liferay 生成的数据库名称是什么?
What name of generated database by liferay?
Liferay通过service.xml生成数据库的表在哪里?我在我的 Postgres 中没有看到它。有这么多表,我试图找到它,但没有找到。任何人都可以帮助我,谢谢
除非您在 service.xml 中声明的实体中明确指定 table 名称,否则 table 名称由命名空间和实体名称构成。
<service-builder package-path="">
<entity name="Guestbook" local-service="true" uuid="true">
将生成 GB_Guestbook
作为 table 名称。
The namespace element must be a unique namespace for this component.
Table names will be prepended with this namespace. Generated JSON
JavaScript will be scoped to this namespace as well (i.e.,
Liferay.Service.Test.* if the namespace is Test).
Child of service-builder
An entity usually represents a business facade and a table in the
database. If an entity does not have any columns, then it only
represents a business facade. The Service Builder will always generate
an empty business facade POJO if it does not exist. Upon subsequent
generations, the Service Builder will check to see if the business
facade already exists. If it exists and has additional methods, then
the Service Builder will also update the SOAP wrappers.
If an entity does have columns, then the value object, the POJO class
that is mapped to the database, and other persistence utilities are
also generated based on the order and finder elements.
(您会在该文档中找到更多提示,例如明确的 table 名称)
- 如果您声明实体存储在外部(非 Liferay)数据源中,则不会创建 table。
- 此外,某些版本的 Liferay 会在部署新插件版本时自动更新数据库结构(具有更新的持久层),而其他版本则不会自动执行此操作(无论如何这是开发人员的功能,不利于大型 -生产 - 数据量)
Liferay通过service.xml生成数据库的表在哪里?我在我的 Postgres 中没有看到它。有这么多表,我试图找到它,但没有找到。任何人都可以帮助我,谢谢
除非您在 service.xml 中声明的实体中明确指定 table 名称,否则 table 名称由命名空间和实体名称构成。
<service-builder package-path="">
<entity name="Guestbook" local-service="true" uuid="true">
将生成 GB_Guestbook
作为 table 名称。
The namespace element must be a unique namespace for this component. Table names will be prepended with this namespace. Generated JSON JavaScript will be scoped to this namespace as well (i.e., Liferay.Service.Test.* if the namespace is Test).
Child of service-builderAn entity usually represents a business facade and a table in the database. If an entity does not have any columns, then it only represents a business facade. The Service Builder will always generate an empty business facade POJO if it does not exist. Upon subsequent generations, the Service Builder will check to see if the business facade already exists. If it exists and has additional methods, then the Service Builder will also update the SOAP wrappers.
If an entity does have columns, then the value object, the POJO class that is mapped to the database, and other persistence utilities are also generated based on the order and finder elements.
(您会在该文档中找到更多提示,例如明确的 table 名称)
- 如果您声明实体存储在外部(非 Liferay)数据源中,则不会创建 table。
- 此外,某些版本的 Liferay 会在部署新插件版本时自动更新数据库结构(具有更新的持久层),而其他版本则不会自动执行此操作(无论如何这是开发人员的功能,不利于大型 -生产 - 数据量)