TypeError: Cannot read property 'change' of undefined

TypeError: Cannot read property 'change' of undefined

为什么下面的代码会出现这个错误?我已经从 'react-testing-library' 导入了 'Simulate',但错误指出 'Simulate' 是 'undefined'

import React from 'react';
import { render, Simulate } from 'react-testing-library';
import CommentFeed from './CommentFeed';

const createProps = props => ({
header: 'Comment Feed',
comments: [
      author: 'Ian Wilson',
      text: 'A boats a boat but a mystery box could be anything.',
     author: 'Max Powers Jr',
     text: 'Krypton sucks.',
  createComment: jest.fn(),

describe('CommentFeed', () => {
  const props = { header : 'Comment Feed', comments : []};

  /* ... */

  it('allows the user to add a comment', () => {
    // Arrange
    const newComment = { author: 'Socrates', text: 'Why?' };
    let props = createProps();
    const { container, getByLabelText } = render(<CommentFeed {...props} />);

    const authorNode = getByLabelText('Author');
    const textNode = getByLabelText('Comment');
    const formNode = container.querySelector('form');

   // Act
    authorNode.value = newComment.author;
    textNode.value = newComment.text;

    Simulate.change(authorNode); // Where the error occurs


    // Assert

我正在搜索此问题,但找不到有关 'Simulate' 行为的任何信息

尝试过 var test = new Simulate(); ?


Simulate 已从 react-testing-library 中删除。今天需要用到的是fireEvent.


import { fireEvent } from 'react-testing-library'

// Then in your test

fireEvent.change(authorNode, { target: { value: newComment.author } })

您可以在 official docs 中阅读有关 fireEvent 的更多信息。