (cracked belt yes)
    (printout t "Mechanical distributor (Yes/No)?" crlf)
    (assert (mechanical distributor(read))))

(defrule r21
    (mechanical distributor yes)
    (printout t "Check condenser, magnetic pickup and rotor." crlf))

(defrule r22
    (mechanical distributor no)
    (printout t "For electronic distribution, see model manual for diagnostic checks." crlf))

(defrule r23
    (racked belt no)
    (printout t "Check it is 12V at coil primary (Yes/No)?" crlf)
    (assert (coil primary(read))))

(defrule r24
    (coil primary yes)
    (printout t "Check secondary output wire resistance." crlf))

(defrule r25
    (coil primary no)
    (printout t "Check ignition system wiring and voltage regulator." crlf))

(defrule r26
    (Key-fob-turns-to-run-and-hear-crank no)
    (printout t "starter runs (Yes/No)?" crlf)
    (assert (starter runs(read))))

(defrule r27
    (starter runs yes)
    (printout t "Not enough power to turn engine." crlf))

(defrule r28
    (starter runs no)
    (printout t "Battery reads ok (Yes/No)?" crlf)
    (assert (battery reads(read))))

(defrule r29
    (battery reads yes)
    (printout t "Check if there is any corrosive terminals (yes/no)?" crlf)
    (assert (corrosive terminals(read))))

(defrule r30
    (corrosive terminals yes)
    (printout t "Clean terminals and retry." crlf))

(defrule r31
    (corrosive terminals no)
    (printout t "Check terminals are connected properly and retry." crlf))

(defrule r32
    (battery reads no)
    (printout t "Change battery." crlf))

从我的系统的 assignment1.clp 文件加载此规则后,它显示了这个。解决方案是什么?这是我的第一个任务,我找不到解决这个问题的可能性。我犯了什么错误请帮我解决这个问题

             CLIPS (6.30 3/17/15)
    CLIPS> (load "C:/Users/Archana/Desktop/AI/AI assignment 1.CLP")
    Defining defrule: r1 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r2 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r3 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r4 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r5 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r6 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r7 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r8 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r9 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r10 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r11 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r12 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r13 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r14 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r15 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r16 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r17 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r18 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r19 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r20 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r21 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r22 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r23 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r24 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r25 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r26 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r27 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r28 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r29 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r30 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r31 +j+j
    Defining defrule: r32 +j+j

    [CSTRCPSR1] Expected the beginning of a construct.

由于您文件中的最后一条规则 r32 加载时没有错误,可能是该规则之后的某些内容导致了问题。它可能是一个不可见的字符,因此您可以尝试删除文件底部的任何多余行。另见 CLIPS "Expected the beginning of a construct", CLIPS Expected beginning of construct, and