R维恩图错误 - 三重维恩图

R Venn Diagram error - triple venn diagram


与 draw.triple.venn 图函数的 Rdocumentation 中编写的代码相比,我无法弄清楚我的代码(下面)有什么问题 - 我认为代码很好 (https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/VennDiagram/versions/1.6.20/topics/draw.triple.venn) .


body(draw.triple.venn)[[78]] <- substitute(cell.labels <- paste0(areas," : ", round( 100*areas/sum(areas), 1), "%"))
# this line of code adds %s to each of the cells in the Venn Diagram

g <- draw.triple.venn(
    area1 = 2951, 
    area2 = 2764, 
    area3 = 2764,
    n12 = 719, 
    n23 = 807, 
    n13 = 1034, 
    n123 = 325,
    category = c("Mental Health", "Community", "Social Care"),
    fill = c("blue", "red", "green"), 
    cat.col = c("blue", "red", "green"), 
    lty = "blank",
    euler.d = TRUE, 
    scaled = TRUE, 
    cex = 2, 
    cat.cex = 2);

grid.arrange(gTree(children = g), main = "Breakdown of WSIC Service Users", sub = "By table")


Error in if (max.x - min.x >= max.y - min.y) { : 
 missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In sqrt(r1^2 - (l.x.cept.13 - x.centres[1])^2) : NaNs produced
2: In sqrt(r1^2 - (l.x.cept.13 - x.centres[1])^2) : NaNs produced


已报告此问题 here 的错误。我试图重现这个例子,但我得到了同样的错误。如果你愿意尝试我的 nVennR 库,你可以得到这样的图表:

myV <- createVennObj(nSets = 3, sNames = c("Mental Health", "Community", "Social Care"), sSizes = c(0, 598, 913, 807, 873, 1034, 719, 325))
myV <- plotVenn(nVennObj = myV, borderWidth = 2, setColors = c('blue', 'red', 'green'))

结果是一个 SVG 文件:

有一些可视化参数,如您在vignette中所见。在那里,您还可以找到 sSizes 中数字的基本原理。 还有其他数据输入模式。最简单的方法是提供包含每组元素的列表列表(您可以在插图开头看到一个示例)。该包会为您计算图中所有区域,然后您可以查询属于每个区域的元素。