在 NetLogo 中,如何跟踪海龟到达世界边界后的坐标?

How to keep track of the coordinates of the turtles after they hit the boundaries of the world in NetLogo?

我正在模拟有界天使内的随机游走,我想在我的模型中计算二维海龟的 mean squared displacement。海龟都从中心开始。我不确定如何在海龟到达边界后更新它们的 xy 坐标。我要求海龟在撞墙时反弹并保存新的 xcor 和 ycor。这是我的代码:

to go
  ask turtles
  [; head in a random direction in range (-theta, +theta)
   ifelse theta = 0 
     [set heading heading + 0 ]
   ; choose a normally distributed random angel in range (-theta, +theta)
     [set heading heading +  random-normal 0 (theta)]

    fd step-size 
    set xc xc + (step-size * dx)
    set yc yc + (step-size * dy)

   ; if your next patch is blocked:
    ifelse not can-move? 1
    [ set heading heading + 180
      fd 1 ]

    [rt random-float random-normal 0 (theta)]
   set xcor xc
   set ycor yc
   set dist sqrt (xc * xc + yc * yc)]

我收到错误消息: “无法将乌龟移出世界边缘。 turtle 423 运行 SET 时出错 由程序 GO 调用 由按钮 'go' 调用。知道为什么吗?

您禁用了 grid-wrap,您的 xcor/ycor 个特工正在通过 max-pxcor/min-pxcor 和 max-pycor/min-pycor