Exchange 网络服务 (EWS):为存储在 public 文件夹日历中的会议发送 "meeting invitations"

Exchange web services (EWS): Send "meeting invitations" for meetings stored in a public folder calendar

已经在 Whosebug (Appointment.Save and Appointment.Update always set IsMeeting to true) 上讨论过,EWS 对在 public 文件夹中创建新日历项目/会议时无法自动发送会议邀请有限制。



在 msdn 上,他们有一个创建和发送邀请的示例

msdn link

但这不适用于 public 个文件夹:

"The reason it shouldn't work is because public folders don't publish free/busy information. You cannot invite a public folder to a meeting nor can you see if a public folder is available."