如何使用 Anorm 格式化 DateTime?

how can I format DateTime using Anorm?

我从 mysql 得到 "time" 并需要将其渲染为 fe,但我得到时间戳形式的 "time" 我希望它显示为 yyyy-MM -dd HH:mm:ss,在服务端代码中如何实现如下?

object JDItem {

  val jditem = {
    get[Long]("id") ~
    get[String]("name") ~
    get[String]("url") ~
    get[Double]("price") ~
    get[Int]("commentnum") ~
    get[Int]("likerate") ~
    get[DateTime]("time") ~
    get[String]("category") map {
      case id ~ name ~ url ~price~
        commentnum~likerate~time~category => JDItem(id,name,url,price,

  implicit val JDItemWrites: Writes[JDItem] = (
    (JsPath \ "id").write[Long] and
      (JsPath \ "name").write[String] and
      (JsPath \ "url").write[String] and
      (JsPath \ "price").write[Double] and
      (JsPath \ "commentnum").write[Int] and
      (JsPath \ "likerate").write[Int] and
      (JsPath \ "time").write[DateTime] and
      (JsPath \ "category").write[String]

  def getJson(category:String,sort:String,DescOrAsc:String):JsObject = DB.withConnection{ implicit c =>
    val list = SQL("select id,name,url,price,commentnum,likerate,time,category from "+category+" order by "+sort+" "+DescOrAsc+" limit 100").as(jditem *)
    val json:JsValue = Json.toJson(list)
    val jsobject = Json.obj("total"-> list.length,"rows"-> json)


从 Anorm 2.3.8 版本开始,结果解析器支持 Joda 和 Java8 时间类型;参见 Anorm columnget[DateTime]